Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 216: end

"Hey, I said you are tired and crooked enough! There are still a lot of people waiting for you two!" Meliodas unceremoniously ruined the very moving scene before him. .

"My lord Meliodas, we met for the first time, please take care of me in the future!" Allie said with a smile, bending over to Meliodas very politely.

"And Master Xie Chen! I will keep your favor in mind!" When facing Xie Chen, Ai Li said more solemnly. For Xie Chen's help to Jin Heban, Ai Li did Look in the eyes! Although I know that I will not be able to repay Xie Chen's kindness in this life, I still need an attitude! And this kind of gratitude is sincere!

"I will trade my life for Ai Li, if there is something, I will definitely not refuse." Ban also said to Xie Chen very seriously. He doesn't want Ellie to live with such kindness, so he wants to put all the responsibilities on his shoulders! The look in Xie Chen's eyes was exceptionally firm!

"That said, what is the use of I want your life! Let's do this, I remember that you have two of the previous fruits? Give them to me, even if it is the reward for resurrecting Ai Li!" Xie Chenshi Said boringly, but since they have to repay, they have to accept something.

"Okay!" Without hesitation, the class gave the two remaining fruits to Xie Chen. Of course, the class didn't think that they could directly repay Xie Chen's kindness!

"I said, should we go to the other side of the wall and meet everyone?" Meliodas said to everyone, Ben's Ellie returned, and his Elizabeth was still waiting for him on the other end of the wall. As for the so-called walls, it is no longer a major event for them.

"Me, how did we get there?" Only Arthur asked stupidly.

"Go over! Keep up!" Xie Chen said with a smile, and then walked towards the opposite wall. If it was the same when Xie Chen came, all the walls around Xie Chen would disperse actively. A space the size of an elevator was formed in front of everyone.

Soon everyone disappeared in the wall!

"Wow, this, what's going on? Is it due to the magic of Master Xie Chen?" Arthur asked in amazement as he looked at the stones that kept giving way to himself and others! From time to time, Arthur could not help but touch the tumbling dirt and stones with his hands!

"It's a treat!" Xie Chen said casually. The law of earth attributes is that the ancestors of the giants would never be able to compare with Xie Chen. Such a simple way of controlling soil is just a breeze for Xie Chen.

"Come out, come out! Master Xie Chen!" Hauser shouted as he watched the crowd who had come out easily from the stone wall. Xie Chen, who was walking in the front, was the first to be seen by everyone. Then there is Melio Daos behind, and the class holding Ellie's hand, and finally Arthur behind!

"Hauser, little Jill, you are all fine with the dead pig." Meliodas said to everyone. Then she looked at each other with Elizabeth, who was standing aside as if waiting for her husband to come home. There are many things that don't need to be said after the eyes.

"Yeah, Dian, sure enough you are here too." Meliodas looked at Dian who was standing not far away and yelled.

"With Mr. Meliodas talking, it won't be a problem to get to the finish line!" Diane said while looking at Meliodas standing in front of Elizabeth. In his heart he still thinks Meliodas is the most powerful guy.

"Xie Chen, can't you restore Diane's memory?" At this moment, Meliodas seemed to think of something and suddenly asked Xie Chen. In Meliodas's eyes, it is okay to revive Ally, then restore it. Diane's memory should be easy to remember.

"I'm not a cry for the treatment of intractable diseases. You have found Gauser and asked Gauser to solve this problem!" Xie Chen shook his head and said. This is really not Xie Chen's strengths. And he is not their full-time doctor.

"Okay!" Meliodas said, still very confident in Diane!

"Am I really amnesia? Meliodas?" Meliodas Diane is still full of trust. After all, Meliodas is the only person who has known him for so long.

"Yeah, but didn't Ben go looking for you? Uh, it's just a little fairy, maybe fourteen or five years old." Suddenly it occurred to Diane that Meliodas had lost his memory and Meliodas went to Diane. The pen drew the appearance of gold!

"I know Jin. He helped us heal the children in our village. This time I came with Jin and Matorona, but later I didn't know how they were all lost!" Dai Ann probably understood why Jin had that attitude when he first saw him. It's just that no matter what he thinks, he can't remember a trace of everyone's memory!

"You can stop for a while, I think we should go to the finish line first, although it is only one step away, but if you don't sell this step, you will always feel psychologically uncomfortable!" Xie Chen suddenly called Cut off everyone's conversation, stood up and said to everyone.

"Is it the end? Isn't it very close!" Arthur asked.

"Yes, it's very close!" Xie Chen put his hand on the wall opposite the wall where Xie Chen brought Meliodas and others out! Xie Chen would never take a long detour as long as there was a shortcut, even in a maze. So Xie Chen came all the way not to find all the people as the goal, but to reach the end!

What I didn't expect was that I could meet Meliodas, Elizabeth and others before the second and third walls of the final distance. It can only be said to be lucky!

Xie Chen put his hand on the last wall, and then saw that the wall seemed to have been eaten directly out of thin air, but it was corroded in an instant except for a huge passage that Diane could pass through.

On the opposite side of the passage is a huge stone, and in front of the stone stands many people who have already come here. It seems that they are not the first group of people.

"Okay, we should go now!" Xie Chen was very handsome and walked towards the stone wall where the entrance of the cave was still expanding! ..


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