Yoshida Kazumi immediately agreed, but then she realized that she always felt a little perfunctory, and her face turned red again.

  She was anxiously thinking about the remedy in her mind, lest Luo Yuan thought she was not serious enough. Suddenly, she remembered that she had known the general layout of the exhibition hall in advance, and immediately pointed to the front.

  "Well, there seems to be a display of stained glass inside!"

  "Oh? Really?" Luo Yuan also followed her topic. Anyway, he didn't come here to see these things, so he smiled and nodded at her.

  "Then let's go and see!"

  This time is also the rush hour, and there are many people who appreciate this kind of art. The two walked up the designated passage, and Luo Yuan suddenly showed a playful smile when they passed a rest area.

  This rest area is the only way to go to other exhibition areas. People come and go, including humans who were previously absorbed by Fariagni and turned into torches.

  And now sitting in the corner of the lounge area is an old man dressed in a retro suit and looking like a gentleman.

  At this time, there happened to be a torch in the wave of people who happened to come with Luo Yuan and the others.

  When the torch passed the area where the old man was, it suddenly turned into a light smoke-like power of existence and disappeared.

  Luo Yuan pretended to be frightened, his footsteps slammed, and at the same time he protected Yoshida Kazumi behind him.

  At the same time, he also lifted the shield of the Noble Phantasm "Zero Hour Mizi" that had been specially shielded at home.

  The main purpose of being at home is to temporarily prevent Alastair from knowing that he has a "zero-hour fan". If he is specially prepared, Alastair's normal perception cannot be found.

  And he now wants to let Lian Nanxi find out that he is going to fish, and it depends on her if she won't be hooked.

  "What's the matter, student Luo Yuan?"

  Yoshida Kazumi was inexplicable at his actions.

  "Good, don't talk."

  Luo Yuan said to her in an intimate tone, and immediately made her blushed and bowed her head not to speak.

  And their abnormal behavior naturally caught the old gentleman who Lin Nancy pretended to be.

  "I can see it." The old gentleman got up slowly and walked to Luo Yuan with a cane.

  "It turned out to be Mistis..."

  But when he said this, the old gentleman's face suddenly changed, and his heart was also abrupt.

  "What, what do you want to do?" Luo Yuan looked at him with a look of panic.

  It's just that he secretly sighed in his heart, and he really deserves to be the most famous free teacher in the entire red world.

  Obviously, Lian Nanxi not only sensed the "Zero Hour Mizi" in Luo Yuan's Noble Phantasm, but she even sensed the three "Pixie Balls" in Luo Yuan's Noble Phantasm.

  With her understanding of the power of existence, she can naturally know the power of the existence of the three "Poké Balls".

  "Don't worry, I won't disrupt the balance of the world." The old gentleman also seemed to have not found the abnormality in Luo Yuan's Noble Phantasm, as if to make him not be afraid to explain.

  "Want to chat?"

  He also pretended to invite Luo Yuandao as if nothing had happened.

  "Yes, yes!" Luo Yuan also pretended that he didn't realize that he had discovered his own condition, and agreed with a look of fear, then he turned to look at Yoshida Kazumi with a gentle tone.

  "Well, Yimei, you go over there to see the exhibits first, and I'll come to find you later."

  "Ah! Good, good!" Hearing Luo Yuan's sudden use of such an intimate address, her head suddenly became dizzy, she nodded and walked to the side in a daze.

  "Okay, let's go!" Luo Yuan's expression turned into fear and anxiety again.

  The old gentleman nodded and turned to lead the way.

  The two walked quietly, scolding in their hearts at the same time.

  "An old yin than..."

  From Luo Yuan's point of view, Lian Nanxi has lived for at least a few hundred years. If she found out that there was nothing abnormal in her body, her mental quality was also very strong.

  In Lian Nanxi's view, Luo Yuan is so powerful, but he still pretends to be a weak chicken, and there may be some conspiracy.

  The two pretended not to find each other's problems, while secretly scolding each other's shamelessness.

  "As you can see……"

  Coming to a secluded place in the exhibition hall, the old gentleman took the initiative to reveal his identity, perhaps also trying to prove that he was a good apostle.

  "I'm a Red World Apostle..."

  "Ah?" Luo Yuan's complexion suddenly changed.

  "..." Lian Nanxi resisted the desire to curse and forced herself to act with him.

  "However, I only eat torches that are about to disappear, so please rest assured."

  Her heart is so tired, Lian Nanxi doesn't know who the existences in Luo Yuan's Noble Phantasm are, but she can feel that each of them is stronger than her own strength with her freedom.

  That would be embarrassing. Although no one can surpass his mastery of the Law of Freedom, his strength is average.

  For fear that Luo Yuan would attack her, she quickly expressed her innocence.

  "Huh..." Luo Yuan showed a happy look, and there was a hint of shyness on his face.

  "I don't worry about that, I thought you were also those cannibals!"

  Can you stop pretending?Be yourself! ! !

  Lian Nanxi was madly complaining in her heart, but she had to cooperate with the performance and felt so aggrieved.

  "Ah, yes!" Luo Yuan exclaimed suddenly, and the sudden high tone startled the old gentleman.

  "what happened?"

  "Hehe, nothing, just, what's the use of collecting that thing?"

