It's just that they are all unqualified, either relying too much on strength, or attaching too much importance to the mind, or selfishness, or cowardice and incompetence, or relying too much on their elders.

  Alastair wanted to find a pure fire and fog warrior who was only born for his mission after experiencing the fire and fog warriors who fought for revenge in the previous generation "Bright Eyes".

  It's just that the eligible people never showed up.

  Now let's see if the only little girl in Tiandao Palace meets the requirements...

  Luo Yuan stayed in the room where he was and didn't do any extra work. He completely relaxed himself and planned to have a good night's rest.

  The next day, Will Emina got up early as usual to prepare breakfast.

  Today, she intends to prepare a little bit richer, because today she will start to let her little girl full of expectations officially enter the special training.

  She knew what it meant, and from today onwards, the little girl would never have the leisurely life as before.

  Once she starts to enter the special training, what awaits her may be the never-ending battle!

  First, we must fight against Melisim, no, it should be said that we must try to survive the battle with Melisim and keep getting stronger.

  After meeting the requirements of Alastair, he will contract with him, and he will become a "fire and fog warrior" with the mission of cleaning up the red world apostles who have destroyed the stability of the world, and will never die!

  Even though she has developed deep feelings for the little girl over the years, it still cannot change the mission she may face.

  Because this is also the goal and purpose of her and the little girl coming to Tiandao Palace.

  "what happened?"

  "It's weird!"

  Before entering the kitchen, she smelled the fragrance in the air, the fragrance of food.

  This was a taste she had never been able to produce, so much so that even Tiamat, the white crown on her head, was surprised.

  Who else will cook in the Heavenly Dao Palace besides himself?

  Willemina quickly moved towards the kitchen with her skirt from left to right with both hands, and at the same time she already had a vague guess in her heart.

  There is indeed one more person in the Tiandao Palace, a person that makes her a little annoying.

  Sure enough, as soon as she stepped into the living room, Will Amina immediately felt her eyes lit up.

  Originally, there was a simple long table with kettles and silver candlesticks, but now there are plates of delicate pastries and rice porridge that are suitable for breakfast.

  Not only is it beautiful, but just by the smell it exudes, Will Emina can conclude that the food she ate when she was a princess in the kingdom was not as delicious as these foods.

  She moved to the kitchen again with a blank face, and sure enough, she saw that nasty guy was busy in the kitchen.

  Sorry, busy during the day and that thing has dragged this chapter up to this point.

  In addition, if I read any chapters that readers find dangerous, please let me know when they see it, I don't want to be harmed (cry)!

Chapter 9 The correct way to eat pineapple buns

  "Hi, morning!"

  Aware of Will Amina's appearance, Luo Yuan turned his head and greeted with a smile.

  "In order to apologize for yesterday's rudeness, and to thank the Tiandao Palace for its enthusiasm, I made a special breakfast, I hope it suits your tastes!"

  In fact, Luo Yuan knew that if Will Emina cooks again, maybe his share is still dark cooking.

  Even if he has almost no need for food now, he can't seem too inhumane.

  So he rushed to occupy the kitchen before Will Amina, and soon came up with a bunch of delicious food.

  Anyway, in the last world, the girls in the family made their own food, and here they are just doing their old jobs, and there are not many people anyway.

  Although Tiandao Palace looks magical, there are still many modern household appliances inside, and there is no need to worry about the source of energy. Solar energy is supplied 24 hours a day.

  In fact, the maintenance of the facilities in the Tiandao Palace has always been carried out by Will Emina. She is the only one in the huge palace, while the other skeleton is a flame, and there is a little girl, all three of them are is not helpful.

  So Will Emina is still a very qualified all-round maid in this regard, but of course, only her cooking skills can't be complimented!


  At this moment, I remembered the exclamation of the little girl outside.

  Because Xiao Shana is going to start special training today, she may embark on the same path as the "Fire and Mist Warrior" that she has been listening to and growing up since she was a child.

  Fear, worry, excitement, longing, anxiety and other emotions fermented in the little girl's heart, she couldn't understand it, and she fell asleep for the first time.

  So today, before Will Emina called her, she came directly to the restaurant to get full and start a new life.

  Just as soon as she came to the restaurant, she was attracted by the dazzling array of foods with various aromas.

  At the age of greed, she couldn't help but exclaimed that she was born when she saw so many delicious things that she had never seen before at home suddenly.

  "Will Emina... um..."

  When Xiao Shana saw Will Amina come out of the kitchen, she subconsciously thought it was her handwriting, and immediately grabbed a piece of cake and prepared to stuff it into her mouth.

