"Really, what a coincidence, Luo Yuan!"

Chapter 71 What do you mean?

  Who else could this girl be except Kazumi Yoshida?

  Well, it seems that she had listened to her hint yesterday, and she came to wait for her specially, and the time was just right.

  But this does not mean that she just calculated that she will arrive at this time, it is obvious that she came here a long time in advance to wait for herself, and then acted like a coincidence.

  Tsk, as expected of Yoshida Kazumi!

  Although introverted and shy, he is unusually brave when it comes to emotions.

  "Good morning, Yoshida-san."

  Luo Yuan also greeted her, and then winked at her, it seems that the two have a tacit understanding.

  It's still not advisable to be too intimate when someone else is present.

  After all... Luo Yuan hasn't confirmed a relationship with her yet.

  It's just right now, Yimei-chan starts to attack, Shana-chan is in danger!

  Sure enough, seeing the blushing Yoshida Kazumi, Shana suddenly became alert.

  And Shana frowned at Luo Yuan after looking at Yoshida Kazumi.

  Of course Luo Yuan acted very naturally, smiled and nodded.

  "Since we met, let's go together!"

  "Good, good!"

  Yoshida Kazumi hurriedly replied, she was super nervous now, and Luo Yuan didn't have time to look at the other two girls until after the response.

  "Ah...and Shana-san and Hirai-san, morning, good morning!"

  Margin Hirai was relatively familiar with Yoshida Kazumi before, and he took the initiative to say hello to her.

  Regarding Hirai, because her parents disappeared, she is now a person in everyone's eyes.

  As for why they came together with Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan's explanation was that, considering the economic situation of Hirai, he rented the spare room at home to her at a very low price.

  Therefore, it is natural for the three people who live in the same block to go to school together!

  Shana didn't say hello with a cold face, her attitude was extremely unfriendly.

  "Don't be surprised, my sister is so spoiled by me!"

  Luo Yuan kept putting eye drops on Shana, and at the same time, the hand hanging by his side secretly squeezed Yoshida Kazumi's hand, which was quite stimulating to cheat in front of the palace.

  "I..." Shana stopped talking when she heard what he said, but she just glanced at Kazumi Yoshida who was staring at her, and she couldn't speak anymore.

  I still don't have the courage to clarify that they are not brothers and sisters, they are obviously so close.

  Also, why is this bastard saying that on purpose now!What does he want to do?

  "Ah, no, no!" Yoshida Kazumi hurriedly said that it was okay, and praised very seriously: "Xia Na is very cute!"

  "Humph!" Shana was very upset by such compliments, which obviously treated her as a child.

  This unhappiness continued into the school.

  In the morning class, the teachers were super busy, so Shana didn't get the chance to get angry.

  It seems that they are not teachers who impart knowledge in front of Shana, but a group of small staff facing mean bosses.

  Shana-chan was even more upset when it was time to eat lunch.

  "Well, if you don't mind, can we have lunch together?"

  When Hirai Yuan just put the lunch he brought on the table and the three of them formed a table to prepare to eat, Yoshida Kazumi gathered up his courage and walked over.

  "Of course I don't mind!" Luo Yuan hurriedly greeted Shana without waiting for Shana's reaction, and the excuse he made was quite reasonable.

  "It's lively when people eat more. You can chat while eating, right!"

  "Ah... yes, yes." Looking at Luo Yuan's smiling and inquiring eyes, Hirai Yuan also nodded in agreement.

  So Shana had to stop talking, and she didn't think there was any problem, except that Luo Yuan seemed to be a little too enthusiastic.

  "Come and taste how our dishes taste!"

  "Wow, it's delicious, Luo Yuan's cooking skills are so good!"

  Yoshida Kazumi took a bite of the bento they brought, and immediately looked at Luo Yuan and brought a little star in his eyes.

  "Because I have to take care of my sister, so..." Luo Yuan reiterated his relationship with Shana again, and the voiceover was that he could only cook for them.

  "Well... Yoshida-san's craftsmanship is also very good." Luo Yuan praised deliberately and exaggeratedly after tasting the bento brought by Yoshida Kazumi.

  "Whoever marries you in the future will be blessed."

  "Ah...what, how can there be..." Yoshida Kazumi blushed suddenly.

