Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 133: Givago and Ban

"Uncle, do you have a son?" Jelica was very surprised.

"Yes, two precious sons, they are waiting for me on the other side." The fox said slowly. This sentence pulled Ban’s memory into the days when he and the very important person in his life lived.

"You have a son? Uncle?" Ben asked the uncle who took him out of the dungeon by the fire.

"Yeah, a son who is about your age. Ben, how old are you now" Jievago, who was drinking by the fire, asked when he looked at Ben who was chewing meat.

"Ghost knows, you idiot, Jivago, you can eat too, the **** is really delicious." Ban said to the drinking Jivago while gnawing on the meat.

"You really don't know how to speak, didn't your parents teach you?" Jivago asked after taking a sip. But Ben didn't answer him, he just became silent, and even his favorite meat stopped.

After that, Ben and Jivago separated, and Ben was still very embarrassed to steal something to eat, but he was still beaten severely.

"Oh, Ben, I met you so by chance, I have a good job here I want to introduce to you." While the class was walking aimlessly on the street, the ugly lady boss in the pub smiled to Ben. Said, her small eyes made her even more ugly with a smile.

"Ah, hello that ugly monster." Ban said very sincerely, looking at the boss in front of him.

"Ugly?!" The lady boss who heard this immediately wanted to get angry, but was stopped by the fat pig-like boss behind her.

"Forget it, he didn't mean anything. Ben, as long as you enter this barrel, how about giving you a gold coin~" the hotel owner said to Ben, revealing the wine barrel with the lid open behind him. He was tempted by holding a gold coin in his hand.

"Wow, it's fake." Ban took the gold coin from the boss and compared it to the sky, then took another bite. Just bit down and found that it was a fake gold coin.

"Roll me in the barrel!" It's just that the owner of the tavern doesn't care about that much, he forcibly stuffed Ban into the barrel, then covered the lid and pressed something on it. Then he drove the carriage in the direction that he didn't know where to go.

"My dear, did you say that Ms. Rosani would buy him?" the ugly lady boss sat on the carriage and asked her fat pig boss.

"Yes, Ms. Rosani likes children very much. A child can buy twenty to thirty gold coins." When talking about gold coins, the boss and the proprietress's eyes shone brightly.

"Really?" Obviously the lady boss was also very excited.

"But in the end, the children are usually tortured and killed by him, so they are constantly looking for the children. Hahaha" The two even laughed together.

They like things like this so that they can have an unbroken path to wealth. Only in the next moment their laughter disappeared. Then the class in the barrel heard a burst of noise and fighting.

"Let me go!" As if seeing the opportunity, Ban shouted loudly and slammed his fist towards the lid above the barrel.

This time, he opened the lid of the wine barrel without any obstacles? ! But Ben, who stood out from the barrel, saw an incredible scene.

All the bad guys who wanted to kidnap him were all **** and trapped on the ground while Jivago was standing in front of the carriage with the bag in his hand. Obviously Jivago did all of this.

But Givago was also very surprised when he saw Ben. It seemed that he didn't know in advance that Ben was here.

"Hahahaha, you were almost bought by the nobles this time, kid." Jievago said with a big smile looking at Ban gobbled up, but it seemed more joyful, I don’t know if it was because of seeing Ban again. , Or some other reason.

"Jivago, you idiot." Ben raised his gobbled head and said to Jivago.

",,, shouldn't you thank you at this time?!" This sentence immediately made Jivago speechless, and the guy in front of him obviously only knew the word "jerk".

"Forget it, I stole you back, haha, don't call me a **** in the future." Jivago seemed to be in a particularly good mood. At least this is the case at this time.

"Jivago, teach me how to steal." Ban, who had been devouring at this time, suddenly said. His eyes were staring at Jivago very seriously. Ban wants to live.

"Ban, do you really know what you are asking? Once you become a thief, then you will never be able to return to the world of a normal person." Jievago heard what Ban said, with a very expression on his face. serious.

As Givago said, this is a great choice for future life. If you really choose, there will be no retreat, but for a child who is about to starve to death, where are there so many choices.

"Are you full and sleepy?" At this time, Ben's little head kept lighting up. Ben shook his head abruptly when he heard Jivago ask him. Show that you are not sleepy. But his eyes still couldn't help but want to close.

"If you are sleepy, go to sleep. If you don't sleep, you won't grow up." Givago said with a smile and touched Ban's head.

"If I fall asleep, Dad will hit me." Ban stumbled and explained. It means that you cannot sleep.

"Really? Go to sleep, can I help you watch it?" Jivago seemed very silent here, as if he wanted something, and touched Ban's little head with his hand. Then comforted softly.

It seems that because of what Jivago said, Ban fell directly into Jivago's arms and slept with his legs.

In the days that followed, the middle class began to learn the skills of stealing from Givago, but the class seemed very clumsy and would always be caught by others. But fortunately there is Givago.

After being caught again, Jivago will always steal him and his money bag again. The days passed, Givago took care of Ben as if he were a father. And here in Jiwago, Ban also found a new life in the past.

"It is said that in the north of the fairy forest, there is a huge tree with the same protection at the top of the tree. The fountain of life, the fountain of life is a legendary god, and it is passed down to immortalize the person who drinks it..."


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