Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 95: Diaus lost

It is not difficult for Xie Chen to see that Diaus still has a fighting spirit, and his fighting spirit is high.

In the same way, Diaus, who was standing opposite Xie Chen, could clearly feel the blood boiling in the eyes of Xie Chen.

Like a fire and then burn again, Xie Chen’s fighting spirit at the moment is like a fire, burning in his heart. If he doesn’t vent it, I’m afraid he will drive Xie Chen crazy!

And it is estimated that the same is true for Diaus, a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, this idea also madly swallows Diaus’s last reason, Diaus madly manipulated the surrounding lightning to form a powerful force around him Lightning spiral.

The same is true for Xie Chen. The murderous aura of a sudden increase in fighting intent was accompanied by a large number of black flames all around Xie Chen’s right arm, following his hand, spreading down to the blade of Xie Chen’s hand, forming There are waves of wind.

This is a duel between the devil and the heavenly Father, this is a duel between flames and lightning!

Xie Chen dragged a long knife and pulled out a long tail of fire on the ground and quickly rushed towards Diaus, and Diaus did the same.

The bone wings on both sides of the back were expanded to the largest extent, like a boat raising its sails, rushing towards Xie Chen at the fastest speed.

There was a bang, accompanied by a loud sound of weeping ghosts.

Diaus's lightning spiral with thunderbolts and thunderstorms crazily collided with the flame explosion sword in Xie Chen's hand.

Suddenly, the wind was light.

Under the collision of these two extreme forces, all the attacks looked pale and weak. The victory or defeat was divided in an instant, Diaus' twins burst out with a lot of blood, and the pair of fleshy wings were also withered all over the ground, as for the lightning spiral that had surrounded Diaus before.

It fell apart at the moment of the fight against Xie Chen. In this match, Xie Chen had won. Behind him was a violent scream of Diaus, followed by a loud gasp.

Xie Chen turned his head and saw that Diaus was full of blood, madly pouring down from him. On the other hand, Xie Chen had almost no side effects except for some numbness on his body.

It can be said that Xie Chen was not injured.

Turning around, Xie Chen stomped his feet abruptly and touched the state of the Lost Demon King on his body. Then he glanced at Diaus: "Feeding the black cat for thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. At the beginning, I gave Laozi a horse. Didn't you regret it?"

"Roar, roar roar!!!" Diaus could not speak straightforwardly for Xie Chen's mockery, but it was obvious that Diaus could understand Xie Chen's words.

It's a pity that Xie Chen doesn't care if he understands or not, because this battle is a life-and-death contest, and now Xie Chen has won, so naturally he should also take a good look at what he deserves. For example, the extremely precious core of the wild **** in Diaus's head, and for example, the teleportation coordinates Xie Chen dreamed of in Diaus's body, all of this is here It's time for a harvest.

As for giving him a way out like Diaus before?

Sorry for this stupid thing about letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Xie Chen is not stupid enough to do it, and Xie Chen is far from the extremely low and perverted fun of Diaus. For an enemy, the best destination is never To humiliate him under his feet, but to kill decisively!

Xie Chen is not so stupid, he doesn't and doesn't plan to find something unhappy for himself. So he didn't even care about Dieus's indistinguishable tone of anger or dissatisfaction, and of course it might be begging for mercy.

He scratched his ears with disdain, raised the knife in his right hand and said to Diaus.

"Sorry, I don't speak beastly, please tell me thank you."

"But..." Xie Chen raised the ghost in his hands higher and higher, but the joking expression on his face did not change at all: "I advise you to learn the lie, after all, things like Yan Wang don't seem to be able to listen. You can understand human language. Goodbye, black cat~~"

Just when Xie Chen’s voice just fell, Diaus suddenly watched Xie Chen’s face change suddenly. The various rich expressions on his original face were completely gone. Instead, it was a joking look. , Looks just like Xie Chen just now.

The difference is that Diaus' banter is more cunning than Xie Chen, and it makes people look nauseous!

what happened?

Xie Chen's face suddenly changed, and there was no time to react. Suddenly, a huge force hit Xie Chen's abdomen, and I saw Diaus's annoying tail. I didn't know when it appeared again in Xie Chen's. before.

Xie Chen didn’t have time to say anything, he suddenly uttered a painful cry, and then the whole person, including the knife, was flew out by this huge force, and he installed it on the wall of the church in the distance, and directly drove that church. A huge hole appeared in the already decadent wall.

Climbing up from that hole, Xie Chen gritted his teeth and cursed secretly how he had forgotten. Every boss died of his own nonsense everyday, but now why is it his turn to have so much nonsense?

Xie Chen cursed secretly and then glanced at the fleeing refugees in the church behind, who had shrunk in fright. Xie Chen just curled his lips and didn't say any unnecessary nonsense to them. Xie Chen sighed and got up directly from the ground. Then slowly walked out of the church.

Xie Chen didn’t have any accidents about the dying struggle of Diaus just now, but again, that kind of attack could not hurt the current Xie Chen at all, and all he could do was delay Diaus’ death a little bit. Time is gone, it's useless.

After walking out of the church, I saw Diaus, who was dying on the ground, stood up straight. Was this guy still looking half-dead just now?

Sure enough, he is an actor.

Xie Chen curled his lips helplessly, although Diaus this guy stood up from the ground again, but this does not mean that Diaus still has combat power at the moment, and now Diaus is just suffocating his feet in a serious injury. I just stood up with vigour, and Xie Chen could still see this. ..


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