Shabulak's body can be divided into incarnations at any time underground, unless Luo Yuan's body comes to kill him, so he will not do useless work.

  In the process of jointly resisting Shabrak, Will Amina really formed a friendship with the "promised two", but this has nothing to do with Luo Yuan, he did not directly rob John's "zero-hour fan" and counted it to Wei Er Emina's face.

  In the days that followed, Shabrak seemed to be haunted, perhaps because he realized that Willemina was not easy to deal with, and the focus of his target was the "promised two".

  For John, it is: the average person is not guilty, but he is guilty.

  He didn't have the corresponding strength, but he possessed a special Noble Phantasm coveted by all parties, the "Zero Hour Mizi", so he unsurprisingly went the old way in Shabrak's elusive assassination.

  At the same time that Shabulak played the "Psalm of Great Life", Luo Yuan also escaped part of his will and got into the "Zero Hour Mizi".

  Then the "Zero Hour Mizi" was formed, and the three forces divided the world equally.

  John, who has the home field advantage, has "Tyrant 1" with some characteristics of the Serpent Serpent and part of Luo Yuan's will.

  The three fight against each other and try to dominate, and at the same time restrain each other, so as not to let one family dominate.

  Therefore, the internal atmosphere of "Zero Hour Mizi" is harmonious, and it is only waiting for a powerful external force to intervene to break this pattern.

  Therefore, the outside world and the personnel related to these three major forces are looking for the missing "zero-hour fans" everywhere.

  Whoever finds it first, then the attribution of the "zero-hour fan" will be finally determined.

  After Shabulak successfully entered the freedom law "Psalm of Great Life", he was considered to have completed the commission of the masquerade ball and retired. The Red Devil King Felice was injured, while Will Emina took care of her and accompany her to find the "zero-hour fan". ".

  After the Masquerade Party received Shabrak's response, he also began to search for the movement of "Tyrant 1" everywhere.

  Luo Yuan sent an avatar to Yuqi City in advance to confirm that it was still in Sakai Yuji's body.

  So the avatar stayed in Yuqi City to monitor Sakai Yuji, and prepared in advance for Luo Yuan's arrival.

  Luo Yuan's body also behaved the same as usual. With the god of punishment Alastair by his side, it is not good for him to act too prescient, so as not to be jealous of him.

  Anyway, the situation is under his control now, let alone Felice, even if the masquerade suddenly intervenes, his avatar will have time to take the "zero-hour fan" away in advance.

  Waiting for the main body to receive it is just to be more secure.

  "Zero Hour Mizi" can't restore his full strength, it can only restore the power of existence that he consumed after getting "Zero Hour Mizi".

  So he was not in a hurry, he took Alastair as usual, accompanied Shana to fight monsters and play.

  "Really? Then I'll wait and see!" Seeing that Luo Yuan didn't plan to go into details, Alastair wasn't angry. Anyway, ten years were too fast for his existence, and he was looking forward to Luo Yuan's life. What a surprise to bring him.

  "If it's okay, I'm going to rest too!" Luo Yuan also got up and walked to his room.


  Naturally, Alastair could only stay in the living room for the night. Luo Yuan would definitely not take him to his bedroom, otherwise it would always feel weird, two big men...

  As for Shana's room, it's even more impossible, it's a place that you can only go to by yourself.

  The girl in Shana's room was throwing a tantrum, and the three nails continued.

  "stupid stupid stupid!"

  As soon as Shana returned to the room, she was very angry at Luo Yuan's incomprehensible style. In that atmosphere, she even asked herself, why don't you see him so stupid normally.

  As proud as she is, it is naturally impossible for her to make a clear statement that she wants him to hug her. That kind of hint is already the limit of what she can do in front of Alastair.

  "Hey, don't want to hug me again!"

  The girl threw herself on the soft bed angrily, and then she activated the power of existence slightly, and the whole set of equipment on her body turned into a white light that wrapped around her wrist, like a pure white wristband.

  This is Luo Yuan's equipment similar to the divine power, which is made by the power of existence, the power of God, and even magic. It makes Shana very convenient to use. It only needs the power of existence to activate. There are many colors. There are options to choose from, but there are only two that she often uses.

  Light yellow when fighting, pure white at ordinary times, Luo Yuan also likes her to wear it the most.

  After taking off her clothes, only the white cutie and the fat girl were left with sullenness and soon fell asleep.

  Luo Yuan saw all this in the eyes of the next door, and he didn't care about her threats while it was funny.

  Anyway, what the arrogant girl said is right to do the opposite according to the situation. If you don't want it, you want it, if you can't do it, you will do it. He has a deep understanding of this.

  "Appropriate rejection is necessary. The offensive and defensive battle between the two will start today!"

Chapter 33 Shana was different from the beginning

  The city of Yosaki at dusk is shrouded in the afterglow of the sun, which dyes the sky and the city golden yellow.

  In a cake shop with a 50 yen discount on all the cakes today, a girl in a high school uniform suddenly ran out. She was carrying a cake box in her hand and trotted along with a smile and brisk pace.

  From her appearance, it seems that she intends to bring the cake home to share with her family as soon as possible.

  On the way home there is a long steep steep slope made of stone steps.

  Halfway through the run, she seemed a little tired. The girl rested and looked sideways at the city shrouded in the setting sun.

  So beautiful, the girl thought in her heart.

  When she was relieved, the girl planned to continue walking the rest of the stairs.

  Just when the girl walked to the platform of the last step, there were more than ten steps left to the top, and she was suddenly stunned when she was about to rush up.

