The other three girls looked at them with strange expressions.

  Although I'm still a little jealous, what I want to see more is how the bastard Luo Yuan will deal with it.

  "That..." Luo Yuan looked at Hecate with some embarrassment. She still had a cute expression and didn't speak. He turned his head to look at Shana again, with a threat in the girl's eyes.

  "How two sit together?"


  Just as the other three girls were holding back their laughter, Shana finally let go of his hand generously.

  "Hmph, I'll keep looking at you two without blinking."

  Wouldn't it be sore if you didn't blink your eyes for so long?

  Luo Yuan, the bastard, complained in his heart, and hugged Hecate in his arms while sitting on the Ferris wheel.

Chapter 135 The plan is about to start

  "Will it be..."

  Hecate had no resistance to the guy who had just kissed her, but she was still a little nervous when he was hugged by so many people watching.

  "No one will see it!"

  As soon as Luo Yuan entered the hanging box, he set up an illusion. Unless they came in to check, they could only see him and Hecate, sitting in a proper manner and looking out the window.

  And now the Ferris wheel has begun to turn, and they all sit in the hanging box. Without obvious evidence, Shana will not be impulsive.

  So, Luo Yuan, this scumbag, has calculated everything.

  "Like it?"

  Holding this three-none girl in his arms, Luo Yuan lightly sniffed the fresh body fragrance on her body.


  This kind of heartfelt feeling cannot deceive others, and Hecate nodded obediently.

  That intersection had a profound impact on the two of them. In addition to the intimate entanglement of consciousness, there was also the sharing of memories.

  Therefore, the two will unconsciously feel close, and even feel very satisfied and reassured that they are together like now.

  The two of them have very little time alone these days, and Shana has been watching them vigilantly, so Hecate feels aggrieved, and often stares at Luo Yuan with her ethereal eyes, which puts a lot of pressure on him.

  On the one hand, I came out to play to appease her, and on the other hand, I wanted to give her some special memories.

  "Then let's continue..." Luo Yuan felt pity for Hecate, who was usually unremarkable in the original plot, but was very violent once he made a move, but now he looks unbelievably well-behaved in his arms. Also a little more funny.

  In addition to being in this environment now, there is a sense of excitement under the eyes of the public.

  "This time we have a special ice cream..."

  Hecate clearly understood, seeing Luo Yuan's face approaching with a wicked smile, she only had time to close her eyes blushing.

  "You're a badass idiot..."

  The Ferris wheel spins slowly~slowly.

  "Huh? Why so long!"

  Sitting in the hanging box in front of Luo Yuan and the others, Shana frowned. It is not that she has never been to the playground before, and there has never been a Ferris wheel for so long!

  In the past two years, Luo Yuan has been playing with her to clear the Red World Apostles all the way.

  Her hazy feelings for Luo Yuan gradually became clear and even deeply immersed in it, and such a warm and romantic play show has also made great contributions.

  From her experience in this area, it is clear that there is a problem.

  After all, it's been over half an hour!

  If the Ferris wheel has been spinning for so long, the merchants have to lose money?

  Shana looked at the hanging box behind her again. Sure enough, Luo Yuan and Konwei Shi Cai were still quietly looking out the window. Although they both had smiles on their faces, there was nothing unusual.

  "Little Nancy..." Shana touched Lian Nancy, who was sitting happily beside her. Don't you all fly around a lot? Is it so much fun to ride on a Ferris wheel?

  "Why?" Lian Nanxi was looking out the window with great interest. She rarely came to the playground to play. She was very happy that Luo Yuan insisted on letting her experience this kind of life, but she couldn't hear this beside her. When the fifteen-year-old girl called her, she immediately pouted in dissatisfaction: "I'm older than you."

  "Hmph, did you find something wrong?" Shana ignored her protest directly. It should be said that among the girls related to Luo Yuan, she likes to play with Lian Nanxi the most, because this is the only one who is not only taller than her, Even the girls who didn't develop as well as her.

  Anyway, I can still see the characteristics of a girl, Lian Nancy is the standard flat figure.

  "No!" Little Lolita responded indignantly, but she was clear about Shana's occasional sense of superiority.

  That's why she wouldn't tell the vinegar jar that the hanging box behind her had some kind of unknown energy fluctuations. With her familiarity with the power of existence, she was very sensitive to this kind of alien energy.

  As for why Luo Yuan, the bastard, came up with such a thing, she could guess that the two of them must be doing strange things in it.

  "What a foolish bastard!"

  The Ferris wheel spins for another half an hour.

  When it was finally their turn to come down, a Ferris wheel took more than an hour.

  Shana is so angry that this machine is broken, right?

  But neither the people in line nor the manager responded.

  Seeing that Luo Yuan and Konoe Shicai both had subtle expressions, Shana decisively decided that the next itinerary would be decided by her.

  She pointed blankly at the roller coaster that swept through the sky full of exclamations.

