Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 103: Cunning hunter

The vanguard who entered the church first saw the corpse of the companion with a huge steel spear stuck in the middle of the church and stopped.

All those Vazhelas stopped at the door of the church, and then walked into the church with extreme caution.

However, Xie Chen didn't care whether they were cautious, because these cumbersome big guys are more likely to throw rats and dogs, and a shrewd hunter never hunts prey with absolute force.

They have always relied on a keen sense of smell and an extremely intelligent brain. For a hunter, hunting, the focus of these two words is always on hunting, not on the back.

Hunting is the result, and killing is just the process.

Xie Chen hides alone in a compartment on the second floor of the church. Now Xie Chen is wrapped in wooden door panels removed from the surroundings. With a certain effect, these things have the ability to block the electrostatic field of Valzheruo. Efficacy, Xie Chen knew that this electrostatic field was the best way for Valzheluo to find enemies, and the effect was almost comparable to the so-called thought wave of Pokémon.

But in the same way, such an easy-to-use electrostatic field also limits the ability of such creatures as Valzheluo to move and observe the surrounding things.

As the saying goes, Mount Tai can not be seen by a leaf. Now Xie Chen uses this door panel to actually have a leaf obstructive meaning. Those Fazheluo walked slowly towards the inside of the hall of the church on the first floor. Luo Quan, silently calculating his own combat methods.

Wait, wait...

It didn't take long before all those Vazheluo had already entered this hall, and the troops who came in first were about to reach the other wall hole that Xie Chen had broken. Once these Vazhelao left this church, there was almost no difficulty in catching up with the victims.

But could Xie Chen let this happen? Obviously, this is impossible.

He raised his hand and threw a stone directly to knock out the crumbling light on the top of the church, and then Xie Chen quickly swooped down from above, stabbed one of Valzheluo’s forehead with a knife, blood was overflowing immediately, and Xie Chen After he succeeded in a blow, he quickly used Shunbu's technique to jump up from here, jump into the air violently, and disappear into the darkness again.

It's a pity that Xie Chen doesn't have the ability to cover the sky, otherwise this hunting operation will become particularly convenient.

Without the ability to cover the sky and the sun, Xie Chen cannot be truly invisible. Therefore, Xie Chen still has to work hard to cover his figure. So far, Xie Chen has used this church. The height difference.

Although Xie Chen didn’t know how many times such a dive hunt would be discovered by the following shrewd Valzeruos, Xie Chen was certain that he could do something about Kuer within these hours. . Xie Chen didn’t kill the Valzhela with the blow just now. At most, he was seriously injured, but Xie Chen’s goal has been achieved. Those Valzhelas are hearing it. After the high-pitched screams of his companions, they turned around one after another, and Vazheluo, who was about to walk out of the church, also turned around, casting his exploring eyes on the clear layout of the church.

The internal layout of the church is very simple. In addition, in the hall on the first floor, a large number of wooden tables, chairs and fences have all been destroyed, so it is almost impossible to hide people nearby.

Observation is of course not the only way for Vazhela to find the enemy, and if Vazhela’s stiff head really regards things in the perspective as the only way to find the enemy, then Xie Chen estimates that the position of this Vazela is at least Go down one level.

Because basically setting aside the electrostatic force field, Valzeruo was blind. No matter how good he is, the blind man is just a blind man after all. Therefore, as soon as he wanted to find the trace of the enemy, the electrostatic force field was still the only choice for Vazheluo. Feeling the turbulent electric factor fluctuations in the surrounding space, Xie Chen instantly took the wooden door panel he brought with him vigilantly.

Xie Chen found many similar door panels on the circular promenade on the second floor, so although this thing looks very heavy, it will not affect Xie Chen’s assassination action, plus some wooden boards tied to his body. Insulation, Xie Chen is now like a statue in Vazheluo's electrostatic field.

Yes, it is a statue. Because Xie Chen with a wooden board tied to his body, in the perception of this electrostatic force field, it is undoubtedly the same as the sub-zero object below the infrared, and it is completely excluded from the perception of Vazheluo, but no one thought that this was unexpected. It is a moving statue.

Hidden like a ghost in the darkness, no Vazheluo noticed this killer.

Suddenly Xie Chen suddenly jumped down from the partition on the second floor. The two steel knives in each hand were directly chopped down by a heavy spiral. In an instant, the Valzheluo below was chopped by Xie Chen with a sword. Open, the broken place in the head reveals an ice blue barren **** core.

The core of the Desolate God was still warm, Xie Chen took the core of the Desolate God away without saying a word, then rolled on the spot, found a place to hide it, and then all the attention of Vazheluo was lost. When the second corpse in the pool of blood was attracted.

Xie Chen jumped onto the partition on the second floor of the church with a silent step.

Xie Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional. It would be great if there was a three-dimensional mobile device. It would be much more convenient if there was a thing that can be up and down. However, thanks to the height of the second floor, Xie Chen's spiral heavy cutting power is really good. , But if it was higher, Xie Chen glanced at the third floor of the church...

If it descends from where, will it be more powerful?

This idea just flashed through Xie Chen's mind. Thank you Chen didn't consider this strategy for a simple reason.

First, the third floor of the church is actually quite empty, basically just a huge glass skylight. How to hide Xie Chen there is definitely a troublesome thing.

Second, if the height is too high, the falling wind will be too loud, and it may affect the sight. Xie Chen has no need to take that risk. ..


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