Of course, Sakura Manji is also a boy who looks like Luo Yuan.

  Sakura Manji fell in love with Yuqi at first sight, and after meeting her, she pursued her frantically, and Yuqi also agreed to meet him.

  With the familiarity of the two, Yu Qi also learned what kind of person Sakura Manji is.

  He is gentle and kind, and even a little humble and cowardly.

  This is also the reason why he lives alone all year round. His family is engaged in medical research. In order to create a good future for him, his parents focus on career and research.

  Therefore, Ying Manji, who lacked parental care since childhood, not only did not become domineering because of a good life, but was very inferior.

  Yu Qi continued to encourage and comfort him, and Ying Manji also became confident and brave under the influence of love.

  He skipped class to take her to play electric games, took her to the amusement park to play the claw machine, and took her to eat all kinds of delicious snacks.

  Yu Qi was a little embarrassed to find that in the process of getting along with Ying Manji, she also fell in love with him unconsciously.

  Don't you love Ya?

  I came to avenge him!

  Before he got caught up in it, Yuuki proposed to Sakura Manji that he wanted to visit his secret research institute.

  Sakura Manji, who is immersed in beautiful love, is very obedient to lovers. He quietly stole the permission card of his parents and took Yuqi to visit.

  Then Yu Qi took the opportunity to stun Sakura Manji, and then through the skills he learned from Chi Shen Ya, he wiped out the top secrets of the Sakura Man family.

  When Yuqi handed over the secret information to Ya, Ya scolded her for secretly doing such a dangerous thing. He would rather not take revenge for the rest of his life than want her to have an accident.

  Yu Qi was satisfied and felt that it was worth it.

  It's just that while she helped Ya, she was full of guilt for Ji.

  Because Ji loves her so much and trusts her so much, that's why she got these materials.

  Finally, with those materials, the Yingman family was also pushed to the forefront.

  In the turbulent Yingman family, Yingmanji found Yuqi, but when he faced Yuqi, he did not blame her at all, and still loved her as always.

  Feeling Sakura Manji's love, Yu Qi feels extremely guilty, so she plans to run away with him.

  Just as they eloped, Tsukigami catches up, and Uruki begins to waver in the face of the two people she loves the most.

  At this moment, Sakura Manji also knew that it was the God of Chigger who made his family so miserable.

  The two quickly got into a fight.

  Just as the two were about to decide the outcome, another group of men in black appeared and planned to kill them.

  Tsukigami and Sakura Manji died one after another in order to protect their lover.

  When she saw her lover die, the dejected Yu Qi found that the men in black came to her and knelt down on one knee, with a very respectful attitude, and at the same time shouted: "Miss."

  The death of her lover and the stimulation of this title gave Yu Qi a splitting headache, and with the influx of fragmented information, she finally regained her memory.

  It turned out that her name was not Yu Qi, her original name was Arisa, the eldest lady of the worship family, and the only heir of the worship family.

  Arisa, who has been very talented in business since childhood, was secretly sent by her parents to study abroad.

  The matter of the Chishen family was also done by her parents before, and she also successfully put the blame on the Yingman family.

  After the accident of the Tsugami family, she returned to China and planned to disintegrate the Yingman family, so that the Enshrine family would become the only big family in the Neon Kingdom.

  After learning the information about Yingmanji, she also wanted to use Yingmanji to disintegrate the Yingman family by means of a beauty trick.

  With beauty and wisdom coexisting, she is very confident.

  It was only on the first day of returning home that she quietly went to the Yingman family on her way. She was racing too fast and got into a car accident and was seriously injured on the verge of death.

  Fortunately, Yingmanji's parents happened to pass by there, so they rescued her and took her to the secret research institute of Yingman's family to use the latest research results for treatment.

  It's just that although she was rescued from being too badly injured, she also lost her memory.

  Now she has finally recovered her memory, and has successfully made the Enshrine Family the only big family in the Neon Country.

  But this is not what she wants now. Thinking back on her past actions and her relationship with her two lovers, Yu Qi, who was unacceptable for a while, no, it should be that Arisa of the enshrined temple collapsed immediately, and Suicide followed.


  The two Ya Honjo, who woke up with tears in their eyes, kept crying.

  "...It's too miserable, it's too bloody, how can it be like this...Uuuu..."

  "How is it? It fits the second dimension in your heart, right?"