  At the top of the stone steps stood a girl of about twelve or thirteen years old. The girl's long night hair that reached her hips was slightly lifted by the wind. She was dressed in a beautiful pure white dress, and the girl's tender and lovely face made people like it.

  But this girl was inexplicably afraid of her. Although the girl was wearing a beautiful and cute costume, her expression was a little serious and awe-inspiring, as if she would do something to her next that she didn't want to see.

  The girl started to walk down the stairs, obviously she was walking very slowly, but the girl seemed to feel that some irresistible force was pressing down on her, and she moved her steps back involuntarily.

  "You, don't come here..."

  The girl looked at her scared expression but didn't stop there, just walked up to her without saying a word, raised her head and planned to speak.

  "Why did you come to scare people again!"

  At this moment, a boy suddenly appeared next to the girl, pulled the girl down and looked at the girl with a complaining tone.

  And the girl looked at the boy, the scary aura disappeared immediately, and her expression was a little embarrassed.

  "Eh..." The girl was stunned for a moment, suspecting that what she saw just now was a hallucination, and how did this boy suddenly appear?

  "I'm sorry." The boy pulled the girl and said a word, then turned to look at the girl, his gentle face was a little apologetic.

  "She's a little addicted to playing cosplay. When she sees a single girl, she wants to perform. Did you just scare you?"

  "Idiot, what are you talking about?" The girl suddenly showed an angry look when she heard the boy say that to her. She stretched out her small hand to hammer him, and went to retrieve the hand he was holding.

  This scene has the feeling of flirting and flirting with young couples, which makes the girls on the sidelines think of their lovers involuntarily.

  "Huh?" The girl didn't know what to do with this, what is this...

  "No, it's alright..."

  The girl felt that it was the most important thing to do, so she adjusted the disordered breathing and the heartbeat that jumped out of her chest because of the girl's actions just now. She barely responded with an embarrassed yet polite smile, and at the same time bypassed the rushing rush between the two. He ran up the stairs quickly and disappeared.

  "Luo Yuan, what are you doing, that's a torch!" The girl named Shana watched the girl run away, and she was dragged away and couldn't do what she planned, she looked at the boy beside her angrily.

  "I want to use the remaining power of existence in her body to find the messenger of the Red World Apostle!"

  Luo Yuan was very emotional when he saw the high school girl who ran away.

  The original plot specially selected Shana's experience to compare her emotional changes to others after she met the male protagonist. From the original use of human beings as a tool, she became no longer cold when she had a relationship between men and women.

  In fact, in the final analysis, when she was in the Tiandao Palace, Willemina and Alastair never gave her any emotional education because of their own experiences.

  Feelings can make people strong, they can not be afraid of strong enemies, and create miracles one after another.

  But feelings also make people vulnerable. How many invincible and powerful beings have been defeated by feelings, and they have experienced failures and even sacrificed their lives for them.

  Therefore, the powerful beings in this world will regard "love" as the most powerful force.

  But Shana's mission was too heavy, so they didn't want to bet on whether she would become strong or weak, so they had to choose the safest method.

  Now with Luo Yuan's intervention, not only has she realized the meaning of feelings early, but she has also undertaken her mission at the same time.

  So Alastair didn't stop it deliberately. He might also want to see if Luo Yuan could take another path that he didn't choose back then.

  "Then why didn't you directly take away her remaining existence?"

  Luo Yuan looked at Shana who was glaring at him with a gentle tone. Because of her own reasons, Shana was different after all. She was no longer the fire-mist warrior who didn't care about anything other than her mission.


  Shana was also a little speechless. According to normal circumstances, shouldn't she just walk up to take away the power of existence of the torch, and then find the Apostle of the Red World to destroy it based on the information contained in it?

  Why did she feel a little unbearable from the bottom of her heart when she saw that girl with a cheerful smile, and couldn't bear to tell her that she was dead, and now this is just a substitute for the residue of her life.

  Is it because of him?

  Shana looked at Luo Yuan, the idiot only knew how to laugh at himself.

  She did think of Luo Yuan when she saw the girl's smile. The joy that came from her heart seemed to be the feeling in her heart when he was by her side.

  So she would think that the girl should have such a person in her heart, right?What if that person knew she was dead?

  And if he lost his existence like this girl, Luo Yuan would definitely be very sad. He likes him so much, but he has always known.

  So she was a little hesitant for a while, didn't want to speak, and didn't know if she should immediately take away the only remaining power of her existence that had become a torch.

  But the arrogant girl immediately became arrogant when faced with Luo Yuan's question, and was about to make a quibble, but she was just too full before, so she walked slowly.

  "Alright, alright!" Luo Yuan immediately interrupted her hilariously, as long as Shana was no longer the cold Shana, his efforts over the years would be meaningful.

  "If you want to know the information of the Apostles of the Red World, you don't necessarily need to directly take away the power of existence of the torch!"

  Luo Yuan grabbed Shana's little hand, and as soon as his eyes changed, he had already teleported with the girl to the front of an ordinary second-floor neon residential building.

  The word "Dashang" is written on the house number, indicating that this is a family headed by Dashang.

  In the open space next to the room, a fat middle-aged woman was fertilizing the flowers and plants in the courtyard with a small shovel.

Chapter 34 Today is no different


  With the sound of the door opening, the middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, then got up quickly and came to Luo Yuan and the others.

  "You're back, Zunzi?"

  However, she directly ignored the existence of Luo Yuan and the two of them, and looked at the girl on the other side of them.

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