Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 128: Diane's past

The sky was gloomy, as if being sad because of all the creatures on the earth, and after a while, large drops of rain fell from the sky. Regardless of the enemy and me, fell from the air, and then washed away toward every creature living on this continent.

Xie Chen sat in Dabai's belly and looked at the rain outside through the transparent wall. He wondered what he was thinking.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Marlene came over, still the glamorous pair, holding two cups of steaming coffee in her hands.

"It seems to be a very good thing to sit here with coffee and watch the scenery outside in this weather." Seeing that Xie Chen didn't say a word, Ma Lin just stared at him and sat down directly. On the opposite side of the morning table, I put the cup of coffee belonging to Xie Chen on the table and pushed it to Xie Chen. I sat there with coffee and drank. His gaze looked outside.

Xie Chen was not looking at her, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip. Then he held it in his hand and set his sight again in the rain scene outside.

"The taste is a little bit astringent. If you don't put something that shouldn't be put, it should be more delicious." Xie Chen took another sip while tasting.

When the other side heard Xie Chen say so, Marlene immediately moved her eyes from the rainy scene outside, staring at Xie Chen who was looking out the window.

"You know why you still drink it." As if she didn't understand Xie Chen's actions just now, Ma Lin asked curiously.

"Because what you put doesn't work for me." Xie Chen put down the coffee in his hand and got up and walked towards the room upstairs. It's best to stay in the room in this kind of weather. If anyone disturbs his rest, Xie Chen will definitely make him regret it!

Looking at Xie Chen who was leaving, Marlene lost her senses for a while. He was really taken aback by Xie Chen's strength. There are things in coffee that even Meliodas could not avoid ten years ago. Truth or medicine.

This kind of potion is Marlene's masterpiece. It can be said that he has never missed his hand so far. Of course, if this time is not counted, it is like this.

But there really is no effect here in Xie Chen. Originally, she was afraid that Xie Chen's strength was too strong, so the amount used was unique. She also wondered if Xie Chen would have any bad reactions because of the too much amount. , But did not expect it to have no effect at all.

It is said that there is no effect at all, but when there is still a little effect, Xie Chen directly used the magic power in his body to drive out.

Such gadgets really didn't put much pressure on Xie Chen.

After being in front of the table for a while, Marlene got up and left, and walked towards her room. What kind of **** is the ghost sitting here and watching the rain!

The huge Da Bai was walking towards the Million Giant Peak at this time, which was further ahead of Edinburgh. It is almost connected to the barbarians in the West. Where is Di An’s hometown, and where everyone is going to find Di An. When he was very young, Diane escaped from his hometown because he hated war. It was only after that he met Jin, and after Jin left, I don’t know why Diane lost Lost all the memories, just like now, Diane, who has no memories, returned to his own ethnic group.

That was the pain in Diane's memory and the root of her sin.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the giants were one of the first five races to appear in this continent. The giants have always been known for being warlike. It is probably because of this that the giants will be in the long river of time. Gradually become less.

Five hundred years ago, the number of giants was already very scarce, but they did not accept the lesson, and they still accepted human employment because of a small amount of remuneration. Even in the eyes of the giants, only dying in battle is considered a great honor.

All the giants are pursuing such glory. But Dian is not like this. She hates fighting, whether it is a human or a compatriot of the giant race.

It is for this reason that she escaped from the giant clan when she was young, but it was just his personal will. After he separated from Jin, she returned to the tribe. There was nothing like this. Improvement.

Matorona is the chief warrior of the tribe of Diane, which means it is the leader of this tribe. Matorona is a powerful giant with a reputation, because of the powerful strength is called the tooth of the earth.

This kind of title is not common to all people, only powerful giants who are victorious in battle are given titles. Now that the giants are already lonely, there are very few such strong men.

And it is absolutely fortunate for Diane's tribe to have a strong like Matorona. Matorona will not only bring business to the tribe, but also drive all the enemies of the giants out of the door. Ensure the safety of ethnic groups.

The only business mentioned is to help mankind fight war. This kind of thing seems to have become a common practice. Humans pay giants gold coins, and then giants help humans win the war on the battlefield. Under such circumstances, there are often two armies that hire troops at the same time. things happen.

So in the end, the ones with the most deaths and the most severe injuries are still the giants, and the speed of reproduction and growth of the giants is not known to be much slower than that of humans.

Every death is a huge loss among the giants, but the stubborn, stubborn and ignorant giants are still dead. Except for the occasional individual like Diane who thinks and doesn't like killing giants, the others are all fighting freaks.

In their eyes, they have the same passion for war as Matorona.

"Dian! Keep up with the team, no one will take care of you in this battle. If you don't fight, then don't blame others if you die." Matorona called to Dian.

Among the giants, Matorona seemed to value Di An extraordinarily, but she was extraordinarily angry and helpless towards Di An's unwillingness.

Today is Diane’s first time on the battlefield. It is the first time he has faced a brutal fight as an adult. There is no giant on the other side. It can be said that it is a war without suspense. ..


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