Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 141: Jelica the Ugly

"What's the matter with Jones?" The girl saw the boy holding his head in pain, walked over to save the boy's head and comforted.

"I seem to have done a stupid thing. Demeira, am I a very stupid guy." The teenager said in a low voice and painfully. The boy told Demeira in great detail about the event that Jerica was arrested after meeting with Jerica.

And when he just finished speaking, someone suddenly pulled him out of Demera's arms. The palm of the man was extra strong, pinching his shoulder and he couldn't speak in pain.

"Who caught Jelica? Where did you get it?" It was Ban following Demera who grabbed Jones with one hand. After hearing what Jones said, Ben undoubtedly determined that the guy in the story must be Jelica.

Only that idiot can be this stupid

"You, you let me go first." Jones grinned in pain, a little speechless. But still intermittently like Ban expressed his meaning. Ben threw Jones directly to the ground.

"What are you doing?!" Demeira, who had brought Ben in before, stared at Ban with an angry face and scolded. But Ben didn't care much about it, but he still explained it.

"The girl in his mouth is my companion." Ban said coldly at the teenager on the ground, which embarrassed him and said that his partner had been taken away. Whoever is heard of such things will be very upset. It's fun enough to hit people without turning their faces.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I apologize to you for my friend, but even if Jones didn't see your friend, he would still be arrested." Demeira was obviously still reluctant to soften to the class service.

"Where is she?" This time the class asked again. He didn't have time to struggle with who was right and who was wrong at this time. He just wanted to save Jerry from there as soon as possible.

"I, we don't know, they keep plundering our population, knowing that the people who were taken away by them will be different when they come back." Demeira said while sitting on the ground supporting Jones who was thrown out by the class. .

"Are they from the Demon Race again? It's not like their style." Ban muttered to himself.

"He, they're here again! They're here again!!" A stubborn man ran over from a distance and shouted loudly. Hearing this man's shout, someone immediately extinguished all the torches in the dungeon, hoping that those things would not find their traces.

No one in the underground world dared to speak loudly, but breathing became extremely slow. The adults and children of the people are trying their best not to make any meaningful sounds.

At this time on the ground, I saw many people looking like villagers looking for something in the town. Their clothes were no different from the villagers in the underground world, and they looked like ordinary villagers.

But the only difference is that they have a small black dot on their neck, on which there is a black thing that looks like the tail of a certain insect. These people always have a fixed and strange smile on their faces. And Jelica happened to be in it right now. Looking for something in the crowd like everyone else.

The bodies of these people seem to be extraordinarily strong, and they can easily remove the heavy things in the village. They are also very fast. As long as they hear a little movement, they will fly over to check. It's just that there is nothing in existence other than a few mice running around.

Just when the strange people above were about to finish searching and leaving, a baby in the underground world cried without warning. In such a quiet underground world, the cry was very harsh. Just for a moment, the mother holding the baby slammed the baby's mouth.

But it was the cry of this moment that still alarmed the strange guys on the ground, and suddenly all the people gathered in one place, surrounded by them.

But for a while they still couldn't figure out where the voice came from, it seemed that the intelligence of these people had become exceptionally low.

But even so, the comparison cannot be kept for long.

The people in the lower world are extremely nervous at this time, and many people have cold sweat on their foreheads. At this time, no one is in the mood to blame the child's mother, but only to avoid the disaster in his heart.

But often the facts are counterproductive. Finally, one of the guys with a black spot on his neck lay on the ground and then slammed his hands on the ground, and the ground suddenly became dusty.

The guy's hand suddenly became as hard as a shovel, and the surrounding people immediately plowed toward the ground when they saw this scene. It won’t take long for the guys on the top to shave off the layers that were originally not so thick, and no one can escape.

Jones gritted his teeth as if he was making up his mind, and then quickly ran towards the exit. It's just that Ben is faster than him, and Jones undoubtedly wants to go out by himself and draw away all the monsters outside. In this way, all these people in the underground are safe.

And Ben just didn't bother to stay here, and besides, he wanted to take Jelica back. He has never been the only one who snatches other people's things, and really no one can **** his things.

Ben had already rushed out of the ground while Jones was still reacting. Everyone watched the departure of the class in astonishment. The mother of the previous baby even shed tears and cried silently. It was him. If you could take good care of the child in your arms, there would be no such thing. It happened.

Jones was also stunned, clenching his fist tightly, but he didn't walk outside.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Ban shouted to them, standing behind the group of dirt-paving people. In an instant, everyone looked at Ban.

It was only then that the class could see that these guys had no pupils in their eyes, they were all black. Jelica also looked the same, standing among those crowds.

"I have to say, you are really not suitable for this look, Jelica. Let me help you change it back." Said Ban took out his weapon very handsomely, and stared at the group standing in place. The person he was watching beckoned. ..


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