Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 148: Who is he

"I am, trainee, Paladin! Don't underestimate me!" Jelica's blood-filled face revealed from behind the broken stones that Jelica had smashed. Only after this blow, Jelica looked even weaker. It seems to fall at any time.

"Get out, let's go," Jerica staggered to the front of Ban, put Ban on her back, and continued to set off in the distance.

"Enough! Their goal is Lao Tzu! Now, get me out of here!" The class on Jelica's back roared loudly.

"Come on, what a joke! Are you so easy to give up? It makes it even more difficult for me to give up!" Jelica said with blood on her face and squinted very weakly, but her tone was indisputable.

"Good shot, but they all seem to be alive." Melascoula looked into the distance and continued to report the situation ahead towards Jialan.

"Oh oh oh oh, haha, next time you will definitely hit it!" Jia Lan's interest seemed to be more exciting. He waved the weapon in his hand and said to Melascoula.

The next goal was still a bit short, but it knocked the two directly off a cliff. Thanks to the help of Ban at the critical moment, the result of being directly killed was avoided.

And there happened to be a cave next to their fall, which immediately made Jelica's eyes shine!

"Very good, just hide here!" Jelica strenuously walked towards the cave with Ban on her back, but after walking into the cave, she discovered that this place turned out to be a hidden tavern!

And there was no one left in the tavern except for a thin, elderly bearded waiter who wiped his glasses.

"Huan, welcome. Welcome to the beautiful gluttony tavern." The waiter with a goatee stroked his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said cowardly. The waiter was utterly thin and not look-like. He didn't seem to be as strong or tall as Jelica. The arms are very thin, bent over, like a little old man.

"Where is this? Is this a tavern? A tavern, in a cave like this." The waking up Ben asked curiously.

"Haha, so business here has been sluggish. At most, will there be sharp-eyed businessmen or lost travelers coming here?" The thin waiter explained to Ban.

The space in the pub is not large. There are tables made of five or six wooden stakes. Both the lighting and the decoration here are extraordinarily warm, making people look like an extraordinarily safe place at first glance. From the side you can see how insecure the owner of the tavern is.

However, it is also very clean and tidy. Like the waiter said at the same time, it is so tidy because there are few guests.

"I'm sorry, we are not guests, there are wounded here, please let us hide here for a while." Jelica said very sorry, hoping to be taken in. After talking about it, Jelica, who was already seriously injured, also fell to the ground weakly.

"Miss!? Ah, so badly hurt," the waiter quickly walked out of the backstage.

"I, I'm okay, this guy is hurt more seriously." At this moment, Jerica didn't forget to take care of the class first.

"Ah, ahhhh~ I really want to see you somewhere!" Ben said with his teeth tilted and lying on the ground looking at the waiter who came up.

"The scars on the cheeks, as well as the fierce faces, are difficult, difficult, difficult." At this time, the waiter seemed to be like Recognition Class, standing in place with sweat and not knowing what to do.

"Could it be!" Ban shouted at the waiter in front of him with his eyes widened suddenly. The waiter was suddenly jumped by the voice of the class.

"He is the class of the sins of greed among the seven original sins," Jerica said the class's name directly at this time.

"Then, are you the paladin who caught Leonis?" The waiter didn't care about Ben's name, but asked Jelica's identity.

"Could it be, next, will you catch me next?!" It seemed that some waiter suddenly stepped back for several steps, and almost tripped over the table behind him.

"Haha, uncle, what did you do? The suspicion of the big sins has been cleared. The injustice case ten years ago was actually planned by the two great paladins. Now the seven original sins are the great heroes in the kingdom." Jelica explained that at this time, after such a short rest, her physical strength has recovered little. Slowly in the tavern, I told the waiter what happened in the kingdom.

"Dreyfus and Knight Commander Hendrickson? Why, why." After hearing what Jerica said, the waiter looked rather disappointed. It seems to know the two.

"So in other words, is it necessary for the Seven Original Sins to hide again? That's great." Upon hearing the news from Jelica, the waiter stood there and began to sob slowly.

"Mr. Ban! Where's Miss Marlene! Miss Marlene is fine too!" The waiter who suddenly thought of something suddenly grabbed the collar of the class and asked loudly with tears, very emotional.

"He was with the team leader, and he grew his beard after not seeing you for a while." At this time, the class has fully confirmed who the thin waiter in front of him is.

"Oh, ah, hehe, thinking about wearing a beard, maybe it will be more stylish, so, so I stayed." Said the waiter here is a bit embarrassed.

"Is this your acquaintance?" The only one who couldn't figure out the situation now was Jelica.

"Oh, don't talk about it, we are being chased right now!" Jerica suddenly thought of the chaser behind her and suddenly became anxious.

"Who is it, so bold!" the waiter asked.

"Oh, there is no time to explain!" Jelica looked very anxious.

"Wow, okay, I understand, you guys can hide here for the first time. It’s in the material storehouse deep in the counter." As the waiter and Jelica helped Ban walk in, they walked in. Close the huge secret door directly.

"Wow! I found you!" Just hid it, Jialan and Melakulas also just found it here. The two who broke in without knocking on the door suddenly jumped off the waiter who had just hid the person.

"Huh? It's not here, but I clearly found out here."..


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