Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 180: Strange girl

In this world, there will always be such a place, a stone forest made of stones like a forest made of trees, if someone stands in the distance and looks at it, it is more like a variety of strange stones. country. There is no trace of plants, nor any other life.

It was as remote as a desert, and it was in such a remote place that Flauderin slowly walked in one direction. The focus in Shilin is a depression! Even in such a desolate place, there is a decent village, which is really unbelievable. But from here you can also see the power of human beings.

"It appeared as expected..."

"It really scares me, is it the Paladin Dreyfus?"

"Look, the eyes and the patterns around the eyes,"

"Hey, you're so amazing. Although it's not my type, the eyes are eagle-eyed. Like me, I can't see clearly."

"Then you should be able to understand based on the feeling of magic power, it doesn't look like a human being. And so obviously it is a demon god."

When Flaudlin, who was attached to Dreyfus, slowly walked from the direction of the stone forest, such a conversation spread from the town below him. But Fraudlin didn't notice it at all. Such a distance, if it were a normal person, would not be able to see Flaudlin at the exit of the stone forest.

But that is just hard to see in the eyes of ordinary people. For Leonis's Paladins, such a thing is nothing at all. But I can lie silently here. It's definitely very powerful.

"The people who sent us to the border for missions are all monsters. Do you believe such things?"

"However, didn't Hendrickson, one of them, heard that he had been punished by the Seven Sins?"

"Seven original sins? You can't lose to the Old Knights!"

"Arden, if you rushed out and broke Lord Denzel's plan, you understand..." In a very inconspicuous alley in the town below, a guy in armor still A girl with a strange weapon squatted on the spot discussing the affairs of Flaudlin. That is Dreyfus.

"Understand Sister Deldollar." The boy in armor said very obediently.

"Hmph, it should be so obedient, although it's not the type I like. Then, start carrying out the mission in the name of six consecutive stars!" Even though I still don't know what their mission is, it can probably be called for nothing. Flaudlin is here. "Felsen, a town dominated by mining and weapons manufacturing. Do you remember? We came to this force three years ago. You, your son, and me , I bought him an armor to participate in the Paladin Ceremony. Three years later, Guliamore was very happy. He said he wanted to be a Paladin like you, Dreyfus, Is not it?"

This is what Froudlin said to Dreyfus in his body. Years of things and love for his son, how much care there is, how much damage. There is really no mercy or pity for the owner of this body, Flaudlin.

"Please don't hurt innocent people." A voice sounded in Dreyfus's body. Dreyfus is not dead! Dreyfus heard everything that Vlaudlin said just now.

"Hahaha, you are really a funny guy, but it's a pity that your hands have already burned out your blood." Fraudlin never gave up any opportunity to hit the guy who shares the same body with him, Driver Si's will is tough beyond his imagination, even now he does not completely control the perfect body he fancy.

It is precisely because of this that he will spare no effort to stimulate Dreyfus as long as he has the opportunity, so that he can finally control this body at the moment Dreyfus loses his mind.

It's just that all his efforts were in vain. Dreyfus's will is not something he can get rid of. This is something he cannot lean over when he is in the huge black cave made by Meliodas When I knew it, if it wasn’t because of his friends. He was definitely bewitched by the Demon God.

Vladlin's footsteps fell. At that moment his body seemed to lose control, but he recovered when he frowned. Dreyfus wanted Vladlin to drive him away. Going out is not a realistic thing. But as long as it is possible, Dreyfus will never give up any opportunity, this is Dreyfus resistance.

"You really never give up, but I'm basically used to it. We know each other better than you know your wife. Look, there are a few fast food souls here, come, Get rid of gluttons~" After seizing control, Flaudlin said to Dreyfus in his own heart, looking at the people who came across from him.

It was like a group of noble ladies who didn't look very big, and among the crowd, there was a strange little girl with a black hood. In the crowd, Dreyfus immediately looked at the guy in the black hood.

It was a pure elder girl with blond hair. The girl saw Flavudlin looking at her, he hurriedly twisted his waist and walked towards Flavudlin.

And when she walked quickly to Dreyfus, the little girl blinked at Dreyfus. It seemed to like Dreyfus's appearance.

"You are very popular, Dreyfus, it seems that this girl is in love with you." On the surface, she smiles at the girl like a normal person, but in her heart it looks like a different one. Dreyfus said with a grinning grin.

"Are you a traveler?" The girl happily asked Fraudrin, as if she hadn't noticed the danger she was in.

"I never thought I would stop. But you must be a traveler alone. Have you been robbed?" The girl kept asking like a child.

"I'm not sorry, have we met, have you forgotten it?" The girl suddenly stood on tiptoe and leaned forward to Vlaudrin and asked him very ambiguously. ..


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