Still wearing a pure white dress that matched her personality, Mio smiled and jumped, just like when she saw the sea for the first time yesterday.


  Luo Yuan's heart moved, and he looked at Mio subconsciously, with a cheerful smile on her face, she was still happy and sweet.

  But he finally felt something was wrong with Mio. She didn't seem to want to be in contact with other girls?

  If you are jealous, you should show it, right?But there was no unpleasant feeling on her face.

  He even used this inadvertent action to stop himself, what was going on?


  Luo Yuan felt that he needed to observe more, so he ran along with Mio.

  "I hate Ernie-chan!"

  Seeing her brother treat her like this, Zhenna stomped her feet and felt even more aggrieved.


  Today they went to play for another day, and Luo Yuan finally understood what was wrong with Mio.

  During the game, he inadvertently wanted to make intimate gestures such as holding his sister's hand several times, but Mio would subconsciously block it.

  But Mio's behavior didn't look like pure jealousy, as if he had a monopoly on him, that is, he was only allowed to be intimate with her, and not allowed to have intimacy with other girls.

  Even if he showed the intimacy of his brother to his sister to Mana!

  Such a move made him seem to see the real name of Sakuraman, but Mio's performance was different.

  This made him feel quite strange, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

  Because he couldn't use the same method as he did with his real name, Mio is now obedient to him, very well-behaved, and blocking him is very natural, so that he can't find a reason to refute.

  With this strange mood, Luo Yuan prepared dinner, and Mio and Mana also sat down at the table to prepare for dinner.

  Luo Yuan gave the two girls the two drumsticks from the chicken he made tonight.

  When he clipped it to Mio, Mio thanked him with a smile, and when he clipped it to his sister Mana, Mio suddenly stretched out his chopsticks and slapped off Luo Yuan's chicken leg.

  "Mio, how are you..."

  Luo Yuan and Mana were both stunned and then looked at Mio blankly.

  "Ah, sorry Yuan, I wasn't careful..."

  Mio suddenly said at a loss, her face was obviously full of guilt, and Luo Yuan could also feel that Mio didn't mean it.

  "It's okay, Mio, let's eat!"

  Luo Yuan smiled and shook his head to comfort her, then put the chicken legs that fell on the table back into his bowl to eat.

  Luo Yuan pretended to be nothing on the surface, but he was a little worried in his heart. When Mio knocked off his clip to Mana's drumstick just now, he was keenly aware of that strange light flashing in Mio's eyes.

  "What happened to Mio?"

  He felt that the change in Mio should have something to do with him, but he didn't know what was going on.

  And sister Mana is also a smart person, and some of Mio's unusual behavior today also made her aware that something was wrong.

  She looked at Luo Yuan worriedly, and Luo Yuan gave her a reassuring look, indicating that her brother was there.

  Next, when Mio looked at Luo Yuan from time to time, he also gave her a warm smile, which made Mio also relax.

  When he was sitting on the sofa watching TV after dinner, Mio also stuck with him as in the morning, and Luo Yuan also hugged her affectionately according to her behavior.

  Mana wasn't so jealous at this time, knowing that something was wrong with Mio, she could only see how her brother handled it.

  Naturally, Luo Yuan and Mio slept together at night.

  "Mio, have you felt any discomfort in your body recently?"

  After an intimate exchange, Luo Yuan pretended to ask casually while stroking the girl's long silver hair.

  ", Yuan!"

  Mio thought it over seriously, then puffed up her face, shook her head, and looked at him with puzzled eyes.

  "It's nothing, it's fine..."

  Luo Yuan smiled and kissed her forehead.

  "……Let's sleep!"


  Some tired girls closed their eyes obediently and soon fell asleep.

  Looking at Mio who was breathing evenly and sleeping soundly, Luo Yuan felt that it was necessary to take the risk of using his consciousness to check her condition.

  If there is something wrong with Mio's body, he will find a way to solve it.

  Just as Luo Yuan slightly loosened the suppression of his own strength, he cautiously poked out a ray of divine consciousness towards Mio.

