Of course, the premise is that the girl cannot become slack because of her mission to become a fire and fog warrior after all, which is not only the goal of Alastair and the others, but also the girl's own will.

  Luo Yuan also expressed his acceptance, and from the observations over the years, the girl is indeed the most perfect "scorching eyes" that they cultivated by chance.

  Because the girl set up her own life goal early, and she is moving towards this goal without being affected at all.

  And Luo Yuan's existence only makes her walk easier and happier in the process of running towards her goal.

  Perhaps, there is a little extra sustenance...

  It's no wonder that Alastair would come to the conclusion that if Shana grew up normally in this world, she might become a famous artist, an important politician in a country, a brave general on the battlefield, or a criminal who would commit heinous crimes. conclusion.

  Because she is enough to accommodate the existence of the Red World Demon God "Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire" Alastair, a "sublime person" who spans time and space.

  Luo Yuan also felt a little bit overwhelmed while feeling complacent.

  Because Shana was different from any girl he had come into contact with before.

  If he can't help her complete her mission, even with Luo Yuan's strength, coupled with the vague feelings he can sense that the girl has towards him, she can't make her give up her mission.

  Luo Yuan can do it if forced, but the Shana obtained in this way is not the complete Shana.

  Therefore, he found that the task in this world is a bit heavy!

  Of course, Luo Yuan didn't feel unhappy because of this. Instead, he felt a sense of accomplishment that he was about to own the most precious thing in this world.

  And the opportunity for Luo Yuan, Shana, and the rest of the Tiandao Palace to achieve their goals has already appeared.

  Although Luo Yuan has only regained a small part of his strength in just a few years, there is no way that he has lost too much of his origin and divinity.

  But even so, he has returned to a state where he can separate out some divine will or incarnate to run some errands for him.

  According to the power division of this world, that is, he has recovered from the strength of the Crimson Demon King when he first arrived to the strength of the top Crimson Demon King.

  Of course, since his main strength is his own, the actual combat power is naturally stronger.

  Therefore, even if Tiandao Palace is shrouded in formation, the seaside city where they are located outside Tiandao Palace is already under Luo Yuan's actual control.

Chapter 17 Mission: Defeat the Skeleton Monster

  "Don't eat too many sweets at one time!"

  At this moment, Will Emina also came to the restaurant. Seeing Shana eating pineapple buns and other desserts, she said in a flat tone.

  "Slightly..." The girl stuck her tongue out at her, but she still obediently retracted the chopsticks she was holding on to a shortbread, and lowered her head to drink the porridge.

  "What's the matter, you don't have to worry about getting fat anyway!"

  Luo Yuan immediately interjected to protect him.

  Because Shana has to fight against the skeleton monster Melisim every day, the consumption is amazing, and there is no need to worry that the energy of sweets will cause girls to gain weight.

  Even if eating sweets for a long time has the effect of gaining weight on ordinary people, there are also certain diseases that may be caused. For Luo Yuan, it is not a problem at all.

  "Eat all you want!"

  Luo Yuan put two more shortcakes for her in the girl's bowl.

  After so many years of special training, as well as the practice of Luo Yuan's three-fold cultivation method, Shana has basically reached the final stage of body training.

  And the increase in physical strength naturally eats a lot, so she has to eat a lot of food at every meal.

  With Luo Yuan there, she can easily meet her needs, and at the same time achieve a balanced nutrition, it is all the ones she likes to eat.

  If Will Emina comes, it will basically be all kinds of fast food, not to mention the taste is not good enough, and it is not very nutritious.

  No wonder Shana's development will...

  Well, after Luo Yuan's verification, Shana's development seems to have nothing to do with food.

  Because each meal is provided by various feasts, Shana's development is not much different from the original plot.

  It's just a little bit more tall, reaching 1.45M, the same height as Sakuraman's real name, and the development in front of him is the same.

  Obviously this is because of her own constitution.

  Luo Yuan also expressed his understanding of this, because in the three-dimensional world where he lived in his previous life, there were many beautiful women with the name of the king of big stomachs, but they still had a flat figure.

  And the drop of blood he gave Shana only gave her strength, and did not interfere with the natural development of her body.

  Maybe this is because he subconsciously likes the petite, arrogant and cute Shana.

  Seeing that there were two more biscuits in the bowl, the girl raised her head and looked at Luo Yuan, pouting her pouting pouting lips as always at the girl in his favorite eyes.

  "I'm going out to do some errands today and do some shopping!"

  Will Emina drank a bowl of porridge seriously, and said while gently putting down the bowl.

  The Red World Apostles have a leadership group such as the "Masquerade Ball", and the Fire Mist Warriors who are their enemies naturally also have an organization called "Outside Residence", which is used for the Fire Mist Warriors to provide information exchange and sharing, and activity funds in the present world. assistance, arranging quick and efficient means of transportation, and more.

  And the Tiandao Palace has existed for so many years, and it is also supported by the funds provided by the outside world.

  Otherwise, in the hundreds of years that the Tiandao Palace existed, the family did not produce anything, so where did the money come from?Shouldn't it be robbing?

  Because the predecessors of the Fire Mist Warriors were all human beings, they all formulated corresponding rules that they could not deal with ordinary humans.

  Even Will Emina often accepts commissioned tasks issued by some institutions in order to continue to receive financial support.

  At the same time, she often communicates with her former comrades or obtains information through the outside world.

  So she sometimes leaves the Heavenly Dao Palace for a few days.

