Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 101: Go to the future!

"Since I'm going to die, it's better to die in my hands."

This is the last words that echoed in their ears after those people hugged their heads and closed their eyes. At that moment, every one of the victims here seemed to have seen their own death. It felt very bad, but it made them Everyone was full of surprises, and I didn't even have the feeling of extreme relief that I had expected. That's right, at the moment before death, countless thoughts passed through these people's minds, regret, unwillingness, nervousness, and fear. ...In short, there is no idea, that is to relax...

No liberation, yes, everyone here cannot be liberated. No matter who they are, they are unwilling to die, even if this is hell, they are greedy hope that they can survive in this world, even if one day, this is human!

Only greed is the worldly humanity.

There was a loud bang!

At that moment, it seemed to these victims that time had ceased. The pain, screams, and screams that had been anticipated, nothing happened, and only a loud noise came from behind.

The dust settled, the next moment, everyone raised their heads and looked at Xie Chen's side, only to see that the knight's long spear that was supposed to hit them did not fall on them as promised, and replaced it. , But the decayed wall behind them received Xie Chen's heavy blow for them.

Hey, a large swath of bricks and ash fell from the decayed high wall of the church.

The walls of the old era were shattered and replaced by a broad road full of new sunlight and the future. A sunset road with the sunset just like this appeared in the eyes of those who were in trouble.

As if seeing the beckoning of the sunset glow, those who were in trouble turned their heads one after another, watching the slowly rising Caixia stand up awkwardly.

"Huh, why don't you want to die one by one? How come you still have the leisure to watch the scenery?" Xie Chen's untimely voice sounded again, just behind these victims who slowly stood up, suddenly came from the abyss. In the middle, the lingering demons once again shattered all their beautiful dreams and fantasy.

Bring them back to reality one by one...

"If you don't want to die, just get out. Go to the Far East branch and find someone named Amemiya Gentiana. He will take you to a place where even ordinary people can live."

The people hadn't been relieved before they heard Xie Chen's slightly hoarse magnetic voice from behind them.

"A place where even ordinary people can live...Does such a paradise really exist in this world?"

It seemed to ask Xie Chen again, and it seemed to be asking themselves. Xie Chen couldn't hear the whimper, which was blown away in the autumn wind almost as soon as it was spoken. Whether it was asking everyone present or this vast sky, The vast land...

It seems that there is no need to answer at all. It seems that there has been an answer. Not long after Xie Chen sighed, then he nodded very firmly and said: "Yes, this kind of place really exists. On the rugged land of the east."

Hearing Xie Chen's words, those people were obviously stunned, and then the pupils that were originally full of loss and despair once again shone with hope. That's right, Xie Chen finally saw the light of hope in the eyes of these people again!

As long as people have hope, they will be full of motivation to go on. Xie Chen knows this very well, so there is no hesitation anymore. At this moment, those people turned their heads and raised a bow at Xie Chen.

"Although we don't understand who your Excellency is, we thank you for rekindling the fire of hope when we were disappointed!"

Looking at the waist bending down one by one before his eyes, Xie Chen suddenly felt that everything he had done before was not wasted.

There is no such thing as worthless in this world, but there are some values ​​that we can't see.

"Really, it suddenly became so sensational...I'm really not used to it." Xie Chen smiled bitterly and shrugged, then pointed to the other wall behind him.

Looking from behind Xie Chen, sure enough, there were several Valzheluo on the other side rushing over here. This place is like a natural Vazheluo induction device, and there will always be a steady stream of Vazheluo coming here from all directions.

Xie Chen was very helpless about this, but there was no other way. Soldiers came to cover the water and earth. Although for the previous plan, Xie Chen didn't want to face Vazheluo at the beginning, even a single one. Fazheluo Xiechen did not intend to confront either.

But this is the end of the matter. Xie Chen said that he didn’t want to fight. It’s probably impossible. Even if you don’t want to fight anymore, you have to stop these big guys here for a while, otherwise let these guys rush directly through the church. Those who have only regained the courage to live, really have no chance of living.

That is too cruel for them.

And Xie Chen is not the kind of person who does things halfway, just as sending the Buddha to the west. Xie Chen looked at those who ran to the extreme east branch, then shrugged helplessly, as if to send Send the Buddha to the West, I will help you guys at the end!

After speaking, Xie Chen directly turned the knight's spear on his hand twice, and then threw it on the ground with a clang.

The Vazheluo rushed closer and closer, and Xie Chen finally couldn't stand any longer, suddenly pulled out another knight's long spear from behind and rushed directly at the Vazheluo army!

afraid? Xie Chen is so old and never knows what a fear is!

Since Xie Chen's current physical strength couldn't hold both of the knight's big spears, Xie Chen simply put aside one, and then used another knight's long spear to fight, Xie Chen's combat policy itself had no problems.

After picking up the knight’s big gun, Xie Chen quickly rushed towards the other side of the church, where the Vazheluo had not rushed to the side of the church. Xie Chen stood at the other entrance of the church and watched. The Valzhelos who were galloping over here grinned slightly. ..


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