  The humanoid light group is no longer speaking in a tone of voice, and at the same time there is a deep malice that cannot be hidden.

  "Wow... This, this is not two-dimensional, I just want an ordinary love, don't be so vigorous."

  Honjo Erya sat up and looked at the humanoid light group with tears in her eyes.

  "Very good, then continue after dinner!"

  So Benjo Erya quickly went to wash up, and then ate the sumptuous food prepared by the light group for her.

  With another light and shadow change in front of him, Honjo Erya came to a new world again.

  "It's winter season again..."

  Looking at the snow in the sky, Benjo Erya couldn't help but say such a sentence, and then a new memory replaced her original memory...

  "You should like this world!"

  Luo Yuan, who returned to his original face, looked at the sleepy Honjo Erya with a wicked smile.

  He remembered that it was a very famous game and animation.

  It seems to be a super healing youth love story.

  Well, it can be seen from the falling asleep Benjo Erya who burst into tears from time to time, she must be too moved.

  Finally, the one-day journey through another world came to an end, and one day under the control of Luo Yuan was enough for this second sub-ya to experience a complete plot.

  Looking at the girl who had regained consciousness but her eyes were a little dull, Luo Yuan unconsciously asked her how she felt.

  "How about it?"


  This article Erya murmured.

  "What pain? Where is the pain?"

  Benjo Erya finally sat up, feeling extremely aggrieved.


Chapter 63 Now that we know each other

  "Why did it become like this... The first time I traveled to the two-dimensional world, and the first time I talked about a sweet love with a two-dimensional character.

  These two happy things are intertwined, and these two happiness will bring me more happiness, I should have gotten this dreamlike happy time. "

  Benjo Erya's eyes were a little numb, as if he had been blocked by a demon in the dream just now.

  "But, why did it become like this..."

  Listening to her white scholar's stalk, Luo Yuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at her, and couldn't help but make a vicious threat.

  "What? Do you still want to continue the two-dimensional journey?"


  The second sub-sub-Benjo jumped up like a conditioned reflex, and then he seemed to be really enlightened, and he nodded and smiled in a pleasing manner.

  "I, I think it's better to look at the second dimension or something... Hehe, just look at it..."

  It seems that the meeting ceremony of these three dreams is not bad. Luo Yuan can't help pinching his chin and looking at Benjo Erya. If she really wants to continue, she doesn't mind letting her continue to experience those stomach and egg pains. 's dream.

  Originally, in the original plot, Erya's character was not that kind of stubborn person. In addition to being often dirty, she was very knowledgeable about current affairs.

  "Go wash up, I'll get you something to eat."

  For three days, Benjo Erya only eats one meal a day, which is not harmful to her elf body. In addition, she slept for three days, and her consumption is also low.

  And after three days of complete rest, her dark circles have also faded a lot, but there is a side effect of too much sleep.


  When Benjo Erya heard Luo Yuan's words, she quickly dragged her limp body to wash up.

  "By the way, who are you?"

  After eating a hearty meal again, Honjo Erya finally had time to chat with the humanoid light group.

  During the meal, she has gradually come to the aftertaste, she has always been wearing that pajamas, and the experience of the previous three worlds is obviously a dream or something.

  It's just that this guy has some special abilities, which makes him feel very immersive.

  Anyway, the "speaking words" that she could use was ineffective for her, and he would have done it long ago if he really wanted to do anything to him during those days when he was in a coma.

  Benjo Erya went to the bathroom to wash not only for washing, she also checked her physical condition by the way, and found that there was nothing unusual.

  So for this guy who doesn't have any ill will towards him, but also deliberately enlightens him, Honjo Erya is no longer afraid of it, but also full of curiosity about it.

  "Who am I..."

  The humanoid light group gradually dimmed as it made a sound, and soon Luo Yuan appeared in front of Benjo Erya with a faint smile on his face.

  "Ah--! Aw--!"

  Benjo Erya's eyes suddenly widened, as if seeing something incredible, she stammered.

  "You, you, are you tsunami or Ying Manji, or are you..."

  "It's all me, or it's not me."

  Luo Yuan smiled and interrupted Benjo Erya's surprised words. Although the three male protagonists in the two worlds all look like Luo Yuan, they are not Luo Yuan himself, but only his performance in a certain aspect.

  Chi Shen Ya represents Luo Yuan's domineering power.

  Sakura Manji represents his gentle side.

  And the hero of a stomachache photo album is his sweetheart.

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