Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 67: Dr. Cheating

Obviously, Dr. Xie Chen couldn't hear these abdominal sneers. At this moment, Dr. Xie still looked at Xie Chen with an inexplicable expression. Xie Chen was stunned for three minutes, and then shook his head:

"No, resolutely not! This locomotive is very good, and I will not change anything if I say anything, you die with this heart! You are a pervert!"

"Ah, that's really disappointing."

Dr. Sakaki talked with a pity on his face, and then shook the motorcycle handle on the handshake, and saw that the originally seemingly plain little sheep floated up, and the device behind it that looked like an exhaust pipe unexpectedly A high-pressure blue flame burst out in an instant. Damn, am I seeing a ghost? This thing turned out to be turbocharged? Nima, is there any reason to give a little sheep a turbocharger? ! ! ! Is this too much money to burn? At this moment, Xie Chen only feels that what he has broken is not only the Three Views, but also the 10,000 grass-mud horses running by in his heart...

"I'm really beeping a dog..."

Xie Chen smacked his lips speechlessly. Although it is not a turbocharger, the terrifying explosive power of the Dodge Tomahawk is not inferior to that riding a superb sheep sitting down by Dr. Sakura, and the peculiar roar of the engine of the Dodge Tomahawk. It resounded throughout the warehouse like a rolling thunder. This is the motor that a real man should have. Sitting on the Dodge Tomahawk, Xie Chen felt that everything was so passionate as he listened to the sound of the wind roaring by!

It is a fighter engine. As the first four-wheeled motor vehicle in history, the horsepower of the Dodge Tomahawk is absolutely full of horsepower. Based on the full power table, the speed of the Dodge Tomahawk is no less than that of Dr. Sakura. A high-suspension twin-turbocharged lamb may also be blessed by a knight without dying from bare hands, and the entire motorcycle horsepower is vaguely upgraded to a level.

Coupled with the weird red and black lines on the motorcycle body that the knight does not die with bare hands, this Dodge Tomahawk is more veritable, just like the butcher knife used by the ancient Western European servants, with the strange red light glowing like blood.

Glancing at Xie Chen who was about to catch up from behind, Dr. Sakura smiled slightly and increased his horsepower again, only to see that the blue-red tail fire of the little sheep became more dazzling, Xie Chen was not in a hurry, just so far away Hanging behind Dr. Sakura.

The warehouse of the entire Far East branch is very large. It looks like a huge garbage mountain at the back. There are tall shelves standing in front of them with all kinds of goods, but at the back, the whole warehouse changes. The mess was piled up into garbage mountains of varying heights, and those garbage mountains were already covered with dust.

The layers of dust on these things resemble Xie Chen telling the long history of these things being abandoned here. Xie Chen followed Dr. Sak all the way to the deepest part of the warehouse, where even the ground is accumulated. A thick layer of dust, Xie Chen’s Dodge axe whizzed past, stirring up a large swath of dust flying all over the sky, and now Xie Chen understands why Dr. Sak must ride a little sheep that can fly at low altitude. This guy is simply too awkward. broken.

It's a pity that Xie Chen didn't get Saber's Wind King barrier, otherwise he must let Dr. Sakura's sluggish thing feel the taste of eating dirt.

Finally, Dr. Sakura took Xie Chen all the way through so many **** mountains. After eating so much dust, he stopped under one of the tallest **** mountains. Seeing Dr. Sakura stopped, Xie Chen quickly pressed the brake. , And then the entire Dodge Tomahawk stopped without any frontal inertia. In terms of performance, the performance of this locomotive is simply too good. If possible, when you enter the main **** space next time, Xie Chen must exchange for a Dodge Tomahawk, mom. The best version of the egg is a modified version, this is so **** cool!

"This is it."

Xie Chen stepped off the Dodge Tomahawk, then turned his head and asked Dr. Sak who was standing in front of him.

"En, yes, it's here." Dr. Sakura nodded, then pointed to the top of the tall trash mountain in the distance and said, "Did you see that?"

Xie Chen frowned, then followed Dr. Sak’s fingers and looked at it. Sure enough, he saw a red thing on the **** mountain, inserted in the mountain peak, in a pile of broken copper and iron, Xie Chen looked at it at a glance When it comes to that thing, it is...

"Hey, what's that? Is it usually a broken sword? Or..."

"Have you ever heard of a legend about the sword in the stone." Xie Chen was interrupted by Dr. Sakura before he finished speaking.

"The magic sword originated from the last century, standing on a rocky cliff, waiting for a thousand years, waiting for the arrival of the wise Lord, one day. The presence of the chosen person, the supreme power, will Pull out the piece, and people will regard him as king from now on!"

Immediately after Dr. Xie’s words, Xie Chen said that there was a story about King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone, but after the story was finished, Xie Chen shrugged, and then immediately said with disdain, "Hey, this story. It’s getting old, isn’t it time for mom Sunflower’s bedtime story?"

"Mum Sunflower only sells medicine, but she is not responsible for the intimate business of bedtime stories."

Dr. Sakura also followed Xie Chen’s spitting and boring words, and then turned around and stepped on the high mountains behind him: "Come on here, although there is no sword in the stone on it, it is a powerful and domineering magic sword. There is indeed one."

"Oh, magic sword? It's not Apophis and I don't want it." Xie Chen followed up with a smile.

The entire garbage mountain is full of various equipment, ranging from military weapons to household appliances, and everything is available. If this is not a place for garbage, I guess Xie Chen would not believe it.

After a pause, Xie Chen walked up slowly, and followed Dr. Sak all the way up. The huge steel mountain with such a mess of things is indeed a bit complicated, and the road is not easy to walk, whether it is Xie Chen. Dr. Sakura is still very physically strong, and trekking is not particularly high, and the steep steel **** is not very easy except that the road is not easy to walk.

Finally reached the top of this hillside, Xie Chen saw a scarlet long knife stuck in the top of the hill. ..


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