  Luo Yuan and Shana were also surprised by this.

  "Oh, I see." The girl looked sideways at Will Emina and nodded in response.

  "It just so happens that I'm going out too, let's go together!"

  Luo Yuan also took over the topic with a smile, he had already sensed the approach of the members of the masquerade.

  That is to say, in the original plot, today is the day when Shana officially became a fighter of fire and fog and began to step into the arena.

  If he stays in Tiandao Palace, it may affect the development of the plot, although he has already affected it.

  But now that Shana has grown up almost, it is time to start leaving Tiandao Palace, and there must be a reasonable excuse for leaving.

  The red world apostle of the original plot ran in and caused the destruction of the Tiandao Palace. It was a good excuse. Although he could easily interfere, he planned to watch it this time.

  As for the formation and formation of the Tiandao Palace, he also knows about the same. When the time comes, he will slightly influence the key of the key to the structure of the Tiandao Palace, which is one of the three pillars of the red world apostle wearing a masquerade ball. The damage caused will make it easier to restore the Tiandao Palace in the future.

  "Why are you going out too?"

  When the girl heard that Luo Yuan was also planning to go out, she would be the only one left in the Tiandao Palace, and she was a little dissatisfied.

  She has not left the Tiandao Palace since she grew up, mainly because Alastair and Will Amina worry that her premature contact with external things will affect her mind.

  And Luo Yuan did not sneak her out because of the agreement with them, because even using teleportation has energy fluctuations. With his strength at this time, it is easy for Alastair to detect him, and he is not too lazy. Because this kind of thing conflicts with him.

  "Well, I've run out of things, and I plan to buy more so that I can make more delicious food for you!" Luo Yuan explained to her gently.

  In fact, this is just an excuse. He has already replenished the inner space with a large supply of materials before. It is no problem to use it for hundreds of years. Anyway, they don't know how much things can be stored in their storage space.

  As for the source of the money for the purchase of materials, it is not a problem at all. He did not ask Will Emina to give the money. He just used his avatar to exploit a few capitalists casually, so that the world can't spend enough money.

  Anyway, he was exploited so badly by capitalists in his previous life, and he has no psychological pressure to exploit capitalists in this life.

  As for the institution where the Fire Mist Warrior, Waikaisu, is located, it has nothing to do with him, and he has no plans to contact him.

  "Oh, when will you be back?" The girl pouted a little unhappy.

  Luo Yuan smiled and looked at Will Amina, meaning to come back with her.

  "Should be back before the evening!" Will Amina glared at Luo Yuan, and then gave her the approximate time as if the parents who had left home were explaining the return date to the child.

  "Oh, well, I see!" Hearing that they didn't leave for a long time, the girl suddenly became happy again.

  "I've made lunch for you, just heat it up in the microwave." Luo Yuan said to the girl again, and then gave her a task if he had a deep meaning.

  "In addition, give your training a firm goal to accomplish today!"

  "What goal?" The girl looked at him in surprise, because Luo Yuan rarely interfered in her training.

  Even Will Emina looked at Luo Yuan suspiciously.

  "That's to defeat the Skeletons so you can meet their demands."

Chapter 18 The plan to leave

  "That's Xiaobai!" The girl glared at Luo Yuan, a little dissatisfied with his name for the Xiaobai who taught her, and then she said, "But I always get shot by Xiaobai first in the beginning of the battle, and then I keep fighting. Being at a disadvantage, it fails every time!"

  Originally, as a fire fog warrior, you must be absolutely confident and strong, and you must complete your mission no matter how much you pay.

  She has always done this in her special training and studies.

  But in front of Luo Yuan, she couldn't help but want to complain.

  Seeing this, Will Emina frowned slightly and was about to speak.

  "So you have to seize the opportunity!" Luo Yuan said first.

  Will Emina's education on Shana is very strict, and the implementation is also very serious, so that many times what she says will make her angry.

  That's why Luo Yuan didn't let her have a chance to speak, but seeing the girl's puffed-up look, Luo Yuan pointedly said: "The skeleton monster reacts very well at close range, you can use other methods to distract it first. , so you can get a head start."

  Although Shana's physical strength is very strong because of her own skills and blood enhancement, the skeleton monster Melisim was very powerful before her death, and she belongs to one of the most powerful Red World Demon Kings.

  Even if it maintains the body of white bones, it still has powerful strength, and it has the instinct formed in countless battles before his death, so Kankan can suppress Shana, who is a master of body refinement, first through skilled skills.

  "It's like when we gave you a birthday, we threw your cake and sprayed you with drinks from a distance. Did you become angry at that time?"

  Luo Yuan knew their situation so he said this. He wanted to use Shana's hand to let Meilisim the Rainbow Wing break the barrier of the Heavenly Dao Palace, so that the Red World Apostle of the masquerade would break into the Heavenly Dao Palace. Let the plot return to its proper trajectory.

  Only by making Shana become a fire fog warrior as soon as possible can she get rid of this mission as soon as possible.

  "Is that so..." Guided by Luo Yuan's words, the girl couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression.

  After that, the three of them stopped talking and finished breakfast in silence.

  The most direct connection between Tiandao Palace and the outside world is at the bottom of this inverted cone-shaped building, which is the bottom of the residential building.

  Although most of the top surface is covered with soil and vegetation, the building is directly penetrated from top to bottom, and the bottom floor has the most convenient exit from the Tiandao Palace.

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