"You don't have to worry about safety, I will always be by your side to protect you." Luo Yuan gently helped her straighten her messy skirt.

  "I don't believe it, how could you be by my side all the time?" Lian Nanxi suddenly turned around and stared at him.

  "The masquerade will definitely not do anything to you." Luo Yuan smiled and shook his head without excuse, then his expression became serious: "Of course, if they dare to hurt you, I will definitely kill them."

  "Humph!" Lian Nanxi curled her lips: "Heikati, would you be willing?"

  "Haha..." Luo Yuan suddenly showed an embarrassed smile, not knowing how to answer.


  Suddenly, two screams sounded at the same time with the sound of shattering porcelain.

  "Xana!" Luo Yuan hurriedly put down Lian Nanxi and moved to the side of the kitchen in a teleport.

  When Luo Yuan walked to the door of the kitchen, he saw fragments of dishes and two people soaking wet...

Chapter 132 The Punishment Is Finally Over

  "I said, are you two washing dishes or taking a shower?"

  Luo Yuan was speechless. Sure enough, these two girls were idiots with zero housework ability.

  "Luo Yuan... hurry up and think of a way!"

  Shana was bewilderedly pressing the dishwasher, the dishwasher was spouting water, and in front of Hecate was the shattered dishes.

  "Are you okay, the two of you?" Luo Yuan hurriedly stepped forward and turned off the dishwasher, but he couldn't help laughing when he saw them like this.

  "How could it be like this?"

  "This is..." The other people in the family just arrived at this time, and they were stunned when they saw the messy kitchen.

  "I'm sorry, this is the first time I've done this kind of thing...hehehe..." Hecate was soaked wet, she didn't care, she just said it embarrassedly, seeing the embarrassment of herself and Shana. Couldn't help laughing.

  "Ugh... I can't beat Shana in terms of housework!"

  "It's not..." Shana was about to throw the blame, when she suddenly saw Luo Yuan's smirk, she was even more angry, she couldn't help but slapped him with a small fist in shame: "...It's all your fault!"

  "Idiot, change your wet clothes quickly, Xiaoyuan, help classmate Konwei change clothes." Luo Yuan picked her up in a funny way and walked to the room, while looking at the beautiful maid: "Will Amy Na will leave it to you here."

  "Student Konwei..."

  Hearing Maru Hirai's cry, Heikati recovered from the gaze that looked at Luo Yuan holding Shana, and could not help but pursed her lips a little aggrieved.

  "Sure enough, Luo Yuan still prefers Shana..."

  Luo Yuan carried Shana back to her room and went directly to the bathroom, and went to help her take off her wet clothes very naturally.

  "You, you go out, pervert."

  Because the relationship between the two was too close, Luo Yuan used to be like this before, so Shana waited until the bastard helped her take off her shirt before she reacted.

  It wasn't because she was still angry with Luo Yuan, but because Luo Yuan carried her into the room in front of everyone, and they must have seen it.

  Even if everyone's relationship has been revealed, the arrogant Shana naturally refuses to get close to him so blatantly and feels super shy.

  "Good, take a hot bath, or you'll catch a cold." Luo Yuan was talking nonsense with his eyes open. With Shana's physique at this time, it was hard to get sick.

  It's just that after finally reaching this stage, how could Luo Yuan go out obediently, and pester her with a shameless face.

  Although Shana was also pushing him, her strength was useless. After a while, Luo Yuan skillfully took off her wet clothes and skirts.

  Hot water had been put in the bathtub for a long time, Shana shrank into the water in embarrassment, and when she saw Luo Yuan, the bastard, even started to undress, she was immediately embarrassed.


  Although during this period of time, Luo Yuan was punished for this careless bastard, let him sleep in the living room every day, and asked Alastair to supervise.

  But how could Luo Yuan be honest? He did it seriously at night, but during the day he was looking for opportunities to steal food.

  For example, when Shana and Heirai went to training while making breakfast, he naturally handed over the task to the avatar, and the main body sneaked into Will Amina's room.

  When I was in school, I often pretended to go to the toilet, but in fact, I was looking for an opportunity to invite Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi to eat ice cream.

  This bastard!

  "Baby, can I go back to my room to sleep at night?"

  After a long kiss, Luo Yuan began to wash Shana's hair seriously. Her hair was long and heavy, and it was inconvenient to wash by herself.

  Luo Yuan has always been very positive about this kind of thing, like when his sister Yingman's real name often let him wash his hair.

  While washing his hair, he shamelessly leaned into Shana's little ear and said all kinds of nice things.

