Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 206: Tough monster

There was a huge colorful parrot in the sky, and there seemed to be a person on the parrot's paws. It is impossible for anyone to see anything at such a height, but such a big parrot is enough for people to marvel.

"Boy, it's not that I said you. The strength of that monster is not as simple as you think. Don't lose your life just because of the three fruits!" The huge parrot flew towards the ground while facing. Said Ben on the paw.

Although the parrot said so, it didn't have any effect on Ban. No matter how powerful the monster was, Ban would do it without hesitation when it came to the resurrection of Ellie.

"Old guy, you go back and prepare the fruit I want quickly! Don't be so much nonsense!" Just as he imagined, Ban said to the big parrot with bright eyes. Except for excitement and Ai Li, there is nothing else in the class's mind at this time.

In the jungle below, a big leopard was thrown out and broke dozens of big trees before it stopped. The appearance of the big leopard at this time was terrible. This was the orc who blocked Ban at the time, but his appearance now was countless times more miserable than the one who Ban fought with him.

Back then, the class just wanted to pass here, so after finally winning, it didn't make any more cruel moves, but the monster in front of him seemed to be completely different. He doesn't seem to be sensible, but the combat effectiveness is high and scary.

"Okay boy, I will send you here, and the rest will be left to you. Although it is very uncomfortable to be blackmailed by you, I still hope you can or come back!" The old parrot said and threw Ban there. The middle of the monster and the little leopard. I patted my wings and left here!

"Hehe, old guy." Ban smiled, then patted the dust on his body. Standing up, he faced the little leopard, watching the miserable appearance of the little leopard, Ban's eyes condensed!

"Okay, you can take a good rest, and leave it to me for the rest of the time." Ban walked over slowly, then took the orc's immobile body, and quickly took him off the battlefield, and then Put it on the branch of a big tree and said to him.

"That guy, some, weird." The orc said such a difficult sentence, and Ben nodded to indicate that he knew it, and then ran towards the place where the monster was raging.

This monster really doesn't seem to have any sense. The reason why he attacked the orc was entirely because the orc was in order to prevent him from destroying the jungle, and after flying the orc, the monster had no idea of ​​going forward and killing the orc. Instead, it continues to destroy everything around it.

This is why the class can easily hug the orcs away.

The monsters are still raging in the jungle. A large area of ​​trees has been corroded by him. There seemed to be a very powerful venom on his body. Wherever it drops, it will immediately become a piece of scorched earth. All the trees and flowers will wither and rot.

"Roar!" The monster screamed while smashing the huge tree beside him in two. This appearance seems to be purely to vent the dissatisfaction in the heart. Violent destruction. These seem to be the reason for his existence.

When Ban flew to the monster's side, he was really stunned. how come? Suddenly a little confused in Ban's mind. It's them!

This monster has majestic arms and a body, but his appearance is exactly like those monsters that Ben has seen drinking the blood of the devil when he was in Leonis! It's just that those monsters have only one head, but this monster has dozens of them! !

And the owners of those heads are from the caravan that the previous class met on the road! The monster's body does not know how much bigger than Leonis's!

"Is it the devil's ghost again? Haha!" It seems that he really has a lot of fate with the devil. Even if he runs to such a remote place, he can still meet the devil.

"If that's the case, you're welcome!" Said Ban rushed towards the monster!

When Ban rushed to the huge monster in front of him, the monster seemed to have noticed something, stopped the raging in his hand, then turned around fiercely, and rushed towards him with the huge tree in his hand. The class waved over!

In an instant, Ban was smashed into the air! It's really unexpected. This kind of strength is not at all comparable to those monsters in Leonis's time!

"Ahem, it seems a little different, whether it's strength or speed, it still feels human!" Sitting on the ground, vomiting blood in his mouth, he looked even more miserable than an orc. We must know that the body of the orc is far stronger than that of the human. If it weren't for Ban's support from the fountain of life, I'm afraid that even the monster in front of him would not be able to withstand a blow.

"It seems that we need to change the strategy!" After a while, she was alive and kicking again, and stood up from the same place to exercise her newly recovered body. Slowly rushed towards the placement of the monster.

After some distance from the monster, the monster seemed to notice something and stopped. Turning around and staring at Ban, there is a huge mouth on the monster's huge head. From this mouth, foul saliva flows out, corroding the forest!

In addition to the disgusting saliva, the monster also has this sharp tooth. When looking at the class, the monster showed all the teeth in his mouth, like a fierce beast whose territory had been violated.

"Roar!" The monster roared dullly, with a low roar in his throat, as if he was warning the squad not to approach.

Ban felt the wave of magic power on the monster in front of him, and then rushed forward without hesitation. The moment he rushed up, Ban had already taken out his weapon. This strike squad swung directly towards the biggest head in the monster's body.

It's just that he didn't directly smash the monster's head as he thought, but was directly blocked by the monster with his arm! But the same blow made Ban know how powerful the monster's defensive ability is.

I have used my full attack but left a small scar on the monster! It's as if it was drawn with a knife! ..


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