Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 213: Xie Chen, Melio Das and Ben

"I can feel strongly that that person is on the other side of the wall. Lord Meliodas, I,, are waiting for you." With a slight smile on her face, Elizabeth looked at the wall in front of her and spoke softly. Talking.

"Elizabeth, wait for me," Meliodas put his hand on the wall and smiled at Elizabeth at the other end of the wall. It seems that the stone wall in front of you does not exist!

"Is Princess Elizabeth really on the other side of the wall? But I didn't feel any aura either!" Arthur asked while standing beside Meliodas.

"I can know that as long as it is about him, everything is clear." Meliodas said to Arthur so seriously for the first time, but with a really faint smile on his face.

"Then the question is how to get to the opposite side of the wall!" Meliodas said while looking at the wall in front of him.

"Say, that's what I said, if you go around in a circle, you might get farther and farther, that would be bad." Arthur also struggled. If Elizabeth and the others are really across from each other, then how did they go is indeed a big problem.

"This smell~" Meliodas seemed to smell something. After looking for the taste, I saw a large leaf on a stump on a meadow not far from the corner of the labyrinth, and a neat barbecue on the leaf. No matter whether it is looking or tasted, Meliodas' own roasted meat is completely bursting!

"This,,, is the meat of a monster, right!" Arthur asked with some uncertainty looking at what was in front of him.

"Anyone besides us sacrificed under this super unpalatable thing?" Meliodas seems to really think that the meat of the monster is too unpalatable and not because of his poor cooking. !

"However, this taste problem is super fragrant!" Arthur didn't seem to hold back the large leaf holding the roasted meat and said. The saliva in the mouth is about to stay!

Under the double temptation of hunger and deliciousness, how could he endure it! You should know that he just tasted the barbecue that Meliodas cooked before, and in the end he spit out all of it, not eating at all. After so long, he realized that it would be a torture to follow Meliodas.

"From the heat to the pre-processing of the ingredients, everything is perfect!" Meliodas pinched a piece of meat from the leaf with his hand and observed it carefully.

"Ah, salt and herbs are used to remove the fishy smell from the meat, and it also adds the deliciousness and taste of the meat!" Finally, Arthur didn't hold back and directly used a wooden fork cut from a side of wood to insert a piece. In the mouth!

"And the degree of grilling is just right!" Meliodas finally put the piece of meat into his mouth.

"Oh oh oh, it's so delicious! This is the top skill that makes the palace chefs utterly ashamed. I really want to invite him to the palace!" Arthur exaggerated!

"What are you talking about, Arthur, it should be the Pig Hat Tavern who wants to hire him!" Even before anyone saw it, the two were fighting over here!

"It really doesn't matter to you, if you want to hire me anyway, then I will reluctantly come back!" Ban dressed in a waiter costume slowly walked over from behind!


"Head!" When the two meet, they fight in the same way as before, just like when their friendship started! The strange friendship that started when Meliodas shot Ban from the prison, and then continued!

After the two tossed for a while, Arthur stopped with a stunned expression. It's just that the originally good flat ground has now become a mess!

"Did you really get the fruit? This is really good news. Now as long as you can find the fellow Xie Chen, Ai Li can be resurrected." Meliodas was very happy with the good news that Ben said.

"Where's Jin, I remember I asked him to take care of Ellie's body!" Ben asked Meliodas.

"Hehe, that guy really has a body that guards Ellie well, if it wasn't for Xie Chen in the end, I'm afraid you would never see that guy again." Meliodas thought of Jin being caught The scene in the Ten Commandments said.

But Jin did do his best to protect Ellie's body. It's just that the opponent is too strong! Even if you try your best, there is no way. Fortunately, Xie Chen finally appeared.

"Don't worry, where Ellie's body is now that fellow Xie Chen, nothing will happen to that monster!" Meliodas said to Ben.

Indeed, Xie Chen is now basically a super invincible metamorphosis recognized by everyone in the Seven Original Sins! It seems that he represents the highest level of force in this continent!

"Hey, is it okay for you to tell others behind your back like this?" While Meliodas and Ban whispered Xie Chen's perversion, Xie Chen was slowly walking towards everyone in the wall behind them. !

"Thank you, Master Xie Chen!" Arthur cried out when he saw this scene with his mouth open and looking at Xie Chen who was walking towards him and the others. There is no way Xie Chen's way of playing is too scary!

"Well, little Arthur~The hat on his head is still unique~" Xie Chen touched the cat on Arthur's head, but it seemed that the cat didn't like Xie Chen teasing him like this, and even used his own. Xiaopang grabbed his paw towards Xie Chen. But Xie Chen avoided it!

"Hey, dare you not be so exaggerated in your next appearance!" Meliodas looked at Xie Chen with a bit of discomfort and said.

"Why, dissatisfied, let's fight!" Xie Chen said to Meliodas with a smirk.

"Okay, how about the two of us hitting you!" Meliodas didn't suffer! By the way, he got on the side of the squad. At this time, he knew that the fighting power of the squad was not comparable to that of the original. Although he didn't know why, he still liked to hear that he wanted to beat Xie Chen, who was not pleasing to the eye. Meal!

"I don't have any opinion~" Xie Chen's expression didn't matter, even if they were all up, Xie Chen wouldn't feel a little pressure! Xie Chen has absolute confidence in his own strength! ..


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