Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 168: it has started

No matter how fierce the battle in the cave is, the outside of the cave is very calm, and there is no wave of waves outside the central island. The grass on the island is also exceptionally calm.

"Uhha!" Hauzel, who was lying on the grass, suddenly got up and woke up. Everything just now seemed to be dreaming, and then there was Gilsanda lying on the side.

"It seems that consciousness has recovered~" Jenna tilted her head and said, looking at the two people lying on the grass.

"This, here is the clay dragon?" Hauser asked what happened to the monster just now when he got up.

"Couldn't it be us," Gilsanda also sat up, asking with some worry. Obviously he was worried about the failure of himself and Hao Ze.

"Although the previous cooperation was still good at the time, the opponent is the dragon. No matter what advantage you have, a momentary negligence may kill you. But well, yes, you have mastered the next stage. It's a clue." Jenna said with satisfaction.

"The little guys at the time have grown up too." Hendrickson sat on the side of the rock, watching the happy Hauser and the smiling Gilsanda muttering to himself. The eyes were full of soft light.

"It's great that I didn't kill you. However, these hands are completely contaminated, Dreyfus." Hendrickson watched as he held his trembling hands tightly. , Muttering to himself. At this time, he must hate himself extraordinarily, hate why he is so incompetent, hate his hands actually stained with the blood of the person he loves. Even if all of this was due to the demon god's bewitching, he had absolutely no way to forgive himself.

"I heard, you saved Jill and Hauser, right." Meliodas asked, walking not far from Hendrickson. But he didn't even let him answer.

"Thanks to you, Hendrickson."

In an instant Hendrickson's clenched fist was released, and tears filled his eyes, turning his head towards Meliodas to look at him.

"Yes!" is just one word, but it contains a lot of things.

In this world, there is no right or wrong, as long as the right thing is done at the right time, Meliodas does this. So there is no forgiveness and no forgiveness, just a word of thanks is enough. This represents a heart that understands Hendrickson. There is nothing he needs more than this.

In the cave, the battle was still going on. Arthur and Goser fought a guy in armor in the cave. It's just that even the two of them are not the opponent of that armored man at all.

Finally, Arthur strenuously attacked the armored man with a single blow, but the moment Arthur attacked, the armored man was torn apart. This is not the effect caused by Arthur's attack but the armored man actively separated in order to avoid Arthur's blow.

And there didn't seem to be any people in the separated armor, and some were just black holes.

Just when the armor was separated, Gauser attacked the helmet of the armor while the armor had not recovered, and then saw that the entire armor fell directly to the ground like a robot without electricity.

"Stop? How did this happen?" Arthur looked at Gauser very curiously and asked.

"The puppet **** deprived this guy of control over the body." Gaoser said step by step toward the pile of armor parts scattered on the ground.

"I order you, turn around, and then apologize." As if to show Arthur the effect of his attack, Goser ordered to the man with torn armor on the ground.

Just as Gauser said, the head of that armored man flew directly from the ground as Gauser said and then circled in mid-air.

But in the next second, the armoured man's arm flew up from the ground unexpectedly, and before everyone had reacted, he cut off Goser's head with a single knife!

"Mr. Gao Se!!" Arthur shouted anxiously!

"Don't worry about me," Gauser's head fell naturally on the hands of Gauser's own body, and then he said in a very casual manner. It seems that nothing is the same at all.

"Wow!" This surprised Arthur who was standing not far away! It looks like he has seen a ghost!

"It seems that this guy is not a spontaneous magic doll, but just scrap metal manipulated by others." Gaoser said while looking at the armor giant in front of him.

When Goser and King Arthur were fighting with the Armored Man, Meliodas was about to regain the power that belonged to him.

"So, then, then, you can almost give me back my power." Meliodas said to Jenna. After returning from Zanei, Meliodas was next to Jenna. Has been watching Hauser and others' cultivation.

But now basically Jenna has nothing to do, and the other cultivation has basically been completed, then it is time to take back his own strength.

"Really, although I really want to tell you that I can't do it! But a promise is a promise," Jenna conjured something like a huge staff from her hand. Then he waved in the air concentratingly, chanting inexplicable spells in his mouth.

Then I saw a huge black amber appeared in the air, which could hold the size of four or five people, all of which were full of black energy.

"Okay, that's great, is this also the goddess amber?" Hauser and Gilsanda and others all walked over, looking at the huge amber and exclaimed.

"My lord Meliodas' magic is all placed here." Hendrickson exclaimed as he looked at the huge thing that looked like a drop of water.

"It took a lot of effort when I put it in!" Jenna said reluctantly. Even though Meliodas passed the trial, for such a terrifying power, they naturally didn't want Meliodas to take it back. It was not because of jealousy or something, but they were just afraid that he would lose control again.

"Then everyone else will withdraw and it's time to start." Jenna reminded everyone around me by the way to remind Meliodas to be ready! ..


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