Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 78: Device layout

After Xie Chen took over the driver's headset, he nodded at the driver, and after silently thanking him, he sat on the spot again and put on the headset and closed his eyes and looked calm.

After the helicopter took off, it didn’t take long for Xie Chen to feel the sensation of a slow landing again. That’s right, it’s the feeling of landing a little bit. Xie Chen sighed and shook the ghost in the handshake, even though it was in other people’s hands. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but in the hidden underground of which shadow hides, only Xie Chen knows that there is a sharp weapon there!

The helicopter did not land in the end, but after the huge iron box hung by the helicopter landed, the pilot opened the cabin door, and then released the rope ladder. The staff members went down one by one. Of course, these people naturally included sitting in the cab. Xie Chen from here.

After Xie Chen stood up from the driver's cab, he quickly switched the ghost that he was holding onto his back, and then slid down the rope ladder with them from above.

After everyone got out of the cab and settled in the huge metal box, the helicopter slowly rose up again, found a place to land and stopped on land.

Xie Chen and the others were responsible for the assembly and splicing of these cargo parts. After a while, an inducing device was successfully installed. When the huge hexagonal light-dimensional barrage was all up, they suddenly ran from the other corner. A few white tails came out, Xie Chen was stunned for a moment. When he was about to subconsciously draw his sword and rush up, he suddenly heard the empty Mulianhua who was fixing the bracket on the other side shouting.

"Mr. Soma!"

Only then did Xie Chen react. It turned out that he was not in the field, but with the personnel of the entire Far East branch. Xie Chen breathed a sigh of relief and quickly let go of the hand that was holding the magic machine behind him. , And then turned to look at Soma on the other side.

I saw Soma without saying a word, pulling up his magic machine from the ground, and then directed at the white tail who was walking slowly in the distance, it was a charge to draw a sword, this kind of sword form a super far range sword slash. So far, Xie Chen has seen it on Soma, and the others don’t have such benefits at all.

However, this was considered to have established the name of the Soma humanoid desolate god. The powerful sword qi cut instantly exploded in the open space where the induction device was arranged, and the dozen white tails were almost killed before they were reflected. Xie Chen originally wanted to unfold a bloodthirsty rage secretly to absorb the magic power of those white tails remaining in the air, but then he thought that there was a Soma here after all.

Maybe Soma has a keen sense of this aspect. If something is discovered by him, the proper rhythm is definitely to cause trouble.

Thinking about this kind of thing, Xie Chen felt a bit headache. Instead of bothering about returning those trivial magical powers, Xie Chen might as well think about how to escape from here.

"Don't be lazy, continue with homework."

Just when Xie Chen was in a daze, he suddenly heard a staff member next to him shouting at him. Xie Chen was stunned and nodded quickly, and continued to bow his head to prepare for his work. On the other hand, everyone's deployment work was already basic. When it's done, it's just a matter of Xie Chen's quick commissioning of the induction device. Xie Chen gritted his teeth, forget it, try it, maybe it doesn't affect him.

After making up his mind, Xie Chen quickly inserted the thing on his hand, and then a few ripple frequencies quickly appeared on the device rod, Xie Chen was stunned, "Hey, how do you do this?"

Hearing Xie Chen’s voice coming from a distance to help Xie Chen deal with this inducing device, the person who was not someone else, turned out to be the uncle of the technical department just now. Xie Chen rolled his eyes, and then very interesting to make room for him. Come out and motion to him to fiddle with the device.

Although the uncle chattered a little bit, the technology is absolutely nothing to say. I just debugged it twice on the tablet computer of that machine, and then quickly typed out a long series of complicated items on the keyboard below. The code suddenly moved the whole machine, and a faint blue light spread towards the surroundings.

"Fuck, this turned out to be..."

Feeling the blue light diffused from the machine, Xie Chen instantly understood the working principle of this device.

The blue light may not be felt by other people, but Xie Chen can clearly perceive that these things are not other things, but the elemental fluctuations of the eight classics. And there is still a strong elemental fluctuation.

Of course, these are not real magical elements, but the machine does not know how to simulate it. The fluctuation of the element-like elements. This blue operating fluctuation rate should be referred to as the element of thunder attribute.

Xie Chen squinted his eyes slightly. The elements of thunder attribute seemed to be used to attract some kind of desolate gods. After Xie Chen understood the inside story of this thing, he immediately felt dull. No wonder these things can make the desolate gods one by one. Furiously swarmed.

For those wild gods, this device is almost like wild dogs smelling meat. You said those hungry stray wild dogs with their chests and backs suddenly smelled of meat. How could they not be moved or not? Crazy.

Thinking about it this way, Xie Chen almost certainly doesn't need to test this thing at all, and it can definitely attract the wild gods, but if the colleagues gather so many wild gods, the extreme east branch can match it if there is no corresponding strength.

The consequences can be imagined. Maybe there will be no such thing as the Far East branch in the future, but the Far East branch is blessed by the pig's foot halo, and there is also the super powerful ammunition called the meteorite. Xie Chen dare Believe that even if there are a lot of wild gods, they can handle it.

Even if there is an accidental super large species like Amaterasu Great God, it is estimated that the Far East branch has a way to deal with it, so Xie Chen actually does not need to worry too much about their scams.

Instead of thinking about them, Xie Chen thought about killing Diaus. ..


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