Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 85: war

There were countless exploding flames and traces of electric arcs beating in the surrounding air, and these things were given by Vazheluo. Xie Chen frowned slightly, and the magic flame on his body broke out in an instant, and the strong magic flame directly broke through the smoke and dust that exploded around, blocking all the arcs formed by the electric ball in the air.

Xie Chen swung the knife forward directly, looked at the Valzheluo in front of him and raised the Yatachi in his hand without changing his face: "Hey, let me see which one I should cut first?"

Xie Chen grinned, and then saw Fazheluo rushing out at the brunt. Without blinking his eyes, Xie Chen rushed out with a wild sword, slashed at the waist, and stood directly at the one. Above Zeluo's face door, then **** and bloody, he directly split the Valzeluo from it, and it was obvious that the core of the wild **** of Valzelo existed in the head just like Diaus.

Xie Chen controlled the knife forward with one hand, and slapped a spin with the other hand. He quickly caught the desolate core that was thrown high into the sky from the center of the turn. With a spin, Xie Chen's Ye Tai sword rushed towards again. The next desolate **** is like walking with clouds and flowing water.

Xie Chen’s knife skills have already reached the point of seamless connection. There is no extra movement between each move. The knife skills are extremely refined. It is not accurate to say that no matter what, knife, gun, stick, stick, sword, Halberd, axe, yue...they are all the same in Xie Chen's hands.

Just one word, fierce!

When Xie Chen rushed towards the other Valzhelo with a knife, Guiqie, who was on standby, suddenly derives countless metal conduits from the hilt of the sword, all of which stuck on Xie Chen’s right hand holding the sword, and they were completely integrated with Xie Chen. One body, if the state of human and sword integration really exists, it must be what Xie Chen looks like now.

After Xie Chen killed two Vazheluo cleanly with a single knife, he turned his head again and looked at the remaining Vazheluo on the other side.

Once the desolate gods have evolved to advanced levels, they also start to become smarter, as does Vazera. As a large desolate god, Vazera is not as powerful as Diaus in combat power and IQ, but already has some instincts surpassing the beasts. Other things, such as weighing, and fear.

Vazheluo is not a fool. Although they can't see Xie Chen's weird and exquisite sword technique, there is one thing they know well, that is, both Vazheluo and two of them who have considerable fighting power are the same. The species has died tragically under the human hand, and he is definitely not the match of this human!

Thirty-six tactics are the best plan. Although these Vazhelas have not read the art of war, they still have this idea. I saw that the remaining Vazhelas fled out like all around without any hesitation. If Xie Chen chased them out one by one, unless he could be cloned, he would definitely not be able to chase these guys.

Clone is naturally impossible, but Xie Chen has his own way to kill them. Xie Chen suddenly thought of the big sword qi slash that Soma had used at the beginning. There is no difficulty in that kind of thing, but This time Xie Chen was afraid that he was about to cut Jian Qi into a wave of Jian Qi.

In order not to hurt the core of the wild gods of Vazheluo, Xie Chen specially stripped the devil flame from the original sword qi slash. You must know that the explosive effect attached to the devil flame itself can almost destroy one, even those Vazheluo's Desolate Core is no exception.

If you accidentally smashed all the core of the wild gods of Vazheluo, that day would be a waste of work.

After understanding this, Xie Chen was directly released from the state of possessing the demon flame. The demon flame originally attached to her body quickly dissipated, and even the flames on Xie Chen's sword were dispersed by Xie Chen one by one.

Nothing was left. Xie Chen held up the ghost cut in the form of a spider cut in his hands, posing the same poss as Soma's sword qi cut. Although it looked like Xie Chen was just holding a sword and posed a poss in place, but If you come closer, you will see an invisible air current flowing near the spider cut in Xie Chen's hand.

That's right, attached to it is Xie Chen's pure non-attribute magic power without any attribute elements. Its effect is similar to that of sword aura, but it is more powerful than ordinary sword aura.

The movement speed of Vazheluo itself is not slow, so Xie Chen didn't dare to accumulate his energy for too long. The spider-cutting super-large Yeta sword just raised his shoulders, Xie Chen slashed it out and slashed directly at those. Behind Vazheluo running around.

Suddenly, a colorless sword air wave that resembled a fan quickly rushed out from the jagged blade cut by the spider in Xie Chen's hand. Xie Chen was taken aback for a moment, and saw that the sword air wave spreads over a wide range, and The power is also extraordinary.

After getting the place where the sword qi wave spread, everything was ruthlessly cut into pieces by the sharp sword wave. Xie Chen was stupefied for half a second. The next moment the sword qi wave rushed in front of those Vazheluo. , Zeluo was dismembered in an instant after he came into contact with the sword qi wave. That’s right. This is not just a simple sword qi wave, but a mobile meat grinder, one can move. The super destructive weapon!

That sword wave is mixed with countless small blades of different levels, just like a storm of rotating blades, which seems to be just an ordinary slash, but in fact the combo rate is at least a thousand, and even more. It may break ten thousand.

This intensive rain of sword blades, almost equivalent to an indiscriminate attack, instantly swallowed the dozen or so Valzhelas. In the blink of an eye, it became a mess. Xie Chen squeezed the bridge of his nose helplessly. The second luck was not bad, because although these guys were very clean and tidy by Xie Chenmiao, among the corpses scattered on the ground, the core of the wild **** of Vazheluo was still lying there intact.

This time I definitely gained quite a lot. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least 20 barren **** cores of large-scale desolate gods such as Vazheluo. As for the cores of medium-sized barren gods such as Ogarei, Xie Chen has not even counted them. This time really made a lot of money........


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