Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 90: Diaus appeared

"Hey, go away, what are you doing in a daze?"

Looking at the refugees who were still standing behind him, Xie Chen suddenly felt very speechless. How could this group of guys keep doing it, right? No matter how roads are opened, it’s difficult for these guys to stand here, they are all scared. Up?

"Where to go..."

"Yes, Lord God's Machine, we...we should go there."

Damn, this, this... How can Nima speak so rightly, how can you stand behind yourself so rightly, why don't you just say, God, you still lack the thigh pendant? The kind that can eat?

"I'm going to **** you!" Now that even Xie Chen has such a good temper, he can't help but swear out. There is nothing wrong with Xie Chen. Xie Chen has been on the verge of anxiety for a long time now, and no one is forced to do so. Will not have a good temper.

He only heard Xie Chen's words just as soon as it fell, and suddenly a huge black barren **** descended from the sky, and after quickly killing a Valzeluo, he jumped like another Valzeluo without saying a word.

Almost one bite at a time, all the three Vazhelas standing in front of the crowd were killed in seconds.

Xie Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, an expression of excitement suddenly appeared on his face, and Heavenly Father Diaus finally appeared!

But then, those standing behind Xie Chen also became a great hidden danger for Xie Chen. Xie Chen frowned and said that Xie Chen was very annoyed at this moment, especially for the current situation.

But the only thing Xie Chen feels a little relieved at this moment is.

Diaus did not focus on Xie Chen and the people behind him now, but instead focused his attack on Vazheluo who was seduced by Xie Chen.

Although Xie Chen was a little bit painful looking at the bosses who were obviously pulled by himself but were going to be eaten by this bastard, but he was still in a bloodthirsty and violent state.

Without doing anything, Xie Chen can also get some magic power back. Although this is not as much as Xie Chen's killing of those Vazheluo, it is better than nothing.

At least in the battle that Xie Chen is about to face with Diaus, he can win more chances of winning.

Then Xie Chen didn't plan to let it go.

Because that teleportation beacon is on the Heavenly Father Diaus in front of you!

As long as you kill this Diaus, Xie Chen can get the teleportation token, and then go through the path to the next plane!

However, I have to say that Xie Chen's face of Diaus was uncomfortable several times after seeing it.

He couldn't believe that there was such an ugly wild **** in this world...

Not only is he ugly, but this guy's appearance is also extremely ugly. Xie Chen really couldn't understand how this guy got hooked with things like Heavenly Father.

What he didn't even understand was that the law of God Eater naming the wild gods, could it be said that the names of the wild gods could be called indiscriminately? Xie Chen curled his lips helplessly, Diaus this kind of thing.

At what point is it connected with the emperor, noble? This black one looks like a carbon ball.

Emperor lion? Xie Chen curled his lips in disdain, really didn't understand the aesthetics of these people in the Far East branch. A young girl who loves little sheep, a doctor with a psychopath, a small peasant thought leader who thinks about building a big ship all day and then escaping into outer space?

What kind of bird people are these...

I don't know how long I have been complaining about the strange things in the Far East Branch. When Xie Chen looked at the place again, that Heavenly Father Diaus had basically finished eating.

"Father Diaus?"

Seeing that Diaus had eaten almost, Xie Chen raised his head again, and then said to Diaus, who was looking at the core of the wild **** who was eating the last Valzeluo.

Hearing Xie Chen's words, the Diaus suddenly lifted its face with shadows of human faces.

The super-large wild gods all have a characteristic, that is, in addition to their extremely high IQ, they have more or less human shadows, and the higher the level of wild gods, the more obvious the human shadows.

Just like the Diaus in front of Xie Chen!

Xie Chen glanced at Diaus in front of him and spit.

"Hey, do idiots remember me?"

Xie Chen glanced at Diaus with an extremely contemptuous look, and then said lightly.

At this moment, Diaus's face turned out to be extremely humane with a puzzled expression, which made Xie Chen somewhat surprised, but apart from the accident, Xie Chen was more wary.

As if he had sensed Xie Chen's fighting spirit, the Diaus screamed at Xie Chen, and then suddenly disappeared in place.

Xie Chen frowned, stomped his feet suddenly, and rushed out in three strikes.

The two slammed into the air quickly, and then each retreated to the other side.

Xie Chen was too lazy to say anything. After landing, he got up again and threw a sword from the flank.

Diaus quickly spread his wings to block, and the spikes on Diaus’s wings protruded. Such a wide range of indifference made Xie Chen a little unhappy, and what made Xie Chen unhappy was that on Diaus’ wings It also carries a strong high voltage.

Never stay for a long time, Xie Chen said secretly, and quickly staggered his figure.

However, this is not a good sign, because Vazheluo itself belongs to the kind of large-scale wild **** species with high explosiveness, advance, attack, retreat and defense, and capable of close combat and long range.

What's more, it was Diaus, a mutant species with higher intelligence, Vazheluo, and Xie Chen was in midair at this moment, although he was flying backwards.

But there is no shelter around, and the second cannot change the direction of movement, which is tantamount to becoming a living target of Diau, almost no different from looking for death.

Xie Chen discovered this terrible problem. Suddenly, a black and purple charged ball flew towards Xie Chen from a distance.

Xie Chen gritted his teeth helplessly and directly liberated the ghost cut. An oversized wild sword was transformed directly in front of Xie Chen. The two-meter-long blade stood in front of Xie Chen like a huge shield. Diaus The huge black-purple charged ball that was shot quickly slammed into the huge spider cutter blade that Xie Chen unfolded.

With a bang, the huge black and purple charged ball exploded directly on the blade of Xie Chen. ..


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