Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 162: Holy Land

There is nothing superfluous around. Various huge stones are erected on the undulating hillside. These stones seem to represent some symbols, which makes people feel that they are full of various inexplicable things. Charm.

This is the sanctuary of druids, the sage's forest.

It was Marlene who took the lead here. Ten years ago Marlene was able to prevent Meliodas from causing a major disaster again with the consent of Meliodas from his body. Drew out all the power. And every time Meliodas got out of control, it was only because of the remaining power.

It is precisely because of this that one can imagine how terrifying the forces that were drawn out of Meliodas' body. Since the closure of the Demon Race was lifted, Meliodas asked Marlene to regain his power. And Marlene finally agreed.

Of course, many of the reasons for agreeing were due to Xie Chen's reasons, because Marlene believed that even if Meliodas lost control again, Xie Chen could completely overcome it. Therefore, the identity of Meliodas was also revealed, he was a demon clan that existed like the Ten Commandments. Therefore, Gerudelis kept saying that Meliodas was a traitor. As for what happened three thousand years ago, no one knows.

"Is this the sacred place of druids?" Hauser looked at everything in front of him, obviously shocked. This time almost everyone came together. Hauser, Gil Sander, and even Hendry Rixon. All the powerful combat power as long as it can be reached is already here.

"Well, how long has it been since? More than ten years?" Meliodas jumped off Dabai's body and sighed as he looked at the scenery in front of him.

"Master Meliodas is familiar with druids?" Elizabeth asked very curiously.

"Because of the Seven Deadly Sins mission, I know a little bit."

"But no one sees this place except the stone wall, wow, is this built by a druid? It looks so magnificent. Huh?" Elizabeth looked at the vast expanse of the plain and asked in surprise. But in the next moment, he was attracted by a huge stone gate-like thing made of a stone in front of him.

Through the stone gate, there is still a vast and boundless plain, but when Elizabeth walked in, he seemed to have found something different. After he approached, the plain disappeared in the other end of the stone gate. What she saw It is a long path.

The path leads to the island in the middle of a small lake, which is like a depression, surrounded by high slopes, and the middle of the high slopes is all water, and the middle of the water is the small island.

"Master Meliodas, this is!" Elizabeth looked behind her in a panic.

"We seem to be fully opened," Meliodas did walk in slowly with a smile, without a trace of surprise on his face. It seems to be known for a long time.

"Wow, it looks amazing~" Hawke followed closely.

"What kind of magic is this?" The captain's mask man in An Xiao's roar also followed.

"This is a kind of portal that connects two locations, but it must be approved by the operator before it can pass." In the end, Marlene will come out to explain that all the talents suddenly realized.

"Uh, there seems to be someone somewhere." Hawke saw three people on the path of the central island with sharp eyes.

"Long time no see, the sinners." Two beautiful girls about the same height as Meliodas and a big guy who was twice as tall as the girls stood in the middle of the path and greeted everyone.

"Just the leader among the druids~" Marlene said.

"Hey, is it the leader~ I'm the head of the leftover knights, Hawke~" Hawke rushed forward to greet the big man. Naturally, the tallest guy should be the leader.

It was just that the next moment a wooden stick pierced Hawke's nose, and one of the little girls was holding a wooden stick in her hand and said to Hawke.

"Our two sisters are the leaders of the druids~this lady Jenna and my sister Zaneyyo~"

"These two little ghosts are the leaders of the druids?! Who is that strange uncle!" Hawke quickly stepped back and then looked at the three people in front of him in surprise.

"I am the sacrificial Theo who is responsible for guarding the two leaders~" the big man explained with a smile.

"Yo~ Theo, you've grown up like this." Meliodas looked at the big guy in surprise, and he obviously saw Theo when he came here ten years ago, but at that time. Theo must not be great.

"I'm fifteen years old, Lord Meliodas." The mask man suddenly stood up and reminded him, but this immediately made Hawk a little disbelief. After all, the mask man seemed to be believed by someone in his 30s.

"This pig is really interesting." Jenna dragged Hawke's ears and played with Hawke.

"Don't underestimate this uncle!!" Hawke was immediately annoyed, but no matter what, there was no way to escape Jenna's catch~

At this time, Zaneyi suddenly saw Elizabeth, and a sad expression flashed in his eyes.

"You, hello, my name is Elizabeth, the third prince of the Kingdom of Leonis." Elizabeth saw Zaneyi looked over and introduced herself nervously. It's just that Zaneyi didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

"Yeah, Zaney, you still look like a child." Meliodas raised his hand and said hello to Zaney~

"It's nice to see you again, Meliodas." It was completely different from the indifferent appearance when facing Elizabeth just now, and even Zaneyi took the opportunity to press Meliodas' hand directly on his chest. In just a moment, Meliodas took his hand from his chest.

"The greeting of the goodbye is almost done~ We are here today for," Meliodas stood up and wanted to explain the purpose of his waiting for people to come here.

It's just that Jenna, who was holding Hawke who was trying to break free, interrupted what he wanted to say before he finished talking.

"We already know the purpose of your coming to the Holy Land!!"

"This is worthy of the leaders of the druids, this is much easier to handle, and it really helped a lot," Marlene said with a smile. ..


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