Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 146: Getaway

"No! This is mine!" Melascola resolutely rejected Jialan's request. How could such a pure soul that he had obtained after a lot of effort be so easily directly given to others. Melazkula resolutely refused.

"You can enjoy that girl's soul, it's very pure compared to it." After finishing speaking, Melascoula looked at Jelica and said to Jialan.

Ordinary people can't see the soul. At this time, Jelica didn't know what was going on, but she was inexplicably wary when she saw Ban's motionless appearance.

"Quack, is this? Hahahahaha." Jialan didn't rush towards Jelica, but rushed directly towards the soul of Ban. In an instant, he rushed into the air towards the ball of white. Grab something like fog.

"Asshole! Jialan!!!" Melas Cura immediately shouted at Jialan angrily, but at this time, it didn’t work for Jialan to shout anything, because Jialan blocked the white mist instantly. Into his own mouth!

Obviously the pure soul he had obtained was robbed by the guy in front of him. Although he was not reconciled in his heart, Melas Kula did not have any other actions. If there is an infighting at this time, it is estimated that Estarosa will Eat yourself.

"Thank you for the hospitality~" Jia Lan said with enjoyment.

"Jia Lan! You actually snatched someone else's prey?!!!" Even so, Melas Kula was still very upset.

"Hahaha quack, this is called first-come, first-served. Is your own action slow, okay!" Jialan chewed the white mist nonchalantly.

"His soul is obviously my thing!" Although Melascoula said so, but his face was more helpless. After all, Jialan had eaten it, and he couldn't find it in Jialan's stomach. come back.

"Huh~ the old man has already eaten it." Just as Melas Kula thought, Jialan actually played a rogue at this time. Although it is, I have to say which one is particularly useful.

"What did you do to Ban?!!!" Jerica stood up and shouted at the two. He took the sword in his hand and stared at both of them hard. It seemed that if the two of them couldn't tell one reason, his sword would immediately smash the two of Jialan.

"It's just eating his soul~ That is to say, this guy has no consciousness now, just an empty body~" Melascoula explained very kindly.

"Cheat, deceive." She said so, but Jelica's body couldn't help trembling, and her voice was exceptionally small. Tears fell from her eyes. At this moment, her A lot of pictures flashed in my mind, mostly when I was with the class.

Whether it's in the wilderness or the bravery of the middle class in the previous town, there is also Ban's melancholy expression when sitting on top of Shandong's forehead and looking at the stars in the sky.

All the joy, all the laughter, melancholy, all things are gone?

"Obviously I am working as a babysitter for you, but now you are going to give me a blow,""Nanny? The kid talks very aggressively~"

"Is there anything in this world more difficult to deal with than an old guy with a lack of nerves in his head~" Melascoula and Jialan quarreled when Jelica was lost. At this time, the two had completely ignored the existence of Jelica.

"Ban, I will avenge you!" Jelica changed from being unbelievable just now to a very firm appearance. She has never been a fragile person. Jelica, holding a sword in both hands, walked slowly towards the two Jialan,

"You don't need to worry about this." A voice rang behind Jelica. An astonishing magic power burned up behind.

class! Is Ban resurrected again? ! The magic power on the class at this time was amazing, but in an instant, the class rushed towards Jialan and Melascoula. When neither of them had reacted, three beating hearts were dug out from their bodies!

"Ah! What did you do?!"

"You actually gave the old man's heart!!!" The two people squatted directly on the ground in pain, and their hearts were destroyed. Even if the Demon Race has many hearts, it is still a very serious matter.

"Don't speak, be careful to bite your tongue!" Said Ban quickly flew off Jelica, then picked up Jelica and ran away. The class at this time will definitely not be the opponent of the two. Even the demon gods with a few hearts poached, but their strength will not be reduced in any way.

"Why are you still alive?!!!" Jia Lan roared very angry, but it didn't make any difference.

"Are you the one who ate his soul?!" Melascoula looked at Jialan like an idiot.

"Little bastard, I will definitely not let you run away!!!" Jia Lan roared. Then he jumped into the air and launched a fierce attack towards the village below. This is to absorb the power of humans in the village. It's just that the number of people in this village does not seem to be very large.

"The power hasn't recovered yet! Hasn't that guy's magic power been exhausted yet?" Jia Lan seemed a little dissatisfied.

"It's going to be exhausted soon. Now that you have taken the power that is not in line with your body, the recoil will naturally be very strong. It will be fine if you gradually die." At this time, the two have recovered their peace. Discussing the magic. Indeed, as the two said, the magic power in the class is almost exhausted. It is precisely because of this that he would not hesitate to take Jelica and ran away.

"No, the town is ruined, hello! Ban, explain, didn't you eat your soul by that monster?" Jelica chattered on Ban's back. However, what he didn't expect was that the two of them fell directly to the ground in the next moment.

"It hurts! Can't you be gentle when you let people down?!" Jerica rubbed her **** and shouted towards Ben. But at this time, the class seemed to have no strength to answer him.

"Hey, hello, are you okay!" Jelica asked worriedly looking at the twitching Ben.

"Quick, run." Ban said to Jelica limply on the ground, at this moment he just lost the strength to stand up. What Ben lying on the ground remembered was indeed the scene when the soul was absorbed just now. ..


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