Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 99: Meteorite Project

But leaving aside the crossbow, which has almost no combat effectiveness, the crossbow itself is also a military product.

There are also the old-style grenade that the person took out before, maybe there are things needed for carefulness in the refuge. If you are lucky enough to get a Thomson submachine gun, UZI submachine gun, or Gatling holding a machine gun, then Xie Chen is really making a lot of money.

Of course, the possibility of this kind of thing is not great. After all, who would put such a cruel thing in a refuge, is Amemiya Gentiana stupid?

But there is no such kind of large-scale lethal weapons, but ordinary military supplies, there will be absolutely no shortage of refuges, just like the crossbow that was last time, it is a grenade, after all, Amemiya gentian is from the extreme east branch. People want to get something out of the Far East branch.

Most of them are the kind of military materials that are specially provided for the army. Therefore, there should be weapons such as the triangular army thorn and ordinary Xiaobai. If you are lucky, you may be able to get a 95-style small smashing gun. The equipment is good if you want to.

After all, these things are almost no different from garbage to the Far East Branch.

But speaking of garbage...

Xie Chen remembered the warehouse where he went with Dr. Sakura in the Far East Branch last time. There were all kinds of weapons piled up in a mountain. Why didn't he take more weapons back then?

But if Diaus can be led to fight inside, Xie Chen is probably invincible, let alone Diaus, he is the Amaterasu, or the Yasaki Orochi who is known as the strongest god-eater It’s not Xie Chen’s opponent. You must know how terrible Xie Chen with unlimited firepower is. Once the weapons are sufficient, let’s say nothing else. I encountered that team once, and I guess they were only destroyed by their own group. Portion.

But do you go to the Far East branch again?

Obviously Xie Chen didn't have this plan, and Xie Chen didn't dare to have this plan now.

What a joke, Xie Chen, the ghost place in the Far East branch, never wants to go anymore. There are all kinds of monsters, ghosts, monsters, and Alyssa in that place. Xie Chen has a headache when he thinks about it. , Is also a second force, and the person who made Xie Chen feel a headache was Soma.

After the last farewell, Xie Chen still didn't know what that fellow Soma would do next, and now it is estimated that when he saw the staff of the Far East branch, he would stop and have a fight.

After all, like Xie Chen, who can disguise and mix into the Far East branch, it is really terrifying. If every Desolate God was mixed into the Far East Branch like Xie Chen, then this world would have been extinct long ago. just mix in a few wild gods and slaughter the city. By then, the armor wall of the extreme east branch is probably the most dangerous place in the entire extreme east branch.

No, it is the biggest obstacle to people's survival and escape.

In the current extreme east branch, either the situation is calm and the head of the branch Hiktor forcefully suppresses this matter, or the entire extreme east branch is now facing the most stringent search activities in fashion to clean up the entire interior of the extreme east branch. ghost.

But now the meteorite project is about to start. At this moment, the inside of the extreme east branch can be said to be a soldier. At this point, the guy in Hick Zal should not trouble Xie Chen. After all, his ultimate goal is not an Aegis plan. It is the Ark Project.

Therefore, how to accumulate the core of the wild **** is the issue that Hickzal should consider. As for the safety of the extreme east branch, this does not seem to be within the scope of his plan. Once the Ark plan is launched, then the earth will be Everything has nothing to do with that **** Hickzal. In that case, what else should Hickzal worry about?

But even so, this does not mean that the far east branch is completely safe at this moment. At least in order to ensure the smooth development of the meteorite project of Hikzalsu, it is necessary to eliminate hidden dangers, so even At the moment, Hickzal is not conducting extensive investigations on the Far East branch.

That will also strengthen the vigilance of the entire Far East branch, and the meteorite project is about to start, Hickzal must absolutely guarantee the foolproof of this plan, and even for this, Hickzal must deal with this aspect at any cost from other branches. Things, so no matter what direction you start from, it is undoubtedly the most unwise decision to consider Xie Chen's approach to the extreme east branch at this moment.

In terms of weapons, you can find a way like the refuge, but the super waste warehouse in the extreme east branch is absolutely not good.

However, speaking of the Meteorite Project, Xie Chen suddenly thought of the fellow Diaus. It is not surprising that the next time he will fight him is likely to be on the battlefield of Meteorite Project, once the beacon named Meteorite ignites , Will be the last firework before the curtain call of the entire stage play.

See you next time, it will definitely be the death anniversary of that fellow Diaus! Xie Chen has confidence in this aspect, and he must also fight with such an idea. The fellow Diaus must die. Xie Chen can't afford it. He must dare to the next teleportation target as soon as possible.

At the end of this trial, there are infinite teammates waiting for him. Every time he thinks of this, Xie Chen feels enthusiastic!

Put the two huge spiral spears away, put them behind him, and then Xie Chen glanced at the two rusty armors one last time, took two thin steel strips from the top, and made one. The simple scabbard contained the ghost cut knife.

Because now Xie Chen has too many things to bring, the ghost cutting knife will become very troublesome without a scabbard. After the ghost cutting is collected, Xie Chen wraps it in a poor-quality scabbard. The gorgeous long sword, with the other two knight long swords, stay away from the waist.

If it weren’t for Xie Chen’s black hair and the two oversized knight’s long spears on his back, Xie Chen now looks a bit like the three swordsman in an island country anime, but then again, the three swords. Xie Chen definitely didn't plan to think about this kind of weird fighting style, but in terms of second swordsmanship, Xie Chen's play is really not ordinary! ..


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