"John was there...I felt it."

  When the tornado approached the rooftop, it suddenly stopped. The strong wind blew all around, shattering numerous windows and glass, and rolling up a large number of ground buildings, with full of special effects.

  And with this voice, a woman with long green hair and a stern face appeared in the tornado, looking straight at Luo Yuan.

  "What are you doing, guy?"

  Shana and Heirai edge changed their fighting stance for the first time, gathered around Luo Yuan in front of him, and watched Ferris in the air vigilantly.

  The two of them have a sailor suit and a Lolita, one holds a giant sword and the other holds a samurai sword. They both have blond hair and golden eyes. The strong wind blows their dresses up and down, which is very beautiful. Fortunately, because Luo Yuan The transformation of their dresses, so there is no need to worry about running out.

  Sakai Yuji hid not far behind Luo Yuan for a long time, even if he is physically strong now, he can only hug the big guy's thigh in the face of this extraordinary existence.

  Luo Yuan still didn't care about Ferris who appeared, he felt that she appeared this time as the body, not the puppet in the original plot.

  Perhaps it was also because he had broken the prohibition she had left in "Zero Hour Mistress" and the induction he received when he banned "Tyrant 1" and "John" gave her a clear direction, so there was no need to use a puppet clone to explore first. road.

  In addition, Will Emina is with her, as a comrade who has fought together many times, she will definitely stand by her side when something happens.

  Since the appearance of Will Amina, Luo Yuan's eyes have been falling on this woman who ran out to play for more than two years, and her eyes also have a playful and dangerous meaning.

  Will Emina felt terrified at the sight of him, and even with the white crown on her head "Tiamat" felt guilty for a while. She didn't expect to stay outside for so long, but so many things happened, plus I want to accompany my comrade Ferris to find John, so I will meet again today.

  In the face of Ferris' inexplicable attack, she subconsciously flew over Luo Yuan's side to face her far away.

  On the one hand, this kind of action is to make Fei Leisi speak clearly, and more is based on her understanding of Luo Yuan. If she dares to stand by now, she will definitely be liquidated by someone afterward.

  "Where is John? Did you make a mistake?"

  "Two fire and fog warriors? Will Emina, you..."

  Ferris was shocked when she saw the two fire and fog warriors suddenly appearing on the opposite side, and it was even more troublesome for her to see Will Amina, who was very close, also trying to stop her.

  Although she is also a very powerful Demon King in the red world, she has listened to John's request for a long time and has not obtained the power of existence by decomposing human beings.

  But John is in front, in that person's body, even if there are many opponents blocking her now, she still can't give up.



  The tornado that stopped behind her suddenly moved forward with her gesture, intending to cover Luo Yuan into the wind, and then open the "zero-hour fan" in his body to release John.

  "Come on, you idiot!"

  At this time, Shana has no time to be jealous, and anxiously urges Luo Yuan, she can't stop the tornado coming so fast.

  It seems that a fight will be honest!

  Luo Yuan sighed with emotion, but he was still indifferent. As long as he thought, the tornado would be annihilated immediately, but he still wanted to make it up to someone.

  "Don't worry, Will Emina will definitely protect us!"

Chapter 97 I'm Not A Weak Chicken!


  Hirai Yuan glanced sideways at Luo Yuan, and then followed Luo Yuan's gaze to look at Will Amina in the sky. Although she was dressed as a maid, she was a very special and beautiful big sister.

  Sure enough, it had something to do with this sweethearted guy again, so Hirai Yuki couldn't help pouting.

  "I..." Will Emina staggered and almost fell out of the air, looked at Luo Yuan expressionlessly, not knowing what to say.

  He has been paying attention to me all the time. I know what happened to me and I still have to do this. Really, I have to pick the time to get angry.

  "Stingy man!"

  Even Tiamat complained in that cold tone.

  However, Will Emina knew that she was wrong, and Luo Yuan couldn't do anything about it now. Seeing him like this, she thought that he had protected her for two years, and now she wants to protect him.

  Even though he is so strong, he needs to be self-willed and awkward like a child, but it fits his image at this time, just like a high school student who hasn't grown up.

  Thinking of this, Will Emina is also amused. He really feels like he is a sister in this way.

  Between the thoughts and thoughts, Will Amina had to find a way to fight the tornado, and with a casual move of "Tiamat", she helped her to complete the transformation with a tacit understanding.


  Countless white ribbons with hardness comparable to steel were inserted into a row of barrier walls in front of Luo Yuan. The tornadoes blew the ribbons. Controlling a part of the ribbon to insert into the tornado, trying to control Felice.

  "Felice, please stop first!"