  However, she was very shy about Luo Yuan's praise, but after all, it was said by a boy she liked, which made her shy and happy.

  Moreover, cooking in Neon Country was basically reserved for women, and she felt very satisfied to be recognized by Luo Yuan.

  "Hey~ what's the matter with you?" Luo Yuan suddenly felt a pain in his body. Shana couldn't bear to see that he was chatting with other girls, so she secretly stretched out her little hand and pinched him.

  Because Luo Yuan and Shana were sitting on the side, it was easy to do a little trick.

  "Nothing..." Shana replied nonchalantly to express her dissatisfaction.

  And why does this bastard reiterate the fabricated brother-sister relationship between them again and again!

  The girl looked at him in the wrong way.

  Luo Yuan saw her reaction in his eyes and laughed secretly in his heart.

  Although the relationship between the two has gone further, Shana still maintains her usual arrogance in some respects.

  He can be a little more forceful and directly break it, and then spend some time to appease it, and it will basically be fine.

  But now he wants to change it another way, just because the relationship between the two is so close, Shana naturally can't stand him having any intimate behavior with other girls.

  But now she has no position, after all, her setting is only her sister, and she is so arrogant.

  Even Luo Yuan has decided to temporarily stop the intimacy with Shana today, and see how long she can endure it.

  So Luo Yuan didn't say much to Yoshida Kazumi next.

  And after school was over in the afternoon, Yoshida Kazumi, who went home with him, said goodbye at the fork in the road. When he returned home, Luo Yuan was always serious and nonchalant.

  When training Shana at night, she was also well-behaved.

  Of course, this makes Shana have no extra thoughts, because there is still a temporary resident watching, that is Lian Nanxi.

  Lian Nancy is staying here honestly now, and has communicated with Alastair during the day, but neither side has disclosed something related to Luo Yuan.

  She also watched with great interest when Shana and Hirai was training, and she was surprised by Shana's power reserve.

  So everyone was very serious when Luo Yuan accompanied her to master the free method.

  Just after she finished training, Luo Yuan explained that she had a good rest and went back to her room.


  Shana sat blankly in the room, wondering.

  what do you mean?

Chapter 72 He is so cheap!

  On the night of midsummer, the stars all over the sky, these eternal existences embellish the sky beautifully.

  "Because Shana has no parents since she was a child, I have always brought her up, so her character may be a little withdrawn. I hope you don't mind."

  Luo Yuan explained gently to Yoshida Kazumi who was beside him. The two of them were walking on the river not far from home in this beautiful night.

  At the same time, Luo Yuan also summed up Shana's malicious targeting of Yoshida Kazumi these days to her character.

  "I'm sorry, Will Emina, although you raised Shana, I take the credit for myself, but it doesn't make a difference anyway, after all, you are mine too!"

  Luo Yuan sighed shamelessly in his heart.

  That's right, he has been hanging on Shana like this for a few days. Although the two of them are getting along normally these days, he has temporarily suppressed the intimacy. If you want to get more, you must have more patience.

  It's just that he was very patient on the surface, but secretly dated Yoshida Kazumi.

  I really don't know what good fruit Shana Jiang will give you after she finds out.

  "Ah~ it's okay, it's okay!" Yoshida Kazumi responded with a blushing face, her little hand still being held.

  "So..." Luo Yuan sighed and turned to look into Yoshida Kazumi's eyes.

  "Yimi is really gentle and kind, and she will definitely be a good wife in the future."


  "Wife, wife..."

  The innocent Yoshida Kazumi was suddenly at a loss.

  Although she is unusually bold in normal times, she can take the initiative to show her favor in front of Shana and Hirai, and she can also apply to join the lunch team of the three of them when there are so many people in the class.

  But once she faced the client, she was very shy, especially Luo Yuan teasing her in secret.

  "A beauty?"


  "Let's kiss!"

  Luo Yuan found that the shy Yoshida Kazumi made him feel more and more bullied, so he deliberately said words to her that would make her feel ashamed.

  "Wow..." Yoshida Kazumi exclaimed, her head almost falling to the ground.

  Luo Yuan couldn't help reaching out to hold up her hot face, and at the same time leaned down slightly, with burning desire in his eyes.

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