  However, when Luo Yuan came out with a plate of new cakes, she realized that it was not Will Amina's masterpiece, and her movements froze in her mouth.

  "You're welcome, it's just for you to eat!"

  Seeing the little girl like this, she was so cute and cute, Luo Yuan couldn't like it, and the smile was so gentle that she didn't need to be polite.


  However, she put the pastry back in its original position very sensible, and looked at Will Amina with wide eyes.

  Will Amina is also entangled in her heart at this time. Although she is still a little bit worried about what happened yesterday, since Lord Tianliang Jiehuo has already agreed to this person's stay.

  And last night, he deliberately felt sorry for him, plus the sincerity of his apology he showed today.

  Although she is not good at expressing emotions, she is essentially a woman, and most women are emotional.

  "Eat it!"

  So, Will Amina also decided to temporarily accept Luo Yuan's kindness.

  With Will Amina's consent, the little girl smiled again, picked up the cake and stuffed it into her mouth.

  However, she couldn't say anything to thank Luo Yuan. The little girl who already had some arrogant attributes just looked at Luo Yuan with a much kinder look.

  Luo Yuan didn't expect a meal to completely reverse their perception of him, he was very patient.

  And Will Emina also sat next to the little girl and took a sip of a bowl of rice porridge. The refreshing and refreshing taste suddenly made her feel a little better.

  Looking up slightly to Luo Yuan's gentle smile, the beautiful maid quickly lowered her eyelids and stopped looking at him.

  "Hey, what is this?"

  The little girl pointed to the large plate of buns in the center of the table and asked, that was what Luo Yuan brought out last. The surface of the golden buns was not flat, but covered with bulges like pineapples.

  She actually noticed it at the first time, but she was a little reserved because of Will Emina's usual teachings to her.

  "Pineapple buns!"

  Luo Yuan saw that this should be Shana's exclusive food, and now Xiao Shana seems to have never seen it before, and his smile suddenly became weird, but he still explained to Shana patiently.

  "Have you never eaten it before? It's very delicious, you can try it!"

  Luo Yuan quickly put one for Shana on her plate.

  Speaking of desserts such as pastries and breads, girls naturally like to eat them very much.

  This is what Luo Yuan does the most. The girls in the Hakurei Shrine in the previous world also like it very much. They eat a lot of breakfast every day.

  This is of course not difficult for him. Even if he doesn't use his abilities, he can easily make enough for them to eat enough. Anyway, there is no need to worry that they will get fat if they eat too much sweets.

  After all, they are not ordinary girls.

  And since the pastry is made, the variety is naturally impossible to be too single, so he has mastered all kinds of shapes and tastes.

  Not only pineapple buns, but also soybean flour buns and peach buns, he is very good at it.

  Now come to this world, the first choice is Shana's pineapple bun.

  There is no shortage of raw materials in his inner space, after all, they are all relatively ordinary things.


  The little girl didn't refuse Luo Yuan's bread for her. She was very happy and took a bite of the pineapple bun, which was about the size of her face.

  The sweet and soft taste immediately made her show a satisfied expression.

  "It's very yummy!"

  The little girl complimented while eating.

  "Will Amina bought me bread before, but I've never eaten it!"

  After eating the delicious food prepared by Luo Yuan, Xiao Shana was finally willing to talk to him, and Willemina didn't object anyway.

  "Is it?"

  Luo Yuan felt happier immediately, he also picked up a pineapple bun, and said to Xiao Shana with both hands.

  "Actually, there is a correct way to eat pineapple buns. You should eat a little crunchy part first, and then a little soft part, so that the crunchy part and the soft part take turns to eat into your mouth, you can You can taste two flavors at the same time in a balanced way!”


  The little girl tried the method taught by Luo Yuan suspiciously, and her eyes widened immediately.

  "Umm~ that's true!"

  "..." Looking at the two who seemed to have become one, Will Emina opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

  But she thought about it and still didn't say it. Anyway, the little girl will suffer a lot in the future, so let her finish this breakfast happily first.

Chapter 10 How Shana Was Made

  "From today, Melisim will give you severe combat training."

  After eating a hearty breakfast, Will Emina took Xiao Shana out of the palace, and the skeleton in the broken cape was waiting there.

  "During special training, he won't show mercy to you, but once you start to lose your temper, it's useless to refuse or escape." Standing in front of Melisim, Will Emina solemnly confronted the little boy in front of him. said the girl.

  "In battle, you only need to pay attention to the direction of the air flow caused by his attack and perceive the body part where the killing intent is aimed at you, so as to take correct and effective methods to avoid or block in time, and even take the initiative to attack in the end."

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