Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 116: New weapons for easy handling

Inside this cabin is the computer terminal of the entire drone. This thing is useless to Xie Chen, it's just empty.

Therefore, Xie Chen did not intend to keep this garbage, and directly disassembled the entire computer terminal from the drone.

There are too many wires connected to computer terminals of all kinds, so Xie Chen simply didn't bother to disassemble them one by one, and destroyed them all at once, and then left the bulky host computer aside.

After dismantling the host terminal that controls the drone, the entire space here is a lot bigger. Xie Chen took a look, then pulled out from his waist and cut it all around.

Of course, Xie Chen had to be relatively careful when he handled it. After all, if he accidentally destroyed the power system of the spacecraft, then Xie Chen would really have no place to cry.

After handling everything, Xie Chen jumped out of which drone, and directly jumped out of this big pit, to the place where the Dodge Tomahawk parked on the uphill.

To make it easier to carry these two things, Xie Chen cut the drone into an unsightly gap. Otherwise, why bother Xie Chen.

Xie Chen didn't dare to drive the Dodge Tomahawk directly from here. After all, after Dr. Sak’s transformation, this Dodge Tomahawk weighs close to 600 kilograms. If it is smashed directly, Xie Chen is worried about the whole. The drone crashed directly.

Therefore, after Xie Chen exhausted a series of extremely cumbersome processing, he finally completed the docking of the motorcycle and the drone.

Is this a fit?

After everything was done, it was basically in the early hours of the night. Turning on the high beam of the Dodge Tomahawk, Xie Chen was immediately speechless about this seemingly nondescript thing.

Because after Xie Chen's extremely rough transformation, the whole motorcycle looks like an extra-large motorboat. This girl is simply too cheating.

And this thing can fly, this is really embarrassing, is it possible to fly with a helmet to block the wind?

It's really a joke, and it's not funny...

Xie Chen shook his head helplessly, then slowly stood up from the spot, and slowly sat on the seat of the Dodge Tomahawk on the drone. Although it was a bit crowded, he could barely sit down alone, yes. Xie Chen didn't complain anymore.

Slowly, as Xie Chen sat down, his hands slowly touched the surrounding drones, and the knight's strength that did not die from his bare hands spread out from Xie Chen's hands again.

Suddenly, the entire drone was enveloped by Xie Chen’s magical engraving, and a roar came from the drone’s engine. From the resonance of the cylinder, Xie Chen could hear the power system of the drone. It may not be as good as the Dodge Tomahawk, but the aircraft is an airplane after all, and even the low-end configuration is much better than the top version of the Dodge Tomahawk by Xie Chen.

In this dark night, the drone slowly rose.

Xie Chen turned on all the hidden functions of the entire drone, using all the protective colors and optical camouflage, and suddenly the entire drone disappeared into the night again, as if it had never appeared before. In the night sky, Xie Chen flew slowly in the direction of the refuge. I remember the last time Xie Chen fell directly into the refuge from the sky to survive the catastrophe. I didn’t expect it to be this time. Going by empty road...

In any case, this can be regarded as a kind of fate.

Flying high in the sky, this combat drone rushed directly into a dark cloud. Then there came out of the cloud, tumbling again and again, flying towards the sky above the refuge.

In the middle of the night, the entire shelter fell into silence. Xie Chen knew that it would be estimated that the people in the entire shelter had already rested.

After all, the refuge is not a particularly organized place like the Far East branch, so there is almost no such thing as a night guard on duty. Otherwise, Xie Chen might really not dare to break in like this.

Although there are no powerful weapons in the entire refuge, there is still no shortage of weapons like grenade 95 small smashing guns.

Xie Chen was not stupid enough to land the plane on the road, but found another secluded platform on the top of a tall building, and parked the drone on it, along with the Dodge Tomahawk on the drone. .

Then I found a huge rain cloth to cover everything up. After setting up everything, Xie Chen slowly walked down the building and entered the shelter.

No one was arranged to live in that high-rise building. It may be because there are not many residents on the refuge side, but this is also good, and it saves Xie Chen a lot of effort.

Xie Chen, who walked slowly into the shelter, slowly yawned, and Xie Chen was really tired after busy working for a while.

Rubbing his nose, Xie Chen suddenly remembered the girl named Kana at the time. When it comes to Kana, Xie Chen still somewhat misses her. After all, that clever girl is also his savior.

Of course, a large part of the reason why Xie Chen had to go to the refuge this time was also because of Kana. Xie Chen was a person who knew good things about it. When I thought that the main battlefield of this meteorite project was probably on the refuge side, So I rushed over immediately.

I dare not say anything else, but Xie Chen is confident that if he sits in the refuge, he will definitely be a man. At least that big fellow Diaus, Xie Chen is confident that he can get rid of him.

Looking up at Kana’s dormitory in his memory, Xie Chen directly raised his foot and walked over. Anyway, he had to find a place to rest. In this winter, instead of being cold and freezing outside, Xie Chen might as well find a warmer one. local.

Besides, that little girl in Kana is also quite funny.

Thinking about Xie Chen slowly approaching the room in Kanai, it was late at night and now the whole refuge was silent, with rows of long corridors, and there was no sound or light.

Fortunately, Xie Chen knew which room was Kana’s.

I hope I didn't go wrong, otherwise it would be embarrassing. But if you didn’t go wrong, wouldn’t it be...

Stopped in front of a wooden door, Xie Chen thought badly. ..


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