With the appearance of Luo Yuan and Heijing Yuan, the family became more popular.

  At the same time, with a "bang", Fariagni was also thrown to the ground by Luo Yuan. Because he was imprisoned by Luo Yuan, he still did not wake up even after regaining his original body size.

  "He has absorbed the power of your parent's existence, so just kill him and use this freestyle at the same time your parents can be reborn."

  "In this case……"

  When Hirai Yuan heard Luo Yuan's words, she immediately raised the giant sword she was carrying and muttered in her mouth. She was not panicked or afraid. After killing that Phosphorus last time, she was no longer the ordinary girl she used to be. But his fire fog warrior.

  "...you go to die!"


  At the same time that his body began to dissipate after being stabbed by a sharp weapon, Fariagni, the Demon King of the Red World, finally came to his senses. He immediately noticed his own situation, but he did not struggle. With a smile in his eyes, the doll that was impaled along with him, the last remaining power of existence in the body was injected into the doll.

  "My Mariano..."


  The doll Phonzi, who had just regained consciousness, also saw Fariagni, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he turned into a light spot together with him.

  Luo Yuan watched this scene indifferently, and at the same time threw the crystal into the center of the light spot, and at the same time injected the power of existence enough to resurrect two people, and then said to Hirai margin.

  "Imagine your parents and resonate with it!"

  Hirai Yuan closed her eyes immediately, thinking back to her mother and father in her heart, and her strong will was connected with the free style, and the free style also searched for the information of her parents in the light spot.


  With a burst of bright light illuminated the whole house.

  Luo Yuan couldn't help pulling Hirai Yuan back to the door. After the light dissipated, a man and a woman suddenly appeared in the room.

  They also saw a pair of young men and women at the door at the same time, and couldn't help but look puzzled.

  "Excuse me, who are you?"

Chapter 91 The troubles of the longevity species

  Hirai Yuan, who was showing an excited smile on his face, froze suddenly and looked at Luo Yuan a little overwhelmed.


  Luo Yuan immediately opened the ban, and the man and the woman, the parents of Hirai Yuki, immediately fell into a state of stagnation.

  "Luo Yuan...what happened to my parents?" The girl who was immersed in the joy of reunion just now suddenly panicked, her big eyes quickly filled with tears, she didn't understand how her parents didn't know her anymore.

  "Don't be in a hurry..."

  Luo Yuan coaxed her softly while gently helping her to wipe away her tears, and at the same time explained to her why this happened.

  This is actually because Hirai Yuki became his Fire Mist Warrior.

  The contract between the Fire Mist Warrior and the Red World Demon King is to dedicate his past, present and future to the Contract Demon King.

  This means that once she becomes a Fire Mist Warrior, she will lose her existence as a human being, and all her human activities as a human will be erased.

  Therefore, in the eyes of her parents, she is the one who has lost her existence, that is, her parents take it for granted that they do not have the daughter Hirai Margin.

  "Then, what should I do..." Hirai Yuan was so anxious that she wiped away more and more tears. She finally saw her parents reborn, but they didn't know her anymore.

  "Don't worry, since you exist because of me now, then I will naturally allow you to exist in them."

  Luo Yuan had expected this for a long time, and specially asked Lian Nanxi to help solve this problem. Fortunately, they only need to keep ordinary people from being affected, so Luo Yuan only needs to intervene in the existence of Hirai margin according to the special freedom law. .

  As Luo Yuan stroked the top of her head, a special freedom method was applied to her existence, but it only required continuous consumption of Luo Yuan's existence power, but the consumption was not much and had little effect.

  Margin Hirai felt a flash of energy flashing across his body, and his body became slightly heavier, giving him a sense of weightlessness when taking an elevator.

  After Luo Yuan finished all this, he pointed a little in the air, the seal shrouded by the golden barrier was lifted, and Hirai Yuki's parents returned to normal.

  "Xiaoyuan, don't you still have class today? Ya! What's the matter with you?"

  A middle-aged woman who looked rather amiable looked at Hirai and asked anxiously.

  "Have you been bullied? Which brat did it!"

  The middle-aged man on the other side looked at his tearful daughter, rolled up his sleeves left and right, and became aggressive.

  "Huh?" Hirai Yuan turned to look at Luo Yuan, he was right beside him, why didn't his parents see him.

  Luo Yuan deliberately shielded his own existence to prevent things from complicating things. Then he blinked at Hirai Yuan and walked out of the room, intending to let her catch up with her parents.

  "Mom and Dad!"

  Hirai Yuan also understood Luo Yuan's intentions, turned his head to look at the parents who had come to him with concern, and couldn't help but burst into their arms with a happy smile.

  Sitting on the roof, Luo Yuan couldn't help showing a gratified smile when he felt this scene.

  To make everyone around him feel happy and satisfied, this is what he is trying to do.

