Sakai Yuji felt a chill in his heart when he saw him, wasn't everything in his body taken away?

  As Fariagni turned into a flame and disappeared, Shana sensed it a little. With the connection between the energy of the power of existence, the apostle of the Red World did leave, and couldn't help but look at Luo Yuan.

  "Want revenge?"

  Luo Yuan didn't care about Fariagni's departure, because he didn't intend to kill him by himself, but just looked down at Hirai Margin who was crying in his arms.

  Since she mustered up the courage to accuse Fariagni, she only had the strength to cry. After all, she was only human, but a fifteen-year-old high school girl.

  "Me, can I take revenge?"

  Hearing Luo Yuan's question, Hirai Yuan suddenly stopped crying, and there was a light in his gray eyes.

  Although she had just made an impulsive accusation against the terrible man, she knew that she had absolutely nothing to do with him, and that she was destined to lose her family.

  But when she heard Luo Yuan's words, she suddenly cheered up, she couldn't do it, but these two new classmates who were not ordinary people would definitely be able to.

  "Of course!" Luo Yuan nodded affirmatively.

  "As long as you become a fire and fog warrior like Shana, you can avenge your parents."

  "Then, then I want to take revenge, I want to become a fire fog warrior!"

  Hirai Yuan immediately stood up and wiped his tears, looking at Luo Yuan and said solemnly.

  "It takes a lot of courage and determination to become a fire and fog warrior, because you are likely to die the next moment."

  Luo Yuan did not immediately agree.

  Then he told her about the Fire Mist Warrior and the Apostle of the Red World, and at the same time he sighed in his heart that the original Fire Mist Warrior seemed to be born for revenge.

  Because the apostles of the red world came to this world to devour the power of human existence, the world was distorted, and thus spread to the red world, so the visionary demon kings of the red world must stop this from happening.

  However, their body cannot come, they need the power of existence to come, and they can't eat human beings like other apostles in the red world, otherwise it will go against their wishes.

  Therefore, through their collective efforts, they found that when human beings encounter great changes in their lives, their emotional outbursts can make them resonate with them.

  Human beings will behave in a different style after the great changes, and the influence of the world will become stronger, that is, their sense of presence will increase relative to the world.

  As a result, their capacity in time and space is enough to allow them to sleep in a special way, and leak energy to bless them, which also allows them to exercise their own will and crusade against the Red World Apostles who destroy the stability of the world.

  So the Fire Mist Warrior came into being.


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Chapter 47 You are not allowed to contract with her

  "I..." Hirai Margin decided to speak.

  "Don't worry, I'll give you half a day to think about it. Even if you don't become a Fire Mist Warrior, we will destroy him."

  Luo Yuan patted her on the shoulder and comforted that, because of his own speciality, the contracted fire and fog warrior does not need to enter the contractor's body to sleep, thus breaking the restriction that only one person can contract.

  Moreover, he now has a "zero-hour fan". Even if the power of existence required by the contractor is replenished, it will return to normal in the middle of the night, so he can consume the power of existence at will, as long as he keeps enough amount that will not be rejected by the world.

  Then Luo Yuan looked at Yuji Sakai who was on the side, and he seemed to be a little moved about becoming a fire and fog warrior, which seemed to be a very cool profession.

  Roll rough!

  Luo Yuan will definitely not give him this choice, the girls are just fine, what are you doing to join in the fun?

  "Let's go and continue the class."

  The cultural class in the afternoon was still full of bursts.

  Because the warm lunch was disturbed, and looking at Luo Yuan's posture, he would contract a fire and fog warrior.

  When there were too many people, Shana couldn't question Luo Yuan, so she gave full play to her strengths and angered these teachers. In the end, one teacher was criticized and cried bitterly, and the rest were insane. result ends.

  "Jingle Bell--"

  As the school bell rang, the suppressed atmosphere in the first and second grades of high school had controlled the students for a whole day and did not want to stay for a moment. As soon as the school bell rang, there were only four people left in the classroom within a few minutes.

  Sakai Yuji was distracted for an afternoon, Hirai Yuan was lost for a long time, Shana's sharp words dominated the entire classroom for a whole day, and Luo Yuan enjoyed various performances throughout the day.

  As Luo Yuan got up, the other three also stood up.

  By the way, Yuji Sakai, what's the matter with you acting like an asshole?

  "It's none of your business, what should I do?" Luo Yuan glanced at him and said in a flat tone.

  "I... oh!" Sakai Yuji didn't dare to have any opinion after all, looked at Hirai Yukari, who was looking straight at Luo Yuan, and ran away with her schoolbag.


