After destroying two phosphorus seeds, and at the same time, the phosphorus seeds in front of her were obviously waiting for her to be slaughtered, and the girl who was slightly angry couldn't help showing a smug smile.

  This time, I have completed the task perfectly. That idiot Luo Yuan has to think carefully about how to reward me.

  But when she thought of the reward, she remembered that the guy always took advantage of her, and she felt a little annoyed.

  "My master will not let it go!"

  The threat of no deterrence made Shana immediately raise her head above her head.

  "Wait until I kill you, then go to your master!"

  "Wait, wait a minute!"

  On the other side, Sakai Yuji, who was scared to the side by the knife just now, saw that the girl was planning to kill, and subconsciously wanted to stop it, completely forgetting that the girl was trying to harm him.

  "Okay, why don't you wink at all?"

  Luo Yuan suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the pig teammate who was going to drag him down.

  "Ah! You, who are you?"

  Sakai Yuji saw Luo Yuan who suddenly appeared in front of him as if he had seen a ghost, and jumped to the side immediately, not even caring about the other side.



  As Shana slashed down, the woman screamed and was split in half. At the same time, a [-] to [-] centimeter long doll jumped out of her body and flew into the air.

  Marianu, Luo Yuan's heart suddenly moved, this doll is obviously a phosphorus made by the Red Devil King Fariagni.

  Fariagni, the Crimson Demon King whose real name is "Hunter", came to Misaki City in order to gain massive power of existence by activating a powerful Free Law.

  In this way, his phosphorous son can evolve a complete body, and completely solve the drawbacks of relying on the master to provide the power of existence to survive.

  "It's really a pervert of doll control and lolicon control!"

  Luo Yuan scolded inwardly, completely forgetting the two loli, Ewen Jielin and Shiya Suwako, whom he had controlled, and of course, the half loli of Shana...

  "You are the body, aren't you?"

  Shana watched the doll-like phosphorus in the air eating Zhi Dianzhe's prepared posture.

  And the name Marianu watched Shana eager to try, and suddenly it seemed to sense something, and it quickly disappeared.

  This is obviously because the Red World Demon King Fariagni used the free method to instantly take back the phosphorus.

  Because from the glass altar, he saw that there were two powerful forces of existence in Fengjue, indicating that there were at least two powerful fire and fog warriors inside, and he could only choose to temporarily avoid the edge.

  "Okay Shana."

  Luo Yuan saw Shana looking at the direction where the puppet disappeared and was eager to try, and immediately stopped her, because she hadn't fully mastered the ability to fly, and chasing was in vain.

  Shana pouted in disapproval, always feeling a little uncomfortable that she didn't completely eliminate the troubled phosphorus.


  Luo Yuan praised without hesitation, and then glanced at the girl who was smugly praised by him, and the surprised Sakai Yuji on the other side, Luo Yuan suddenly had a bad taste in his heart.

  He walked up to Shana and kissed her cute face.

Chapter 39 I Found You

  "No road race, no road race, no road race!"

  Shana's face suddenly turned red, and she kicked him with her feet in white stockings while sending out three consecutive nails.

  "This is a reward!" Luo Yuan whispered as he approached her red ears.

  "Stupid, idiot, that's your reward, not mine!" Shana was even more annoyed when she heard what he said, and jumped into his arms and hammered him hard.

  "Okay okay, I remembered it wrong." Luo Yuan grabbed her little fist in a funny and helpless way.

  "Good boy! When you go home, I promise you any reward you want, okay?"

  "Humph!" Shana suddenly snorted and turned her red face to one side, and at the same time slapped her little hand vigorously.

  Sakai Yuji looked at the two flirting with envy.

  They must be a couple. It's really enviable. It would be great if I had such a powerful and lovely girl as my girlfriend.

  It's a pity that I'm just an ordinary high school student. I don't have a good appearance or excellent ability, so I can study well. Where can I meet such a good girl, and these two people are obviously not ordinary people.

  and many more!

  Sakai Yuji, who was maddened by nympho, only realized his situation when he thought about it. Now is not the time to think about it. What the hell is going on?

  The still space, the terrifying monsters, the vanishing kind, and this unbelievably powerful girl must be dreaming...

  "Well, may I ask..."

  "Heh..." Luo Yuan looked at Sakai Yuji, who looked at him with envy and doubt, and found it quite interesting.

  "By the way, Luo Yuan, how can this Mistis have your energy mask on him?" Shana remembered the strange situation on him after hearing Yuji Sakai's shout.

  "Yes, the Noble Phantasm in this Mistis is mine."

  Luo Yuan knew what Shana wanted to ask, so he took her little hand and came to Sakai Yuji and said to him, "No matter what questions you have, I will answer them one by one later."