  Originally, Hirai's parents could wait until he cooperated with the "creation god" sacrificial snake, and then resurrected in the way of directly restoring Misaki City in the original plot.

  However, she has never been really happy during the time that Hirai Yuki lost her parents. Most of the time, she forced her face to laugh, and she worked very hard during training. If it wasn't for Luo Yuan's restrictions, she could never sleep.

  Now that it's determined that he will be with him in the future, Luo Yuan doesn't mind using his power to make her happy again.

  "Mom and Dad, I'm going to school."

  "Oh! Mommy forgot to make the bento. You can buy it from the school welfare agency at noon."

  "Remember to tell Dad if you have anything!"

  "I know!"

  After a while, Hirai Yuan waved goodbye to her family while going out, and seeing her with a sincere smile on her face showed that she had really recovered her former mood.

  After leaving her parents' sight, Hirai Margin jumped to the roof a few times, and then slammed into Luo Yuan's arms and cried.

  "What's the matter? Shouldn't mom and dad be happy when they're back?"

  Luo Yuan caressed her hair with some amusing and comforted her softly.

  When she came to Hirai's house, the blonde golden eyes she had had when the contract was completed also returned to black hair and black eyes, and her dress was restored to the uniform of Misaki high school students.

  Perhaps it was Luo Yuan's gentle and tolerant attitude towards her that reassured her as always. Hirai Yuan stopped sobbing for a while, and then she lay in Luo Yuan's arms and raised her big tearful eyes with seriousness.

  "Let my parents forget me, Luo Yuan!"

  Luo Yuan's hand stroking her hair slammed violently, and looked at her very seriously.

  "Have you decided?"


  Hirai nodded fiercely, and tears fell out again, but she still explained: "I am no longer human now, and my life will be very long in the future, but my parents are just ordinary people. Take it now."

  "Without my existence, Mom and Dad can still have another child... Anyway, as long as I can see that Mom and Dad are doing well... I can't keep draining your energy."

  Seeing that Hirai Yuki said more and more sadly, and her tears flowed hard, Luo Yuan was also very distressed, and while wiping away her tears, she comforted: "It doesn't matter, we will be your family from now on, we will always be together. .

  In addition, you don't have to be so decisive. If you want to see your parents in the future, I'll accompany you back, okay? "

  Hearing Luo Yuan's soft comfort, Hirai Yuan couldn't bear it any longer, and finally burst into tears.

  "Luo Yuan... woo ah ah..."

  Perhaps the longevity species will inevitably face such a situation. Only their longevity, their parents and relatives will leave because of the passage of time.

  Mardi Hirai just experienced this moment in advance, but the girl who was only fifteen years old suddenly grew up a lot.

  While patiently coaxing the girl in his arms, Luo Yuan also sighed with emotion. Fortunately, he now has the ability to make those who care about him live forever.

  Just keep going, then don't worry about experiencing this loss.

  After an unknown amount of time, Hirai Yuki finally recovered completely. She raised her head and looked at Luo Yuan with big bright eyes, and suddenly stood on tiptoe and raised her head to kiss Luo Yuan.

  "Thank you, Luo Yuan!"

  After the girl kissed Luo Yuan, her face flushed to the bottom of her ears, but she did not flinch, but looked at him with a smile on her face.


  Luo Yuan knew that she had completely let go of her worries. Seeing her being so active, she was no longer polite. She hugged her body and leaned over to kiss her red lips.

  You have always been the strong one!


  The girl who offered her first kiss was still a little shy, but with Luo Yuan's initiative, she had to clumsily cater to her.

  After an unknown amount of time, Luo Yuan let go of the girl who was soft in his arms and gently kissed her forehead.

  "Come on, let's go home!"

  "Um... go home!"

Chapter 92 We will meet again soon

  At an airport in Neon Country, a flight from somewhere in Asia just arrived.

  Two very young-looking women walked out of the airport lobby very intimately.

  One was a beautiful woman with a white crown and shoulder-length cherry-colored straight hair, and a purple maid outfit with a white apron.

  The other is a green long-haired woman wearing a leotard wrapped around various strips of cloth, with shield-shaped shoulder ornaments that resemble both a human face and a bird's face carved on her shoulders.

  Upon closer inspection, it was clear that the woman in the maid outfit was slightly supporting the other woman, so that they seemed intimate.

  "Yes, it's here, it's here..." The long green-haired woman seemed to mutter to herself, and she seemed to be saying to another person, but she looked a little weak, so that her speech was a little intermittent, but she was still excited Pointing in the direction of Misaki City,

  "Will Emina...John, John is right there!"

  "Okay, Felice, don't worry, we'll be there soon."

  The woman named Will Amina also comforted the woman with long green hair, and then Will Amina looked at the country with emotion.

  "Two years later, I'm finally back here again..."

  Shana and... that guy is also in this country.

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