Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 182: Diane with Amnesia

"In vain, if you are shot by an arrow entangled with my magic, then you need to consume a lot of magic to use your magic, which means that the damage I brought to you is not so simple and can be ended~ Now, you probably need to use five times the original power to use the abilities you could have easily used."

Anyone who sees the teenager standing on the house will think it is a sunny boy, but at this time he is more like a skilled hunter who is eyeing his prey.

But at the next moment he smiled, Flaudas suddenly disappeared in place, and in the next moment he appeared in front of the young man who was still talking.

"Do I still need to use magic to deal with you?" Such words came out of Dreyfus's expressionless face, with dark pupils, and he seemed to be breathless with the sudden momentum!

If this blow is really hit, then the boy just now will undoubtedly die, he is a little too underestimated the Paladin Dreyfus.

But just when Dreyfus's hand knife was about to slash the boy's body, a guy with a big beard and a lid pushed the boy away, and then took Dreyfus's hand knife with one hand. The bearded pot lid head looked like that kind of powerful guy, and his body looked like an iron block.

At the moment when Dreyfus's hand knife was taken, the house at the feet of Beard collapsed. Such a huge force cannot be afforded by such a house.

"This, what's going on?!" The villagers around the town looked at the collapsed house with some trepidation, not knowing what happened.

When everyone was fighting before, the location was a relatively remote alley, but even if such a small alley caused a big event like a house collapse, how could it not attract people's attention.

"You're here too, another six-star. Vay Itachi! It's really time for you to come!" Dalles wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, the appearance just now really scared him. , Even for him, there is absolutely no way to do anything in that situation. If it weren't for the appearance of Wye Itachi, I'm afraid he could only watch the boy die under Dreyfus's hand.

"So. Miss Dellus, can you agree to marry me?" Although resisting Dreyfus's hand knife, the big beard with the lid still did not forget to wink at Dellus.

"Yes, there are so little things." Daelles said in embarrassment, seemingly speechless by the lid.

"I will never give Delus to anyone!" At this moment, Dreyfus seemed to be irritated and rushed towards Delus while shouting after getting rid of Wye Itachi. Obviously, he now seems to only want to guard Daelles, who has completely successfully charmed himself.

It’s just that Wye Itachi doesn’t seem to be easy to get rid of. When Dreyfus rushed towards Dalles, he pulled out the knife in his hand, and then slammed the back of Dreyfus with the knife. On the chin. In an instant, Dreyfus flew out, and in the process of falling, he overwhelmed countless buildings. You can see how terrifying the strength of Wye Itachi is. .

"Well, is this an earthquake? What's the situation, from just now." The villagers in the surrounding towns have all begun to panic, and most of them have walked out of the houses. Fear of the earthquake will really bury yourself under the house.

"We have to leave before causing more chaos~ That guy seems to have passed out." Dalles said while looking at Dreyfus who was already in the ruins.

"The mission is complete, we should leave too~" The three of them left the ruined town with Dreyfus, who had been unconscious. It is enough and irresponsible to leave like this after the destruction~

But when they left, standing at the highest point on the edge of the stone forest, a demon **** was watching this farce very speechlessly. He didn't seem to worry about the captured Flaudes hiding in Dreyfus's body.

"Who are you?!" Di An held his huge warhammer in a defensive posture and looked at the gold that was only the size of his palm.

"Di'an, you, don't you really know us? We are Jin!" Jin is still the same as when he just left the battlefield, cool armor made of plants, and a huge true spirit. Guns are so handsome no matter from which angle they look.

But just like this, the expression on his face is very embarrassing, it seems that he is afraid of this, so he wants to go forward but dare not go forward.

"Oh, oh, by the way, we are like this, don't you know it?" It seems that some thought of Jin has quickly changed back to a normal state, and the spirit gun has also turned into a pillow.

"I don't know you! Don't follow me anyway, I'm going home!" Di An didn't feel so much threat from Jin when he saw Jin's release from the battle, but he still said very vigilantly. After speaking, he walked away with his warhammer in both hands. Looking back one step at a time, he was also a little strange at this time, why the fairy in front of him seemed so familiar, but there was no way to remember it anyway.

"Dian! Look at us again!" It seemed that he was desperate, Jin suddenly gathered up the courage and shouted at Dian, and then saw that at the moment Dian turned to look at Jin, Jin had become wretched. The appearance of the uncle. It looks as unbearable as it is. Moreover, the insignificant aura that was revealed immediately made Dian scream.

"Ah!!!" Accompanied by the sharp screams was the warhammer that Diane was waving. Before Jin could react, Diane had already screamed and swung the warhammer towards the wretched uncle Jin. .

Insignificance has a price. This is the truth at this moment. Jin was directly smashed through several mountains by Diane's warhammer before he finally stopped. At this time, Jin has become completely unrecognizable! There is blood in the nose and mouth. A very miserable appearance.

"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry!" Diane seemed to react, and ran to look at Jin who had passed out in a coma. The only thing to be thankful for was that Jin had been smashed back to his original shape, that is, he turned into a fairy. appearance. Otherwise, I really don't know if Di An will give him two hammers. ..


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