  "Next, let's play that!"

  Konwei Shi Cai, who thought he would be frightened, looked at Luo Yuan, and was also amused in his heart.


  Today, it is destined that Shana, the "principal palace", will be bullied...

  One evening in August, in a corner of a park, Hecate was standing quietly under a big tree full of sunset rays.

  A bird on the top of the tree chirped and flew to her palm and looked at her, without the vigilance that birds should have towards humans.

  The girl also stared blankly at it, her heart full of joy.

  Birds are attracted by her etherealness, and she yearns for their freedom.

  "Can you revive him already?"

  Not far away, Luo Yuan looked at the gentle smile on Hecate, who was living in harmony with the birds, and was also talking to the pink-haired girl beside him.

  "Well!" Lian Nanxi pouted a little reluctantly.

  Because once John can be resurrected, then their plan will start, and she will also leave Luo Yuan and Hecate to go to the masquerade.

  "Don't worry, I won't be away for too long." Luo Yuan rubbed her head amusingly and walked towards the girl under the tree.

  "Hehehe...Luo Yuan!" Heikati smiled and signaled to Luo Yuan that the bird was close to her, and the bird was still not afraid when Luo Yuan approached.

  "Let's go, let's go home!" Luo Yuan took her little hand and walked back. Now they all sneaked out while Shana and Heijing were training. The reason why they brought Lian Nanxi with them was an excuse on the one hand. Let Lian Nanxi observe Konoe Shicai in order to detect the abnormality that Shana didn't see.

  "Oh...bye!" Seemingly aware of something, Hecate waved solemnly to the bird that flew back to the treetops.

  "We will see you again!" Luo Yuan smiled at her sideways.

  "Huh..." And Hecate also tilted his head and looked at Luo Yuan suspiciously, how could he know what he was worried about.

  As the "Great Mistress" of the snake sacrificed by the "God of Creation", if her return this time goes well, she will die, and it will be a long time before she will be resurrected again.

Chapter 136 The most special memory

  "Are you ready?"

  In the hall shrouded in the golden seal, Luo Yuan and the other six people plus the figure-shaped "God of Punishment" Alastair were separated around, leaving a large space in the middle.

  Opposite Luo Yuan are the dignified Lian Nancy and the excited Felice.

  Shana and Hecate, who was unable to move under the influence of the ban, stood on one side, and Willemina and Hirai Margin stood on the other side. They were all looking forward to what was going to happen with great interest.

  "Okay!" Lian Nanxi nodded and took out what looked like a green crystal. This is her unique free-style condensation. When necessary, you only need to throw the crystal out, and the free-style will start to run freely. method, convenient and direct.

  "Then... let's start!" Luo Yuan said with a smile, and at the same time his right hand reached into his body, and directly put John "Poké Ball", one of the "promised two people" banned in the Noble Phantasm "Zero Mizi" Take it out and smash it on the ground.

  The sphere ruptured, and the people banned inside also grew larger and returned to their original appearance.


  Lian Nanxi glanced at Luo Yuan, only she understood the two meanings contained in his words, but now is not the time to think about it, she threw the freestyle into the air with a wave of her small hand, using her freestyle method to achieve attainments , No need for extra words to start the freestyle, just one word will drive the freestyle.

  "call out!"

  The crystallization turned into a little light and suddenly got into John's body.

  "Huh... this is it?" John, who had just woken up, was still a little stunned, and suddenly felt that he was implanted in the body, but he still couldn't react.

  "John!" Ferris jumped into her lover's arms and looked at his face carefully.

  "Do you think there's anything special about it?"

  "Special?" John sensed his whole body. As a "Mistis", he was also a genius freedom teacher, and he was also quite sensitive to the freedom method, but he sensed it but didn't find anything special, but saw the lover's eagerness. His expression was still slightly frowned: "Except for the fact that my physical condition has improved a lot, I don't feel any difference."

  "How could it be..." Ferris was suddenly startled and looked at Luo Yuan subconsciously. Didn't he agree to let John get away from "Mistis" and become a definite existence?

  "What are you doing, try Kiss?" Luo Yuan couldn't help but look weird, glanced at the expressionless Lian Nanxi, and suddenly remembered the scene at the end of the original plot about the recovery of Itai Yuji.

  "This is..." Ferris suddenly kissed her lover, and suddenly John's body suddenly shone with light, and his body suddenly solidified, as if a person who only existed in fantasy suddenly came to reality.

  It really is the "Granmatica" of the free method!

  Luo Yuan smiled, this kind of freedom that requires love to make the law of freedom take effect is really interesting, and he couldn't help but look at Lian Nancy on the opposite side again.

  The little loli naughty made a face at him sticking out her tongue.

  "I'm no longer 'Mistis', Ferris!" John also felt the difference in himself, with a look of surprise on his face.

  "Yeah!" Felice was so excited that she burst into tears and hugged her lover tightly.

  "Thank you, thank you!"

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