Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 121: Xie Chen joined the war

After getting the accurate information from Dr. Sakura, Xie Chen rushed down quickly, and at this moment, Kana was conducting the final evacuation in the shelter.

Seeing Xie Chen approaching, Kanai quickly trot all the way to Xie Chen, panting and said: "How is it, when will it start?"

"The missiles of the Meteorite Project will be launched soon. Go and hide in the air-raid shelter as soon as possible. I am also ready to start fighting."

"Is it so fast?"

Kana gritted his teeth, then quickly nodded, and ran towards the air-raid shelter. After sending Kana away, Xie Chen quickly checked the people in the entire shelter. After confirming that there were no problems, he did it again. He ran to the tall building where he was listening to the drone.

With both hands on the front of the Dodge Tomahawk, Xie Chen is full of tension now, because Xie Chen knows that a lot of magic power harvested by bloodthirsty and rage will return to Xie Chen's body soon.

Just waiting and waiting quietly, this is a process that every qualified hunter must go through.

Xie Chen's fingers kept tapping on the motorcycle handle of the Dodge Tomahawk. It was already 12:10, and the time for the start of the meteorite project was getting closer and closer.

Similarly, Xie Chen became more and more excited. Just when the time displayed on Xie Chen's watch was 12:15, a countdown quickly popped up on the front windshield of that Dodge Tomahawk motorcycle.

10, 9, 8, 7, ... 3, 2, 1!

Xie Chen knew that this should be the countdown to the meteorite launch, and Xie Chen suddenly showed a trace of excitement. Just when the countdown that appeared on the Dodge Tomahawk turned to 1, a huge fire blasted into the sky in an instant.

It exploded and turned into countless fireworks, the beam fell down, this is a meteorite! In other words, the entire base of the induction device on the main battlefield of Project Meteorite has already begun to warm up.

Now the outside of the refuge should be full of wild gods, and I felt that Xie Chen was ignited in an instant!

"Bloodthirsty and violent!"

Xie Chen roared and quickly turned on the bloodthirsty and violent skills, and then immediately followed by the countless beam strips in the distant sky falling quickly, if the meteor fire rain generally poured down on the vast expanse of land below.

This is how many wild gods Xie Chen died in a battle. He can only feel that countless rushing magical powers quickly spread throughout Xie Chen's body. That's right, that kind of extremely powerful and brutal force.

The amount of magic power returned by the bloodthirsty rage completely exceeded Xie Chen's imagination. Xie Chen gritted his teeth and quickly started to run the magic power in his body to impact the higher realm of the Demon King's body!

The magic power Xie Chen gained this time was much more than the magic power he got from that island at the beginning. Xie Chen quickly spread a pair of wings, and the entire lost demon king's domineering physique was fully utilized!

Only then did the sudden force in his body completely share the pressure on his body.

"This is really, one who didn't play well almost burst into death."

Xie Chen smashed his tongue, and at this moment a black light suddenly rushed to the sky, the first source of magic power!

This time, the magic power returned to Xie Chen's body due to the bloodthirsty rage turned on Xie Chen's first source of magic power directly. This is really domineering, too domineering!

There are a total of seven sources of magic power for each body of the Demon King. You must know that the first one can only be opened when the body of the Demon King reaches 20% completion.

Twenty percent is the first source of magic power, forty percent is the second, followed by fifty percent, sixty percent, seventy percent, 100 percent One of 80% and one of 90%.

Basically, the higher you go, the more sources of magic power Xie Chen needs, and this time it opened a source of magic power to Xie Chen. To be honest, it really surprised Xie Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Chen was even more surprised when he looked at the situation in his body. Originally, he thought that it would be the limit only to hit about 20%, but he did not expect that this would give Xie Chen the completion of the Demon King's body at one time. Thirty percent!

The magic power that a source of magic power gave Xie Chen back was enough for Xie Chen to perfectly control the power of ghost cut, and now the 30% completion effect has strengthened Xie Chen's own strength in all directions.

This is simply going against the sky, Xie Chen smashed his tongue, and then slowly descended from the sky.

Now the battle in the central zone of the entire meteorite project has been in full swing, and Xie Chen must rush to harvest a wave of magic power as soon as possible.

No wonder I heard that guy said that the god-eater is the tomb of the newcomer, the old man's asura field, now it seems that this place is really good.

After boarding the drone, Xie Chen quickly raised the entire drone and drove directly to the central battlefield of the Meteorite Project.

At this moment, because of the explosion of the huge missile just now, as well as the many gods that forced the predator form of the violent state to prey on thousands of wild gods, this place has already become a mess, but even if it is a mess, there are still many wild gods here. Outrageous.

Xie Chen smashed his tongue. He didn't turn off the buff effect of Bloodthirsty Rage. Because of this, Xie Chen could feel a lot of magic power returned to his body every second.

Fortunately, even if Xie Chen opened the first source of magic power, it is estimated that there will be discomfort from the expansion of magic power in the body at this moment. The source of magic power is like the spring of a big river.

In addition to providing Xie Chen with a good magic battery life, the source of magic power itself can also store a large amount of overflowing magic power.

Xie Chen felt that it would not take long for him to fill the magic power in it, and he should be able to open another source of magic power. The original powerful power can finally be fully stimulated this time!

This is simply the legendary way to make money lying down. This is definitely an uncomfortable thing for Xie Chen, looking at the messy battlefield below.

Xie Chen directly drove the drone and dived, with full firepower! Countless missiles were launched desperately from the UAV's ballistic opening.

Xie Chen, this is the rhythm of lighting up all the firepower at once! ..


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