  After speaking, Luo Yuan directly stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Sakai Yuji's body.

  "Oh!" Shana immediately understood when she heard Luo Yuan's explanation. No wonder this Mistis has Luo Yuan's energy protection, so she obediently stood beside him to see what Noble Phantasm he put in this container.

  The last Noble Phantasm she saw was the Zhana that he gave to her. Although she always said that she got it, she knew very well that Luo Yuan gave it to her specially.

  So I also like that weapon, and the name "Xana" that he gave himself with the homophonic sound of the weapon.

  But I won't let him know, hum!

  ", what are you doing, why are you sticking your hand into my body..."

  Feeling the body being stretched into Luo Yuan's hand, Sakai Yuji screamed in horror.

  "Luo Yuan, this Mistis is so noisy, please shut him up." Shana frowned. She hated this kind of yelling the most. It's so annoying.

  "Shut up!" Luo Yuan was very funny and directly blocked Sakai Yuji's mouth so that he could not speak, and could only continue to look at himself with frightened eyes.

  "caught you."

  Luo Yuan's hand was grasping in the space that was transformed by the power of existence in Sakai Yuji's body to store the "Zero Hour Mizi", perhaps feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

  The rare combination of "Tyrant 1" and John's consciousness in "Zero Hour Mizi" temporarily suppressed part of Luo Yuan's previous divine will.

  But the storage space of this Mistis is not large, and because of Luo Yuan, Sakai Yuji is not actually a complete Mistis.

  So Luo Yuan caught a "zero-hour fan" wrapped in spherical energy within a few seconds.

  If part of his previous divine will was suppressed by the other two parties, now the body can easily turn the situation around.

  "Sorry for the two of you, after all, I was the first to win!"


  As "Zero Mizi" was caught out of Yuji Sakai's body, a burst of strong light suddenly burst out, "Tyrant 1" and John, who were wrapped in silver armor, tried to escape from "Zero Mizi".

  However, they sensed the powerful divine will from Luo Yuan's body and knew that they could not escape, so they took the opportunity to send a special signal to the outside world.

  "This is..." Shana looked at this peculiar treasure with a puzzled look, but she had never seen it before.


  Luo Yuan violently suppressed Tyrant 1 and John who were trying to escape, and at the same time blocked them, as if they were locked in something like soap bubbles.

  This is the soap-bubble-in-itself method he derived from Ukobak that traps beings in it without dying.

  Ukobak's soap bubbles are too fragile, but they leave their own divinity on their surface that makes them extraordinarily strong.

  At the same time, he also needs to consume a lot of existence power to maintain their survival, otherwise once they completely die, it will affect their follow-up plans.

  And now that he has the restoration artifact "Zero Hour Mizi", he doesn't need to worry about the consumption of the power of existence at all.

  The reason why they were banned was also to avoid the infighting between John and "Tyrant 1" in the original plot, which caused the "Zero Hourly Mystery" to be damaged. Previously, his divine will was somewhat tied up in "Zero Hourly Mystery".

  And Luo Yuan did not stop the signal sent by John and "Tyrant 1" to the outside world, and it could even be said that the signal they sent was in line with his plan.

  And he also found that "Tyrant 1" does not have self-awareness, and only relies on some instinct to act.

  That's right, if he still has the consciousness of the "creative god" sacrificial snake, Luo Yuan's current state may not be able to suppress it.

  Playing with the "Zero Hour Mizi" in his hand, Luo Yuan couldn't help showing a look of joy. With this artifact, whether it is to completely restore his strength or end Shana's mission, it is just around the corner.

  Just as Luo Yuan took out the "Zero Hour Mizi", in a certain area of ​​Asia, a gust of wind that seemed to be controlled by people was raging everywhere, as if looking for something.

  The raging wind suddenly stopped, and a very feminine exclamation came from the wind.


  Somewhere in the sky in this world, this place is no different from other places, but there is an air fortress similar to the Tiandao Palace in the place covered by the void.

  Unlike the livable environment of Tiandao Palace, the fortress is full of Gothic-style buildings.

  In a secret place inside the building, there was a long-term sitting quietly a beautiful girl wearing a big hat, a big cloak, and shoulder-length light blue hair.

  (As long as it's a beautiful girl with pictures... you know!)

  She is Hecate, one of the three pillar ministers of the masquerade, the great sorcerer "the seat of the top".

  Suddenly, the girl who seemed to be asleep suddenly felt a throbbing in her heart. She opened her blue eyes and looked at the direction of a certain country in the east.

  "found it……"

Chapter 40

  "Ah ah ah..."

  Sakai Yuji, who was taken away from the "zero-hour fan", opened his mouth and let out a silent scream.

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