Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 201: Mechanisms and monsters

A group of kids madly chased Hawke, who was carrying Elizabeth, until he reached a dead end before stopping. Then, grinning and slowly approaching the prey in their eyes.

If it was before, they would definitely not be what they are now, but because their only home has been destroyed, now these little ghosts who are just messing around have completely lost their minds, just want to put all the creatures that appeared in front of them. All torn alive!

"But since these guys can imitate the guy Meliodas, that guy is also nearby!" Hawke rarely reasoned cleverly.

"It must be like this!" Elizabeth said excitedly after hearing a good news.

"In short, the task now is to clean up all these little ghosts in front of you, Diane Elizabeth will give it to you first!" Hawke ran to Diane who was guarding the surrounding little ghosts and put Elizabeth at Diane's feet. Said to Dian. It looks like he wants to go up and get rid of these guys in front of him.

"Hawk, can you?" Elizabeth looked at Hawke very worried and asked!

"Just kidding! My uncle's cultivation in the cultivation cave is not for nothing!" Hawke said with a very powerful look that Elizabeth does not need to worry.

"Come on! Let the uncle beat you all back to your hometown!" Hawke stood in front of all the brats and shouted at all the brats. It seemed to feel that they were being provoked. All the little ghosts grinned at Hawke and then rushed towards Hawke with their grinned terrifying fangs on.

"Go away! My ass!! Ah! Di An hurry up to help me," Hawke's screams were heard in a few moments. I saw a little ghost hanging on Hawk's ass, and then Hawke quickly ran toward Diane's place. And behind him are groups of little ghosts!

"I, I can't do it! Lord Meliodas is my great benefactor!" Diane rejected poor Hawk's request with certainty. But he still pulled off the fake Meliodas hanging on Hawke's ass, and then ran away with Elizabeth and Hawke, who was lying on his stomach with injured ass, with his palms.

"They are fake!" Hawke also counted on Diane to get rid of these little ghosts in front of him, but it seemed hopeless.

"Never fake it!" Sure enough, he refused without hesitation!

At this moment, a fake Meliodas seemed to be aware of something, and turned his head to look to his side, but his action was still a step too late, and only a very powerful current hit instantly. On his body, it was only an instant that he was electrically turned back to his main body appearance, and then he fell softly to the ground!

This was just the beginning, and then not only thunder and lightning, but also a small whirlwind swept over the place where the pranksters were dense. All of the little ghosts suddenly changed back to their original appearance, and then ran towards the woods where they came in panic!

"Cut, it can't even count as moving muscles and bones!" Seeing all the rubble and dust falling, only Hauzel, who was very neatly dressed, held a sharp sword in his hand, posing in an attacking posture, disdainfully said. "Everyone is okay." At his side is Gilsanda holding a long sword with thunder and lightning in his hand. The time for the two to arrive here can be said to be just right.

"Are you the companions of the princess? That, Hauser, and Jill,, Sanda?" Diane squatted on the ground looking at them curiously and asked.

"It looks like I really amnesia."

"Could it be that you don't remember anything about Jin? Lord Jin killed her for Miss Diane." Hauser said with a bit of irritation, whether it was the fight between Leonis and Heilbram or later. In order to avenge Diane, the battle with Menspit can be said to have all cost his own lives.

And Hauser, who had witnessed this, was completely moved by Jin's spirit. But if Miss Di An really couldn't even remember Lord Jin, then he would really be very sad.

"Jin? I know, that fairy. I know! He is a good man!" Diane's eyes lit up when he heard Jin in Hauser's mouth and said. Of course, the memory of Jin in his mind is limited to the little memory behind.

"Really? So it means that all of Miss Diane don't remember, but do you still remember Lord Jin as the fairy king?" Hauser asked excitedly, as if he had heard some exciting news. .

"Is the fairy king? Is that fairy king? What a great look." Dai An muttered to himself. Jin had not had time to talk to Dian about this matter later.

"It seems that Master Jin found Miss Di An later, and the two met again. I just don't know why Miss Di An was here by herself." Gilsanda had the highest IQ in the court, just relying on some You can guess what happened in the details.

"Jill, have you seen where the others are?" Elizabeth asked very worried.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Didn't everyone get trapped in succession when they first entered the maze? When I turned around, I found that only me and Jill were left." Hauser added.

Whether it was a sudden sinking ground, a reversing wall, or a wall that Diane had suddenly encountered before, the traps he encountered at the beginning seemed to be to separate everyone.

"But to be honest, this maze is really big, and it seems that there are a lot of monsters set up, it is really dangerous enough." Hauser said with some lingering fears, when he and Gilsanda met Elizabeth I have also encountered many monsters that are more powerful than mischievous imps.

"It's not so much a setting, it's better to say that the monster and the monster's lair are all directly made into this huge maze. Isn't that the way the mischievous kid looks like this." The very calm Gilsanda relied on his own analysis. Explain.

"The monster that was originally honest and docile seems to be irritated suddenly and becomes difficult to touch." Hauser complained. ..


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