  "Oh, this is actually because I need to use it to fix something that's gone!"

  The old gentleman explained to him patiently, just now Luo Yuan's surprise almost made him pigeon.

Chapter 64 This Sweet Pure Love

  Well, yes, it is a pigeon, that is, it turns into a pigeon and flies away.

  This should also be Lian Nanxi's unique method of freedom. When necessary, she can turn into a flock of pigeons and run away.

  It is equivalent to a kind of escape method, her real body is hidden in it, and no one can accurately tell which is her, so for so many years, in the present world where the fire fog warriors and the red world apostles are rampant, she can be safe and sound.

  "Can something that disappeared be repaired?" Luo Yuan's face was full of curiosity, but he was thinking that Lian Nanxi was so powerful.

  "Yes..." The old gentleman felt a little bad when he saw him like this, and said quickly, "It just takes a lot of power of existence."

  "Oh..." Luo Yuan lengthened his tone, and then showed an embarrassed smile: "This old grandfather, the parents of a friend of mine have also disappeared, I wonder if you can..."

  You are old, who is more old and said not necessarily!

  Lian Nanxi was secretly dissatisfied, and the disguised old gentleman also showed an embarrassed look: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't, my existence strength is not enough to repair this item of mine, so..."

  "Ah, is that your girlfriend? She seems to be a little impatient to wait. Hehe~ It's good to be young. Go and comfort her. I have something to deal with."

  For fear that Luo Yuan would become angry, he quickly changed the subject.

  "That's really a pity." Luo Yuan showed a look of pity, and then looked at him expectantly: "My grandfather and I met at first sight, can I invite you to my house as a guest? You are welcome to say, I The craftsmanship is pretty good!"

  "Thank you, thank you, let's another day... You see your girlfriend is here!"

  The old gentleman showed an embarrassed yet polite smile, and refused Luo Yuan's invitation.

  This is a Hongmen banquet. Maybe once I go to your house, I will become the same as the guys in your Noble Phantasm. How dare I go.

  Thinking so in her heart, Lian Nanxi made up her mind that once she left here safely, she would leave immediately and leave this dangerous city.

  She has now realized that a few days ago, the man who wanted to activate the secret technique "devour the city" used by the former Crimson Demon King "Coffin Tailor", also known as the "Ring of Underworld" Assis, used the Crimson Demon King's method. Liagni must have done it.

  And yesterday, the fire fog warrior whose real name was "Mourning Reciter" who came to Misaki City to kill him should be the one who repelled him.

  It's better for such a fierce person to have less contact with him, and seeing that he doesn't intend to reveal his identity, he shouldn't be embarrassed to himself, right?

  Luo Yuan really didn't embarrass her. Lian Nanxi was very wary because of her past experience. Her invitation to help her and her invitation to be a guest was rejected. It seemed that she had to be hard.

  Now Luo Yuan has no plans to do it. After all, he is still dating Yoshida Kazumi, and doing it is too damaging to the atmosphere.

  "Luo, Luo Yuan..."

  Yoshida Kazumi was not impatient, she was just a little worried, so that her mind was not on visiting the exhibits at all, and she looked at them from time to time.

  The way the old gentleman diverted his attention made Kazumi Yoshida think that they had finished communicating, so he approached tentatively.

  "It's alright, it's just a few words with people we've met before."

  Luo Yuan directly greeted Yoshida Kazumi with a relaxed smile.

  "Let's go, let's continue to see, next is the stained glass, right?"

  "Hmm!" Yoshida Kazumi relaxed when he saw that he was okay, smiled and nodded.

  This time there was no interruption from others, and the two of them had a good time, chatting and visiting.

  By the time he left the museum, Yoshida Kazumi was no longer as prudent as before, and the sky had begun to darken.

  "I'll take you there. I'm not worried about you going home as a girl. By the way, where is your home?" Luo Yuan said to Yoshida Kazumi after looking at the sky, giving full play to his warm-hearted masculinity.

  As for where she lived close to himself, he deliberately forgot about her, after all, he was just an "ordinary" male high school student now.

  "Luo Yuan, classmate will send me home?" Yoshida Kazumi suddenly blushed again, and some warm plots unfolded in her mind unconsciously, and then she explained her home address to Luo Yuan.

  The shadows of the two people walking side by side on the street were gradually elongated as the streetlights began to light up gradually, and as they approached by chance, the shadows blended together.

  "I didn't expect to live so close to Yoshida classmate!" Luo Yuan looked sideways at Yoshida Kazumi, who was too shy to say a word, and took the initiative to break the silence.

  "Ah? Yes, yes!" Yoshida Kazumi replied, holding her schoolbag in both hands in front of her, with some thoughts.

  "Come and let me carry it for you!"

  "No, no... Thank you!"

  Luo Yuan decisively took Yoshida Kazumi's schoolbag over. Yoshida Kazumei didn't want to trouble him, but in the face of Luo Yuan's initiative, he had to choose to resign.

  Then Luo Yuan held the bag in one hand, and the other hand hung down between the two and swayed freely back and forth.

  Yoshida Kazumi's schoolbag was taken away by him, and his hands were clasped in front of him, but as he walked, he seemed to notice something, and the clasped hands slowly loosened, and they fell to the left and right sides and swayed casually with the pace. .

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