But he was punished, and Shana blushed because she was the executor. The punishment method made Luo Yuan happy and painful. He also had to suppress his own strength and cooperation, and he couldn't use his ability to heal himself.

  According to Shana's later knowledge of this aspect because of his special knowledge, the boy's purpose was because of that, so she not only drank the breakfast milk, but also bit the straw.

  Hmph, you have to pay the price if you want to be diligent!

  In order to appease this little arrogant, he could only bear everything silently by himself...

  "Why go to school? Shouldn't this be a waste of time for you?"

  Hearing that Luo Yuan and the others still have to go to school, Will Emina is naturally very surprised.

  Because in any way, going to school has nothing to do with Luo Yuan, the "Demon King of the Red World" and the other two Fire Mist Warriors.

  After punishing Luo Yuan on the side, his anger was eased, and he dealt with Shana, who was at ease with the pineapple bread in front of him. Hearing Will Emina's words, he also agreed.

  Although there is no pineapple bread for breakfast prepared by Hirai Margin this morning, because Shana likes to eat it, Luo Yuan would naturally expect this situation when he spoils her so much, so there is stock in his inner space and Shana's storage space, so that Shana can always can be eaten.

  Shana muttered while eating the bread, it was just right not to go, lest she would be angry when she saw the girl thinking about her relationship with that bastard again.

  Naturally, Luo Yuan can't say that he is going to school basically for Yoshida Kazumi and Heiyuan, and at the same time he wants to solve the fate of the Fire Mist Warrior and the Red World Apostle in Misaki City.

  He had to be vague, saying that it was for Shana to experience school life and her own plans.

  Will Emina had just had the closest relationship with him. Although there were still many questions in her heart, she could only listen to his arrangements.

  After all, she is still a more traditional woman. Whether it is the experience of the royal princess or the things she has come into contact with later, men are dominant, so since she has become Luo Yuan's woman, she is also submissive to him.

  After the meal, Will Amina, Lian Nancy, and Ferris stayed at home, while Luo Yuan, Shana and Hirai continued to go to school.

  As far as their current situation goes to study, perhaps only Hirai Yuan can learn something, and Luo Yuan also knows that such a peaceful life will not last long for them.

  He felt that the masquerade would soon reappear, and the karmic entanglement between the present world and the red world would be the prelude to the end.

  "Good morning Luo Yuan, and Shana and Hirai!"

  The three walked halfway, and Yoshida Kazumi appeared at the right time.

  "Good morning, Yimei!"

  Luo Yuan greeted Yoshida Kazumi very intimately this time. Anyway, the matter had already unfolded, and Shana had already punished him. He happened to strike while the iron was hot and let Shana accept the fact.

  "Ah...that, that..."

  Yoshida Kazumi didn't expect Luo Yuan to call her that in front of other girls. It seemed that she wanted to reveal their relationship, which made her both shy and surprised. She blushed and didn't know what to say. .

  "Then...why didn't you bring a bento?"

  When she was nervous, she also noticed that Hirai Margin, who usually carried a large bento box, was now empty-handed.

  "I forgot today, just buy something for lunch..."


  Seeing that Luo Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi were still chatting, Shana began to turn negative after punishing him and eased her mood again. With a gloomy face, she inserted directly between the two to interrupt their communication.

  Luo Yuan immediately shut up, but Yoshida Kazumi mentioned her bento box.

  "I brought a lot today, you can also eat together."

  The emotionally brave Yoshida Kazumi ignored Shana's unreasonable actions and regarded Shana as Luo Yuan's sister in her heart, so of course she chose to tolerate her sister who was not easy to get along with. She believed that Shana would accept it sooner or later. This situation.

  "Eat it yourself, we don't need it!"

  Shana responded coldly, and at the same time, in order to avoid Luo Yuan's intervention, her little hand near Luo Yuan touched his waist and twisted violently.

  "Hmph, this Yoshida Kazumi is indeed a great enemy. Today I will find time to have a good talk with you."

  "Hey~" Luo Yuancai lifted Shana's punishment after eating, and now he has to pretend to be calm when he encounters her harsh hands again.

  But with his shamelessness, how could he be willing to suffer such a loss? Taking advantage of Yoshida Kazumi and Shana's tit-for-tat confrontation, his hands naturally clasped together with Hirai margin,

  "Xiaoyuan, Shana bullied me again!"

  He was embarrassed to say Heirai.

  Mom, this shameless level is absolutely incredible.

  "This wicked bastard!" Hirai Yubi bit her lip and was convinced by this bastard's courage. Hearing the complaining voice in his heart, he scolded him back unceremoniously.

  "Who made you care so much, I want to kill you bastard with the tip of the compass!"

  Using a compass tip to stab a scumbag seems to be right, that's how it should be.

  Hirai Yuan had a very lively personality, and the depression in the previous period was also due to the loss of his parents.

  Now Luo Yuan let her parents reappear, she also let go completely, and became his fire and fog warrior with peace of mind, and under his gentle and loving care, Hirai Yuki also returned to his former liveliness.

