Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 64: Dr. Sakura's cooperation

"This shouldn't be the way you were."

Dr. Sakura loosened his eyebrows and spoke to Xie Chen convincingly. Xie Chen shrugged his shoulders helplessly and then smiled: "Yeah, Dr. Sakura deserves to be Dr. Sak. Such a quick and creative mind really makes me feel stressed. ."

"Heh, I didn't notice any pressure from you at all." Dr. Sakura raised the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then slightly waved his hand at Xie Chen, "Come in, you should not hesitate to risk It shouldn’t be the reason to come here because of the danger to play with me, a poor man."

"As expected of Dr. Sakura."

Xie Chen shrugged his shoulders, then turned around, and followed Dr. Sak into the laboratory.

"Can you explain to me your amazing ability?"

In the laboratory, Dr. Sakura suddenly opened his mouth and asked Xie Chen who came in behind. Xie Chen was stunned for a moment and then immediately said: "Oh, Dr. Troublesome will also explain to me. Just now, even the empty Mulianhua didn't notice my existence, how did you recognize me at a glance? ?"

Dr. Su was stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other with Xie Chen and smiled at each other. Each will not continue to struggle in this regard. Dr. Xie Chen’s secret Sakura will not continue to question this time, but in the same way, Xie Chen can’t do anything further in this regard at the price, and in the next negotiation, Xie Chen couldn't get any cheaper. If you are unlucky, you may still be in a passive state, which makes Xie Chen very speechless. He didn't expect that this guy would be the first to speak out.

However, the tragedy is a tragedy. Xie Chen is not uncomfortable at all. Anyway, Xie Chen has to go here. The next thing Xie Chen has to do is to brag, and to put it bluntly is shameless, who will not be a rascal, just talk to Dr. The guy slammed down a good knife, everything is fine! If the conditions set by Dr. Sakura were not difficult, Xie Chen reluctantly agreed. If it exceeds the bottom line Xie Chen can accept, I am sorry, brother, I will not talk to you...

No, not for nothing. Xie Chen didn't plan to talk to Dr. Sak in this regard. I don't listen to your conditions, but I still have to get my sword, almost that's what it means.

In short, how to be shameless. It’s best to be able to empty the white wolf. You can’t empty the white wolf. It’s okay to lose two bones. But if you say you can’t bear to let your child cover the wolf, then I’m sorry, this loses money. Xie Chen could not agree to the sale.

"Well, let's get back to the subject, this friend, you know my name is Sakura, but I don't seem to know what your lord is called, huh? So, what should I call you? Mr. X?"

How could Xie Chen not hear the meaning of the ridicule in Dr. Sakura’s words, but Xie Chen did not speak to refute anything, but fell into a deep thought. In fact, his name is Xie Chen with an x ​​in the initials. If Dr. Sak insists It doesn't seem to be a problem to call yourself Mr. X, of course if the premise is that Xie Chen is not afraid of being shackled to death by Dr. Sakura.

"Xie Chen, you can call me Xie Chen.""Xie Chen? You seem to be Chinese by the name? No, to be precise, it can only be said that you should be a Chinese species. I don’t offend you. Place."

When Dr. Sakura said that, even if there was something offensive, Xie Chen couldn't worry about it anymore, so he had to roll his eyes helplessly and scratch his head, "It's nothing, you're happy."

"In other words, I still have some things that I don’t understand, that is, in the true sense of yours, are you really human? It’s some supernatural powers, such as super powers that we don’t know, that turn you from another breed into With this kind of human-like desolate god, it is still to say that you are a specific thing in the desolate **** population."

"If you want to say how much there are in the world like me, I can tell you straightforwardly, this world like me will not exceed the number of fingers of a finger." Xie Chen said confidently, facts It proved that what he said was correct. There was only one person who was originally known as the creator of the real humanoid Desolate God, Xiou, who was known as the existence of the Desolate God Gaia.

As for the others, although different types of wild gods will slowly transform into human-like body organs after constant evolution and mutation, it is impossible to completely become the same as wild gods humans.

As for why this is, no one knows, even Xie Chen doesn’t know. He only knows that so far, in the entire Desolate God Realm, the desolate **** closest to human beings is the **** of love, Venus. Outside Europe, it’s the closest thing to humans in terms of body contours, but as far as that body shape is concerned, senior drivers who have played God Eater know that with the configuration of the beauty Venus, exercise in bed is absolutely zero experience, even Even if you can travel by holding hands...

"How do you say? Is it true that in the future the God of Desolate will not be able to appear as a human being like you?"

"It's hard to say, you also know that the direction of the oracle cell evolution is to choose the optimal evolution, but... so let me say bluntly, besides the primates, can there be other places where humans can outperform ordinary animals? The direction of evolution is likely to be a kind of creature called almighty."

Hearing Xie Chen's words, Dr. Sakura frowned slightly, "So, is there really no possibility that human beings will defeat the gods?"

"Do you believe?"

Xie Chen grinned slightly, looked at Dr. Sakura with a smile and asked.

"Do not believe."

Dr. Sakura also said with a smile. Xie Chen nodded helplessly. It was a bit of a brain-burning to communicate with a guy like Dr. Sakura.

After helplessness, Xie Chen sighed and continued: "Yes, there is no perfect thing in this world. There is a word in the ancient East, which is called willingness. Only when there is sacrifice, there is gain. This is the wisdom of human beings. There must be a loss. Although it seems that all the gods are developing in the seemingly most perfect direction so far, but also, the more they evolve, the more burden they will be on themselves, and gradually they themselves will be dragged by this perfection. Collapse. It's like fireworks, passing by in a flash."..


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