  A strong aura suddenly erupted from Mio, who was sleeping soundly.

Chapter 34 Mio's painting style changes

  Luo Yuan knew something was wrong, and immediately withdrew his divine sense, repressing his strength to the human level.

  At the same time, he closed his eyes and breathed evenly, pretending to touch Mio inadvertently in his sleep.

  With his psychological quality, he naturally does not feel nervous and guilty.


  Mio's body resisted instinctively when she was probed by her consciousness. She also woke up immediately, looked at Luo Yuan subconsciously, and found that he was breathing evenly as if he didn't know anything.

  Mio suddenly looked around with some doubts, but she didn't notice anything unusual. Just now, she also felt something unusual in her body before she was awakened.

  At this time, she was still sleeping in her lover's arms. When she was awake, Mio's love for Luo Yuan temporarily overwhelmed some kind of instinct. She didn't realize that something was wrong, she smiled and continued to lean on her lover's arms and fell asleep again...



  Luo Yuan sat in the classroom and sighed faintly while looking at the teacher who was teaching the class.

  He really didn't know how to deal with Mio's situation. He couldn't reveal his strength yet, otherwise it would lead to serious consequences.

  That slight temptation last night had caused Mio's body to be alert to the hidden energy.

  If Mio hadn't mastered his own abilities, he might have suspected that something was wrong with him.

  But just as a human, he couldn't understand Mio's condition at all.

  Moreover, Mio is really obedient to himself under normal circumstances, obedient and cute, and clinging to him too much.

  It took a long time to coax me to come to school today before Mio agreed to leave the house by herself.

  "Jingle Bell--"

  It was finally time for lunch.

  Luo Yuan lazily took out the bento, so he could only watch it first, maybe Mio would return to normal later.

  At home, he deliberately kept a distance from Zhenna, and only found an opportunity to comfort her on the way to school.

  "I said student Luo Yuan..."

  Wuhe Longxiong, who was sitting in front of the seat, turned his body and put his lunch on the Luo Yuan table.

  To say that in this world and Luo Yuan can be regarded as friends, it is the father of the future Wuhe Qinli.

  "You've been sighing and sighing all morning, have you encountered any troubles?"


  Luo Yuan didn't expect his abnormal behavior to be noticed by this friend, and immediately shook his head with a funny smile.

  "No, no, what can I be bothered about!"

  He was a little helpless about Mio's affairs, and this ordinary friend couldn't count on it.

  "Could it be an emotional issue?"

  Wuhe Ryuxiong pushed his glasses with a sly smile on his face.

  "Say it out and listen, maybe I can give you some advice."

  He said to Luo Yuan in a familiar tone, it seems that this guy and Wuhe Qinli's future mother, Haruka Suicun, are progressing very quickly, I don't know if there is anything like that.

  "It's okay, you think too much!"

  Luo Yuan was very angry and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

  "That, student Luo Yuan... May I have lunch together?"

  Suddenly, a girl with glasses and short hair came over and said in a slightly cramped tone.

  This is the class leader and classmate of Yo Luo Yuan who was watching a movie mentioned by Wuhe Ryuxiong some time ago.

  Speaking of which, the squad leader who exists as a supporting role in the anime, why are all short-haired glasses girls who are not cute?

  Luo Yuan seemed to feel the deep malice from the anime world.

  "Please feel free!"

  Luo Yuan smiled lightly.

  "Thank you! I, I made a new bento on purpose. I don't know how it tastes. Please try it..."

  As soon as the class leader sat down, he opened the lunch box and pushed it in front of Luo Yuan and Wuhe Longxiong.

  Wuhe Longxiong glanced at the obviously carefully prepared bento, and then winked at Luo Yuan for a while.


  Luo Yuan was speechless about this stuff.

  In the current timeline, Luo Yuan came to the school to study just to maintain his current identity.

  So when he was in school, his positioning of himself was high and cold, and then his mind was on the so-called learning.

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