Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 126: Solved in one go

The disaster of the Demon God began to raging on the mainland, not only Leonis, but also the wild people in the wilds were also attacked by the Demon God. They draw human souls.

Civilians make them the best target. Even if there are knights or warriors in every town, facing the lower demons whose strength far exceeds them, their resistance did not hinder their steps in the slightest.

Half of the lower demon gods were the red demon gods and cyan demon gods Xie Chen had encountered. Of course there are other types of demon gods, but there are not so many.

The strength of the Cyan Demon was to be dealt with by the current Gilsanda and the Hauzel Diamond Paladin. Not to mention other people. Under the absolute strength of the Demon God, no country can prevent effective resistance.

Even the Kingdom of Leonis is the same. What they can do is to move the people quickly, let more people gather in everything and use all their strength to protect these people.

This way of facing the attack of the demon **** with quantity did not play a big role, but it saved the demon **** who was looking for prey everywhere. At the very least, as long as they find a gathering place for humans, they can basically have a large number of souls to make them harvest.

But of course, it is not that there is no one who can protect it. In this battle with the Demon God, countless heroes with superior strength, or guys with good strength, were also created.

In a remote country on the road, kendo is advocated here. In a country where strength is respected, everything depends on the sword in hand to solve problems. Even a woman's dedication to the sword is incredible. And even in such a country, the shadows of the red and blue demons appeared.

"Is this the gate of **** opened?" said a guy who looked like a samurai with a long sword in his hand, looking at the scorched village chief.

And just as he finished speaking, he saw a demon rushing out of the ruins, not toward him, but toward a child under the ruins.

The devil's hand tightly held the child who seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen. It seemed that he could not withstand the force of the devil's claws, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from the boy's mouth. But even so, the boy still struggled hard, wanting to work hard to ask the devil's paw.

It's just that with his power, there is no possibility of breaking away from the huge demon god. After all, he is just a kid who has never been trained.

Just when he was about to be unbearable, a blade of light flashed, and the strong Demon God's arm was directly chopped off.

This did not save the little child. Even if the demon god's arm is cut off, he can still contact the subject. Then connect it back.

The Demon God's arm that fell on the ground really pinched the little boy in half as if it crushed a bug. In an instant, a large amount of blood was left from the palm of the demon god. Soak the earth. Then the arm was immediately connected to the arm of the demon **** under the call of the demon god.

"Quack, quack," the demon **** gave out a nervous smile, with countless pointed teeth like spikes in his mouth. He didn't care about the guy's unreasonable behavior toward the most expensive one, because in his opinion, that guy was just his food.

With a regular ponytail upright, the eyes of the man in the traditional samurai uniform touched the little boy who had been broken in half and his pupil flickered unconsciously, but there was no other expression on his face. Then he glanced at the Demon God not far away very indifferently.

The scarlet demon **** rushed toward the samurai with a grinning smile. The lower demon gods only obey the orders of the higher demon gods, they can't speak, and don't have much ability to think complicated. As long as they have absolute strength to continuously collect the nutrients of higher demon gods.

The samurai glanced at the demon **** who rushed towards him, but drew out the knife in his hand at random, and then swept towards the red demon god.

In just an instant, a huge sword aura drowned the scarlet demon god. After everything calmed down, there was only a deep gully left in place. Everything else disappeared.

This blow directly crushed the Scarlet Demon God just now.

But this did not end, it was just the beginning. Countless demon gods from all directions rushed towards the center of the wave of magic power here.

Such scenarios are very common throughout the entire continent, and it is precisely for this reason that the hope of mankind can be subdued. Xie Chen's strength is very strong, but after all, it is only personal. It is impossible for him to wander around the world to kill those low-level demon gods who are like cow hair.

"The attacks of the demon gods in the various kingdoms have reached a certain level. We don't have time to find Diane! It's best to call Ban back! Otherwise, Leonis will fall!" Hauser stopped. The Seven Original Sins and Xie Chen's way forward, said to Xie Chen and others.

At this time, the Seven Original Sins, who were still struggling with Diane's problem, had ignored the kingdom's orders countless times, but at this time it was so urgent that there was no way to continue to delay it!

Even Meliodas didn't know what to do at this time, even though they had encountered many demons along the way. Countless villages were destroyed and burned into coke. But they did nothing here.

"But Diane," Jin gritted his teeth but couldn't say anymore. He couldn't let more democracy die because of his selfishness. It's just that there is absolutely no way for him to just let Dian leave it alone. Diane, who has no memory, is completely unaware of the danger of the Ten Commandments. Even if he doesn't meet the Ten Commandments, there is no way to let Diane, who lost his memory, wander in the wilderness.

"Let me come. It will be done soon." Xie Chen said inexplicably, and then flew into the air alone. Since there is a problem to solve, it is good. I really didn't expect that one lesson is not enough. These guys have made so many small bugs to make trouble for them. It really wouldn't have been a quarter of an hour.

Xie Chen thought that after flying to a certain height, he looked down at the entire continent and raised his hand. In an instant, countless light spots flew from his hand towards the continent below. ..


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