Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 211: Killer

Soon there was a burst of smell of grilled fish in the maze, and I saw that Xie Chen didn't know where he found a huge branch to string the whole fish, and then caught it aside! Since it is food, naturally it cannot be thrown on the ground casually!

At this time, the earth crawling fish has completely rolled its eyes! Xie Chen sat on the side and cut pieces of meat from the big fish, and then took them to the fire and roasted them. As for the condiments, Xie Chen will never lack! Not to mention what you are carrying, even there are inexhaustible materials in Fushan City!

The leader who ran away before and other subordinates also surrounded a fire with two or three people grilling fish. The fear from the beginning gradually turned into naked worship under Xie Chen's peaceful attitude!

There is no one! The strength is so powerful! People don't have any shelf. Immediately these people almost cried and called Xie Chen to accept them as little brothers.

They have not encountered ordinary strong people, but that one is not a silly air, either likes to pretend, or is nervous, anyway, there is no normal person!

"Hey, boss, what do you say to these leftover fish!" The guy in the lead ran to the fire where Xie Chen was and asked.

"Throw it away! Anyway, you can't finish eating and you can't take much away! If you can leave in a while, you should leave as soon as possible. This is not a place where you can stay!" Xie Chen first glanced at the one in front of him with a little surprise. Guy, then spoke.

Xie Chen naturally knew who the guy who made this maze was and what their purpose was, like these guys in front of him, who wanted strength without strength, and background without background, what could be the result of death.

However, Xie Chen doesn't mind being the boss once to mention them because of the sensible face of these guys.

"Yes, yes, what the boss said is, hehe, even we want to go out, but I don’t know what’s going on in the ghost maze, but there is no way out! We also try to climb to the point of the maze, but every time I've been beaten back! Anyway, I just can't get out, boss!" Speaking of this, this guy is crying, so miserable!

Xie Chen doesn't know that this guy is pretending to be pitiful and cute! But since the little brother said so, he, the boss, naturally didn't mind helping him.

"Okay, I'll help you out later, and eat the grilled fish first." Xie Chen said to the leader of the group while focusing on the grilled fish in his hand.

"Boss Xie, in fact, we still seem to follow the boss, but we are afraid of dragging the boss, hehe." This guy still has some eyesight.

Just when Xie Chen and others were sitting on the ground eating grilled fish, he suddenly wanted to walk out from the corner and a guy with a huge machete, with a blade that was more than two meters in length! And the guy carrying the big knife is nearly three meters tall!

Behind this guy with a big knife was a thin man who was completely short compared to the man who was more than three meters in front of him. "The smell comes from here! Look, those guys are grilling fish!" The thin man said with a flattering expression to the proud big man with a cold face .

"Well, go and tell you those guys, saying that Lord Nangong is going to buy all their fish and let them all stand aside!" The man with the big knife commanded the thin man with a brutal expression.

The voice of the big knife man is not small, not to mention that Xie Chen, even a few other people can hear it. Suddenly he was unhappy to please Xie Chen with a meteor hammer just now!

"Who are you, go away quickly! Our things are not for sale! Things with eyes that grow up to the ass! Aha!" With the big hammer, he walked to the front of Xie Chen and said to the two people on the opposite side. Among them is obviously very disdainful! Respecting strength is the most basic rule in this world.

If you start robbing as soon as you come up, maybe you won't be so despised, but if you say you want to buy it with a strong attitude, it is too despised. The guy here will be short of so little money!

"What are you talking about?! Lord Nangong said that we want to buy your fish to save you face, don't be shameless! You know, Lord Nangong can clean up several such monsters alone! Cut, a bunch of buns!" Although the thin man kept screaming, his footsteps had not left the man with the broadsword for half a step, and his eyes were not dissatisfied with the spiked slender hammer in the armoured man's hand.

"Ahhh!" For such a guy in armor, it seems that he is too lazy to take care of him and directly chuckled to express his disdain for the two, and then he returned to his position and continued to eat his own grilled fish!

Just like Xie Chen, there is absolutely no need for such a guy to pay attention to them. If you really dare to come up and grab them, Xie Chen naturally doesn't mind kicking them out of here! Naturally, they will not be kindly sent out, but directly kicked to the center of the maze! The small man didn't speak any more, just looked at the big sword man beside him.

"Leave the fish, get out!" I have to say that this man with a big sword is the one who can really pretend to be forced. The big knife in his hand was put down from his shoulder and said to Xie Chen who was sitting with no birth.

The broadsword man has a good vision, and he can tell at a glance that the real boss here should be Xie Chen, who has never spoken or moved while sitting there. It's just that he chose the wrong object to provoke him!

Xie Chen just casually raised his head to look at the guy in front of him, and then continued to grill his fish as if he hadn't heard.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man with the sword, and when he was hundreds of meters away from Xie Chen, he waved and slashed towards Xie Chen.

What was hacked was turned into a magical skeleton soldier halfway through! The skeleton soldier only had his upper body floating in the air, holding a larger knife in his hand and slashing towards Xie Chen!

Xie Chen didn't seem to have seen it, and continued to sit there grilling his own fish, but the man in armor holding a large hammer rushed towards Xie Chen!

"Boss!" The armored man shouted and rushed towards the skeleton soldier. ..


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