  "Humph!" Shana puffed out her face and was very cute. She was still a little stunned by the kiss from Luo Yuan, but she snorted in a low voice lazily and didn't agree, and of course she didn't refuse.

  In fact, she was not used to it after driving Luo Yuan to sleep in the living room. After so long, her anger was almost gone. Who told her that all her thoughts were on this bastard, and she couldn't remember anything after being coaxed by him.

  In addition, today's Heikati-like Konwei Shicai always provokes her in various ways. She always felt that she was inseparable from the bastard Luo Yuan, which made her feel a little more inexplicable, so she acquiesced to Luo Yuan's request. .

  Luo Yuan immediately showed a satisfied smile when he saw her attitude. Since the arrogant Shana did not expressly object, it was equivalent to agreeing.

  My punishment period is finally over...

  Naturally, their training could no longer be carried out tonight, and with her, Luo Yuan had no way to appease Hecate, so he could only look for opportunities later.

  "Get up, stupid pervert!"

  Another morning, while the girl in her arms hummed with her unique Nail Gong Yin, she stretched out her small hand to grab Luo Yuan's face.

  "It's still early, anyway, Konwei is at home, so it's not convenient for you to train..." Luo Yuan opened his eyes lazily and grabbed Shana's little hand, then leaned over to kiss her forehead and closed it again Eyes: "...Let's sleep again."

  At the same time, a drop of blood flew out of Luo Yuan's body and quickly turned into a human shape, and disappeared in a teleportation.

  Well, "he" went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast!

  "Bastard, lecher!"

  Shana twisted her body and bit him with itchy teeth.

  Every morning he would make others unable to sleep, but he himself slept so soundly.


  The girl blushed and stretched her little hand into the thin quilt, with a mischievous smile.

  "You little bastard..." Luo Yuan woke up immediately, and pretended to bite her cute face in an angry and funny manner.

  "...Do you want to kill me? I want you to feel..."

  Shana showed a smug smile while dodging the attack of his mouth.

  "See if you dare to bother...don't...ahaha...uh..."



  "What's the matter? Hecate."

  On the way to school together, Luo Yuan looked at Hecate with a sullen look, and the expression was exactly the same as when his equally innocent Qimei was angry.

  "Who made you angry again?"

  Heikati also grabbed Luo Yuan's clothes all the way to show her dependence on him, but there was some grievance on her Sanwu face.

  "It's Luo Yuan."

  "Well, it's all my fault."

  Luo Yuan smiled helplessly, knowing that she hadn't paid much attention to her yesterday, which made her a little unhappy, so she had to try her best to comfort her.

  "We'll have a holiday in a few days. Would you like to accompany you to the amusement park?"

  The masquerade party took advantage of this time to let Hecate over, and it should have taken this factor into consideration. Maybe everything will be over before the summer vacation is over.

  "it is good!"

Chapter 133 Day Trip to the Amusement Park

  Hearing Luo Yuan's comfort, Hecate felt better immediately, but he still held onto the corner of his clothes.

  Shana, who was on the side, looked at her and was slightly annoyed. Fortunately, Luo Yuan had expected this situation in the morning, and used both hands and mouths to comfort Shana in advance.

  So she is very calm now, and even if she wants to be jealous, she can't eat well.

  In addition, Luo Yuan, the bastard, also gave Shana sauce an idea, that is, it depends on what this classmate Shi Cai wants to do. As for what she wants to do, she can do it.

  Konoe Shina showed up at the school for no reason, and then he was entangled with him. He must have a plan.

  Shana felt that there was nothing wrong, so she watched this Heikati-like Konoe classmate sticking to Luo Yuan with the ninja's jealousy.

  So in the days before the summer vacation, the students could always see this weird combination. The beautiful girl Konoe Shina, who had a three-faced expression, was always with Luo Yuan wherever she went.

  The classmates couldn't help whispering while envious.

  "By the way, isn't Luo Yuan's girlfriend Yoshida Kazumi?"

  "How did I hear it was Hirai?"

  "Xana and he don't seem to miss siblings too much..."


  "Jingle Bell--"

  As the school bell rang, the last class before the summer vacation finally ended.

  "It's a holiday, let's go to the playground together tomorrow."

  With the excited roars of the classmates, Luo Yuan announced with a smile on his way home with the four beautiful girls.


  Except for Shana, the other three girls all had smiles on their faces.

  "It's so strange." Shana looked at Konoe Shicai, who seemed to be accustomed to this kind of life, and wondered in her heart that she was still observing carefully.

  It's just that she didn't notice anything after a few days. This girl is like an ordinary person. She should go to school and eat. Except for the sticky Luoyuan as always, there is nothing abnormal.

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