Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 75: This cheating uniform

Alyssa’s pure white hair fell down the temples of Xie Chen’s ears. Xie Chen was slightly startled. For a moment, he almost fell into ruin, but then, he seemed to see the tragic deaths in front of him. His teammates... the nightmare-like scenes made him wake up instantly, and he must not stop here. Those promises and fetters still exist today!

Xie Chen stood up abruptly from the chair, held the window and shook his head: "No, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Xie Chen didn't hesitate anymore, turned around and raised Guiqie and walked towards the door of Alyssa's room: "I still said that, be careful of the big car."

After talking about Xie Chen, she opened the door and walked out. This time Alyssa did not stop, but looked at Xie Chen's back in a daze, "Doctor? What should I do, it seems that I was accidentally relying on that wild god. Up."

Alyssa looked at her reflection on the metal door and said foolishly. However, Xie Chen, who had already walked out, didn't know all of this. After Xie Chen walked out, he instantly regained the costume of the staff of the Far East branch, and hid the ghosts on his hands not for his glory.

I have to say that the dog skins of such a staff in the Far East Branch are very useful. At least in terms of the current situation, Xie Chen is very convenient to walk around the entire Far East Branch in this suit, at least not. Who suspects him? After all, daytime is no better than nighttime. During the daytime, the most in-service personnel in the base of the entire Far East branch are their lowest-level workers.

After all, the number of divine machines in the Far East branch is really limited. As for those high-level people, they don’t know what period of time they are planning to hide in the office, so the Far East branch can be regarded as a pervasive person. Definitely a role like the worker bee now.

The flow of people is the widest and the fault tolerance rate is the highest. Xie Chen walks here in this outfit like a godly help, there is no need to worry about any other redundant problems.

Passing through the entire base hall, Xie Chen walked to the underground garage unharmed. On the far east branch, the incumbent has the right to apply for a vehicle. Although only the staff who applied for the driving of the vehicle can get the key of the locomotive, Xie Chen was different. Xie Chen was born to rely on the knight's powerful ability to not die with his bare hands to forcefully control and control anything inanimate, or all objects defined as weapons, even living entities.

Therefore, for Xie Chen, these mechanical items in the Far East branch are simply treasures made for Xie Chen. Any vehicle, even with a human-shaped Gundam, can be used instantly by Xie Chen, and then fly up.

So Xie Chen now plans to go to the underground garage and drive out a truck, even an ordinary car or even a locomotive. After driving out, he will not directly expel the Far East Branch, because he knows that if there is no magician in the car If it were, Xie Chen couldn't drive a truck out at all, and Xie Chen didn't think about going out pretending to be that magician.

Because there are almost no single missions of the magician, unless Xie Chen disguised a truck of magical agents, such as the first unit or the second and third forces, there was no possibility of Xie Chen going out.

In the case of a single divine machine using Amemiya Gentiana or Soma, there are basically special reports on it, so the possibility of Xie Chen wanting to fish in troubled waters is basically zero. If you go out like that, Xie Chen is likely to directly trigger the alarm of the Far East Branch. At that time, the situation will become very complicated, which is not what Xie Chen hopes to see. So Xie Chen intends to retreat.

Use a deceptive truck to drive directly to a relatively remote development site within the armor wall. It is not only remote, but because the armor wall was not built before it was attacked by the gods first, so there is reconstruction after the disaster. There are a lot of people, and Xie Chen drove a truck in the past few people would find anything, and the staff there and ordinary residents were doing reconstruction work together.

The mixed distribution of people is more conducive to Xie Chen’s concealment. Xie Chen only needs to drive the truck over as a staff member of the Far East Branch, park there, and then turn his head to find a relatively hidden place to transform into ordinary The appearance of the residents, by the time they got to which step, Xie Chen's plan was basically completed.

In the entire Far East branch, once Xie Chen became an ordinary refugee and was in a residential area, it would undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack to find him again. And the surrounding high walls are also the best in the residential area.

After calculating everything, Xie Chen quickly came to the underground garage. When he turned around and was about to pick a truck that seemed pleasing to the eye, he suddenly heard a voice from behind.

"Hey, the patroller over there, come over and help me lift this device."

Xie Chen froze for a moment and continued to pick up the car next to Xinghu. Suddenly he felt a pair of big hands slapping his shoulders behind him. Just when Xie Chen almost subconsciously was about to turn his head and kick the man, he suddenly heard the man speak. : "Hey, say you, why didn't you hear it? Come here quickly and help them carry the equipment over there to the helicopter."

Xie Chen swallowed his saliva, wait, what's the situation with Nima and what does it mean? The guy who patrolled for a long time turned out to be himself?

It's funny, Lord, do I look like a little security guard patrolling the parking lot?

Xie Chen lowered his head and glanced at the work clothes he was wearing, let alone, it's really like that...

No way, the person who put his hand behind him is not someone else. The one who is so dead is Soma, the guy who is called the wild **** walking in the whole God Eater plot. If an ordinary staff member Xie Chen slapped him with a backhand and slapped him out, Soma...really, even if Xie Chen really slapped him with a backhand, he might not be able to slap him.

Ah, my goodness, it's all to blame for this silly dad's uniform!

Xie Chen cursed secretly, and then had to change his face with a very flattering smile and turned his head and said, "Respected Sir, can I help you?"..


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