  And because she became a fire and fog warrior, it not only broadened her horizons, but also brought her confidence because of her strength, which made her more cheerful, especially in the face of this bastard who could be regarded as a lover.

  "Tsk~ Is it a compass? It seems like it will hurt a lot."

  Luo Yuan pretended to be very scared, holding Hirai's hand and scratching her palm secretly, looking at the smile in front of him gradually became rippling.

  "I'll go to your room at night and let you tie it up slowly, okay?"

  Aw~ this person!

  Hirai's face instantly turned red, she knew that this guy was completely shameless, she was a simple girl, how could she be this bastard's opponent, she couldn't help but endured the shame and pulled out her hand on his waist and pinched it fiercely Come and pinch.

  "You, you are not allowed to come to my room, you will definitely want to do H's thing when you come!"

  "Can things between lovers be considered H..."

  Luo Yuan felt the "intimate massage" given to him by the two beautiful girls left and right. This was the life he wanted.

Chapter 105 The Different Shana

  "Sister Shana, why did you bring me here, why don't you say something after dinner?"

  Just after this morning's class ended, Yoshida Kazumi was carrying a bento to Luo Yuan and the others. Shana put her bento on the table, and dragged her to the school rooftop.

  What do you want to do, do you want to have a life negotiation with yourself?Or make yourself not allowed to interact with Luo Yuan?

  You are your sister, can you take care of your brother's affairs?

  Suddenly "bang"!

  Seeing that Shana quickly locked the rooftop door, Yoshida Kazumi was also a little uneasy.

  "Xia, what do you want to do, Xia Na?"


  Shana looked at Kazumi Yoshida imposingly, with a hint of danger in her eyes.

  "Are you dating Luo Yuan?"

  "Ah...you, you..." Yoshida Kazumi didn't expect Shana to go straight to the topic when she came. As a girl, she was subconsciously shy. Somewhat embarrassed.

  But then she mustered up the courage. She has always been brave in terms of emotions. Even if Shana is full of majesty at this time, she is a little scared, but when she thinks that Luo Yuan has already admitted it, she has to be more decisive, and Shana will definitely recognize it. my own.

  "Yes, yes, Luo Yuan and I have officially confirmed our relationship after dating for a while."

  Huhu, finally said it, Yoshida Kazumi gave herself a compliment in her heart, and her face was flushed.

  "So, Shana, please don't object to your brother falling in love with me, because we really like each other, please don't worry, I will treat you as a sister in the future!"

  "Hehe, it's finally confirmed, this bastard!"

  The smile on Shana's face was a little broken, and it looked a little black. She took a deep breath and suppressed her anger temporarily. Looking at the girl in front of her who tried her best to show her favor, Shana decided that she had to let it go. She knew the cunning nature of that bastard.

  "Sister? It's not a little sister!"

  Shana's sudden high tone made Yoshida Kazumi also startled, and Ai looked at the petite girl whose face suddenly turned crimson in front of her.

  "What, what did you say? Aren't you Luo Yuan's sister? He took care of you from childhood to adulthood..."

  "Is that what he told you about me? This rambunctious bastard!"

  Shana immediately understood Luo Yuan's intention. When he asked himself what identity the two used to get along with at school, he still felt that it didn't matter, but he was arrogant and refused to admit his lover's identity. Obviously, this was also from Luo Yuan's bad taste. Bar!

  Let other girls think that he is his sister, and then he can let other girls have a reasonable affection for him, so that he can achieve the purpose of dating multiple girls at the same time.

  Then he used his shyness and arrogance and the relationship with his sister to even dare to admit the fact that the two were lovers.

  The plan you want to take advantage of is over, Luo Yuan!

  Shana thoroughly understood some things through her memories of the two people in the past two days, plus a series of abnormal behaviors of Luo Yuan in the past.

  I can't be too passive in the relationship between the two. Luo Yuan has a strong personality and is very concerned. This is something I can't change. In order not to face more and more girls who fall on him in the future, I must Be sensible.

  Luo Yuan is so good, but he has no self-control for cute girls, so he has to let those unruly girls understand the nature of his carelessness.

  "Luo Yuan and I have long been the closest lovers!"

  Shana suddenly held back her extremely shy heart and shouted loudly with her face flushed with her small fists clenched.

  "What, what?" Yoshida Kazumi was stunned, but she immediately clenched her fists and was very annoyed.

  "Xana is too cunning!"

  "Where's the cunning?" Shana was also taken aback for a moment, didn't she say it clearly enough?

  "Xia Na wants to force the girls who are dating her brother to leave in this way, right?"

  Yoshida Kazumi, who would not easily admit defeat in terms of emotions, seemed to have thought of something, her face flushed red, and her expression became a little subtle.

  "Or, is Shana a younger sister who also thinks that way about her brother?"


  In Neon Country, sister control, brother control, etc. are not normal operations!

  Apparently Yoshida Kazumi also thought of going here...

  "what are you talking about?"

  Shana suddenly understood what she meant with her clever mind.

  "Idiot, Idiot, Idiot! It's not a sibling relationship at all."

  Now that she has reached this point, Shana has completely sacrificed herself, and she takes a deep breath.

  "And, we've all done it..."

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