  Shana didn't know what was going on when she saw this scene, but she didn't know how to object to this Hirai margin for revenge, so she could only snort and let Luo Yuan understand by herself.

  Luo Yuan naturally understood it, but he pretended not to understand it, approached Hirai Margin's gaze, leaned down slightly, and met her firm gaze.

  "Have you made up your mind? I'm going to embark on this road of no return!"

  "Yeah!" Hirai Yuki seemed to have grown up a lot at once. She was very lively and cheerful before today, and she had made up her mind to avenge her parents even if she would pay her life as the price.

  "I'm going to be a Fire Mist Warrior!"

  Her tone was sonorous and powerful, fully demonstrating her determination.

  "Okay, then come on!"

  Luo Yuan smiled and nodded, and walked out of the classroom first.

  Shana suddenly felt bad, her mouth pouted, and she looked at Luo Yuan angrily, but Luo Yuan just didn't look at her, which made her angry.

  "Huh?" As soon as Luo Yuan walked out of the school, he felt that an uninvited guest was coming in Misaki City. After a little sense, an interesting smile appeared on his face.

  This character he has been looking forward to for a long time can not only restore his full strength, but even subvert the laws of the world at will when the power of existence is sufficient.

  Since he came here, another fire and fog warrior will soon catch up here, and Misaki City is getting more and more lively.

  Luo Yuan subconsciously looked at Shana, who was arguing with her. Ever since he promised to make Hirai Yukari a Fire Mist Warrior, Shana has been puffed up, and when he looked at her, she immediately turned her face to one side to show her dissatisfaction.

  He shook his head amusingly, to see how long you can be so arrogant.

  All the way home with a strange atmosphere, Shana ran back to the room and closed the door loudly. It seemed that if he didn't coax her, he wouldn't want her to come out again.

  "what happened?"

  Alastair couldn't help being surprised by Shana's performance.

  "It's nothing, just a little temper."

  Luo Yuan explained with a funny look, and then he looked at Hirai Margin, who heard the monster figure's voice and showed a surprised look.

  "This is the Red World Demon God Alastair."

  Then he explained the situation to both parties.

  "Is this the reliance you intend to use to fulfill the agreement, Luo Yuan?"

  Alastair also knew about Luo Yuan's contract method, but looking at Luo Yuan's plan to contract the Fire Mist Warrior again, he couldn't help but guess whether he planned to mass-produce the Fire Mist Warrior to clean up the red world apostles.

  However, if the fire and fog warriors he contracted can all be on their own, and the amount is much larger, then this plan is not infeasible.

  "Of course not, don't worry, I have my own plans."

  After perfunctory the demon god, Luo Yuan directly asked Hirai Yukari to find her own room first, because she might live here in the future.

  Then he came to the door of Shana's room again, and subconsciously pushed it and found that it was unlocked. He suddenly laughed secretly in his heart. It didn't obviously imply that he was going to coax her.

  Luo Yuan pushed the door open as if he didn't know what was going on. Shana was still wearing that student uniform, sitting beside the bed and looking out the window.

  Clearly she was sulking.

  "Xana?" Luo Yuan called softly.

  "..." The girl didn't respond.

  "Xana Shana." Luo Yuan accentuated.

  "..." Shana still ignored him.

  "Xana Shana Shana!" Luo Yuan walked directly to her side.

  "Humph!" Shana glanced at him and snorted before turning her head away.

  "What's the matter with you, why are you so angry?"

  "I am not angry!"

  It's no wonder you're not angry, Luo Yuan really thought she was not angry, he sat next to her and stretched out his hand to hug her. In private, the two of them were quite used to hugging each other, but this time she was stopped.

  Shana sat a little further away while opening his hands.

  "Don't hug me!"

  "What happened?" Luo Yuan pretended to be puzzled.

  "What happened to that girl?"

  "Hirai-san? What's going on?"

  Knowing what to ask, Shana was so angry that she glared at him with her big beautiful eyes.

  "Huh?" Luo Yuan deliberately looked at her in surprise.

  "Are you jealous?"

  "What!" Shana blushed and argued loudly, "No, why should I be jealous?"

  Shana-chan started to be arrogant, and she would never admit that she was jealous when she was jealous.

  "Then why are you angry?" Luo Yuan took the opportunity to sit beside her and hug the girl's soft body into his arms.

  Shana symbolically struggled to break free, so she blushed and turned her head to the side.

  "Anyway, you are not allowed to contract with her!"

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