Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 143: Run away

A huge worm that was not known how much bigger than the worm that Ben had seen before emerged from the ground. This volume is definitely several times larger than Diane.

Even more frightening is the magic power of this insect. Such a huge magic class has only been encountered in Meliodas.

Standing in front of the huge monster, Ban was as small as a little ant. It seems so inconspicuous.

"Ban," Jerica also woke up at this moment. It's just that the body is exceptionally weak. In fact, Jelica didn't hurt much, but it was only because Ban had absorbed all the magic power from him, plus the wounds on his body.

"Everyone is leaving here! Go as far as you can." Ban shouted to the villagers behind him without turning his head. As long as this monster has himself here, he shouldn't attack randomly.

"No! We want to stay!" Jones tremblingly said firmly to Ben with the **** in his hand. Ban didn't speak to him, just knocked the guy out with a punch, and threw it to the other villagers.

"Go!" After Ban finished speaking, he rushed towards the huge monster. At first the huge bug didn't care about Ban, but Jae Ban made a huge wound on his body.

Suddenly the big bug got angry and waved his huge forelimb towards the class. Ban was cut in half without any reaction.

"Sure enough, it was a little troublesome, but fortunately they are gone." Ban twisted and said with a depressed body, but there was no panic on his face. He can still handle this level.

Even if he couldn't beat him in the end, he had the confidence to escape from such a monster. Although a little irresponsible, there is no alternative.

The huge foreign object seems to have already been killed by a squad. Seeing the people who are fleeing in the distance, they screamed, and they wanted to continue diving into the soil and chasing the villagers.

But when it was about to get up and chase towards that place, it suddenly felt a tingling pain on its back. The small exaggerated little head was twisted, and it suddenly became hot!

"Tsk tsk, I can't want to leave like this. Big guy." A huge magic power ignited from Ban's body, although it was much weaker than the giant insect, but it kept rising. And the magical power of the huge bug is constantly decreasing.

It seemed that he had noticed that Ban was making his hands and feet, and the huge bug suddenly got into the ground, and suddenly Ban's ability to absorb magic power was interrupted.

The earth blocked the connection between him and that big bug, and this guy seemed to be able to shuttle through it at will. Such an ability was not possessed by Di An.

Ben touched his chin and began to wonder, he wouldn't believe this big guy would give up like this. Sure enough, just as Ben was thinking about whether Dian would know what this big guy was, the huge bug suddenly rushed out of the ground.

The huge opened mouth bit towards Ben and swallowed Ben in his stomach. Then fell from the air into the earth. The earth is exactly like this guy's home. The swallowed Ban felt his vision blurred for a while, and then he couldn't move all over his body. The slimy things in the belly of the giant bug seemed to be highly poisonous. Can numb a person's body. Keep them immobile, so that the big bug can digest food slowly.

It’s just that Ban’s food seems a bit peculiar. No matter how corroded his mucus wants to break down Ban, Ban can recover in the first time, and the most important thing is that the toxin that paralyzes the body is gradually being adapted by Ban.

At the beginning, the fingers of one hand of the class can be moved, then the whole hand can be moved, and then the whole class can move.

"It's really disgusting." Ban said, frowning while looking at the scene in front of him. But it is time to work. Thinking that Ban never knew his weapon from a distance, he began to wreak havoc in the belly of the big bug.

But let alone even in the stomach, the sturdiness of the big bug is far beyond Ban's imagination. It is difficult to rush out of the belly of this huge bug when Ban is struggling.

Even so, the big bug that had been dealt with outside felt painful and roared under the ground. The whole continent seemed to be shaking for a while.

Jelica and others, who didn't know how far they had walked, looked at the direction of the class very worriedly. It seems to be worried about the class. At this time, his strength has recovered a lot.

"I'll go by myself, thank you." Jelica escaped from the support of the girl who rescued him and said very politely. Then quietly walked at the end of the team and disappeared in the team.

Finally, it seemed that he could no longer stand the constant tossing of Ban in his stomach. In the belly of the big bug, he saw his stomach squirming, and then he spit out Ban from his mouth suddenly.

"It's really embarrassing. Tsk tsk." Ben looked at the mucus on his body, a little tangled. But immediately he didn't have time to care about his body.

How can such a miserable big bug tossed by Ban not get revenge. I saw that when the huge insect was swaying half of its body in the ground, countless boulders suddenly smashed towards Ban.

It was like a huge stone rain in the sky, and this place was smashed into pits in a short while, and Ban could only evade in a very embarrassed manner.

But finally, don't let one of the boulders hit the ground. When one of them hits the other, everything is accurate and smashed towards Ban. After a while, Ban's original location became a small hill.

"Ban?!" Jerica didn't know where he came from at this time. Fortunately, all the boulder rain had disappeared at this time. Otherwise, his injured body without much magic power would be smashed in an instant. It's a mess.

If you want to bury the immortal Ben only by relying on stones, it would be so funny. The class still rushed out in the huge mountain formed by huge rocks.

In an instant the whole man-made mountain fell apart. It turned into pieces of boulders and rolled away. But Ban ran to Jelica's side in an instant, picked him up and ran away.

The giant bug also escaped. ..


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