  The goal of this trip is so close to Felice, how could she stop? Seeing that the tornado transformed by the law of freedom could not break through Will Amina's ribbon wall, the epaulettes on her left and right shoulders suddenly opened up and down like the mouth of an animal, forming a tornado. The airflow was sucked in by the epaulette.

  Then she pointed her hand in the direction of Luo Yuan, and countless air currents scraped off in the direction she pointed, and all kinds of buildings and facilities that were scraped on the ground also rushed towards Will Amina's ribbon wall. Go, there was a loud bang.

  Will Emina's pressure increased, so she had to withdraw the ribbon that rushed towards Felice, and instead all fell in front of Luo Yuan to protect him tightly.


  Luo Yuan glanced at Shana, and the meaning was self-evident.

  "Humph!" Shana snorted, and a pair of golden flame wings quickly appeared behind her, and they soared into the sky.

  She naturally knew what he meant by having a tacit understanding with Luo Yuan for so long, and obviously wanted her to go to Felice for a one-on-one fight.

  Although she is very dissatisfied with this rambunctious bastard, at least she has to deal with the inexplicable woman first.

  "I'll go too!" Holding the giant sword Luo Yuan seized from the "Airan" siblings and gave her, even if it was the first time to face this kind of scene, Hirai Yuan was very active and wanted to show it.

  "Stay obediently!" Luo Yuan grabbed her arm and pulled her back, you can't even fly up.


  Hirai Yuan obediently walked back to him, she looked sideways at Sakai Yuji, who was hiding behind Luo Yuan, and shrunk subconsciously, but didn't say much.

  Will Emina, who was trying to resist Felice's wind free method, also fell on Luo Yuan from time to time. Seeing this scene, she was also startled. Why did this guy contract another fire and fog warrior.

  Seeing Shana flying over quickly, Ferris in the sky pointed her finger again, and a small tornado that rotated vertically surrounded her and Shana.

  This is her unique free method "Ife Luna", this free method can wrap herself and the enemy, and at the same time can integrate her breath into the wind and interfere with the other party's perception.

  "Shana, her free dharma will blind your perception, pay attention to observe with your eyes!"

  Luo Yuan provided her with enemy information at the right time.


  At the same time, Felice appeared in front of Shana and punched her in the chest.


  It's just that her punch seemed to hit something heavy and made a dull sound, but Shana was safe and sound.

  "Humph!" Shana's eyes showed a mocking smile. This is an artifact that that bastard prepared for him, how could it be broken by you so easily.


  Taking advantage of Fei Leisi's daze, Shana's Zhan Dian Zhe would be slashed head-on.


  Felice disappeared again.


  Next, Felice took the time to punch Shana from time to time, but it didn't cause any damage to her, and as Shana got used to her freedom, she could find out in advance before she shot.


  With a loud bang, Felice, who had just appeared in the distance, was hit by Shana's strong flame bomb.

  Fortunately, Felice was able to avoid being hit and injured by hiding in the wind in time.

  "The power of existence is insufficient, and I can't entangle with her."

  Felice, who was hidden in the tornado formed by the free method, did not hit the opponent with a series of attacks, but the power of existence that was not much in stock would be exhausted, and her heart suddenly froze.

  It seems that I can't wait until the interference is cleared before capturing the guy with the "zero-hour fan" to rescue John.

  Now just take the plunge.

  So she no longer cares about Shana, showing her body rushing directly in the direction of Luo Yuan.

  "go to hell!"

  Shana's accumulated anger can finally be vented, a large amount of power of existence converges on the temple, and a huge flame bomb is about to take shape.

  Felice seemed to have not seen this scene, and she approached the rooftop in an instant.



  Luo Yuan also sighed when he saw the woman who was courting death, and immediately stopped Shana's actions loudly.

  "Humph! Idiot!" Shana snorted and deflected the condensed flame bomb in one direction, smashing it into the ruined earth.


  With a loud noise, a deep pit with a radius of more than ten meters was formed.

  "Will Emina!"

  Luo Yuan greeted again.


  The beautiful maid in the sky also tacitly retracted the ribbon and lifted the divine weapon, revealing her delicate face.

  It was obvious that Luo Yuan planned to do it himself, so he told them to stop.

  As Will Amina stopped, the wind whistled towards Luo Yuan, and Felice appeared at the same time.


  Sakai Yuji, who was hiding behind Luo Yuan, was embarrassed and yelled again.

  "Hmm..." Even Hirai Yuki, who was beside Luo Yuan, groaned. This kind of wind made her a little bit unbearable. After all, she didn't have much fighting experience.

  "John..." Seeing that she broke through the barriers and finally approached Luo Yuan, Ferris couldn't help but smile.


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