Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 58: ready

"Unexpectedly, there is still such a long distance."

Xie Chen rested against a wall, and he hadn't entered Doumi all day and night. In that direction, Xie Chen has been rushing for a whole day and night without sleep. If this continues, Xie Chen will collapse here sooner or later.

He now finally understands how important it is to have an off-road vehicle or even an ordinary SUV in such a place.

In addition to fatigue, there is also a strong sense of weakness. Xie Chen turned his head and caught a glimpse of a broken water pipe next to him. There was still a lot of water flowing out of it.

Xie Chen couldn't care about whether it was the downpipe or the upper one. He stumbled over and stuffed the pipe into his mouth, and a mellow stream slowly flowed into Xie Chen's mouth.

Fortunately, it's not the sewer pipe, but Xie Chen will know if you think about it, how can there be water in the sewer pipe in this place? There are no buildings nearby, and there will be such things there.

After greedily swallowing a few mouthfuls of tap water, Xie Chen felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. When I looked up, Xie Chen faced a pupa-like desolate **** floating in mid-air. There was a beautiful face in the center of the pupa, the cocoon virgin!

"Fuck, fuck. Huh, what the **** is this." Xie Chen was so scared by the wild **** before him that he backed away seven or eight steps.

A bang laser shot from the eyes of the pupa-shaped Desolate God, hitting the place where Xie Chen had just settled.

"It turned out to be a virgin cocoon." After a hasty flash, Xie Chen slowly stood up from the ground, looking at the virgin cocoon in her eyes, hungry and thirsty...

That's right, in Xie Chen's eyes, the virgin cocoon is better than any compressed biscuit. Xie Chen disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of the cocoon in the next second.

A black magic flame rose from his right hand, and with a clean and decisive blow, he directly smashed the cocooned virgin's head, and then took out a finger-sized Desolate God core from its forehead.

"Mosquitoes are also meat when they are young. Forget it, it's a harvest."

After absorbing the core of the desolate god, Xie Chen glanced at the desolate gods around him, "Forget it, before going to Aegis Island, let's make some necessary preparations. Start fighting!"

Xie Chen still held the right leg of the Iron Knight as a weapon until now. There is no way, on the side of God Eater, there is really no weapon at hand other than the magic machine.

And that Iron Knight's right leg was sharp enough and big enough. The whole right leg stood up and was as big as a half-person Xie Chen. Using this as a weapon was really perfect.

Xie Chen grasped this right leg as a horned sword in his hand, and rushed into the pile of wild gods. It was the first time that Xie Chen was so blamed.

Originally, I planned to dive to Aegis Island first and take a look at the specific situation, but now it seems that it is obviously not very reliable. As far as his current situation is concerned, it is estimated that he has been caught before he has reached Aegis Island. starving.

It feels sad to think about it, so let's find a way to restore the magic first!

"Ahhh, bloodthirsty and violent!"

Xie Chen let out a violent shout, and suddenly a black and red magic flame emerged from all over his body. This skill is a skill of the demon body. In fact, it is not very useful. The only advantage is that when you are harvesting Xiaoluo, you You can get magic power back.

If Xie Chen didn't kill a unit, he could get 6% of his magic power back. If it was thrown away, Xie Chen's normal kill would only gain about 5 to 3% of his magic power.

But don't underestimate these, the sporadic supply of magic power, if it is in the kind of copy that is especially small, then Xie Chen can easily get more than half of the magic power back in a second full screen.

It's even cooler than having Demon Flame Possession, but Xie Chen also knows that there are very few copies of this kind of big scene, and it is not easy to have such an opportunity like now.

And after the bloodthirsty rage, Xie Chen also has a BUFF effect that triggers the heavy hack. If you are lucky, the sword hits the heavy slash BUFF, not to mention ordinary Ape King Kong, it is estimated that Valzheluo is here. , That is also a one-shot second.

The battle lasted until dusk, and there were corpses all over the beach in front of the sea. Unfortunately, such things as the God of Desolate could not be driven to extinction. Otherwise, it is estimated that he would be able to save the world with enough time.

The toe of the somewhat broken steel knight on the handle was still on one side. Xie Chen sat on the ground and took a couple of breaths. Because of the bloodthirsty and violent existence, Xie Chen was almost invincible in this scene, and his battery life was exploded. Watch, so Xie Chen didn't feel tired.

Perceiving the magic power in his body, Xie Chen realized that he had already recovered one-third of the amount indefinitely. Such a huge sea of ​​magic power had recovered so much in just one day.

Xie Chen even felt like he was going to kill here. It is estimated that within a week, he can go to Diaus in full condition.

But there is another problem, and that is weapons. Although he has a skill that is easy to use for explosions that the knight does not die with bare hands, it is still impossible to fight Diau without a handy weapon.

The oracle cell of Diaus has evolved to a heinous level. In terms of hardness, the hardness of Diaus's shell is even far greater than that of the steel knight last time.

Looking at the semi-circular steel fortress in the distance, Xie Chen sighed. It seemed that he still had to make time to go up there.

The advancement of the plot can't give yourself too long. You must save up to the full demon before the plan starts, and find a powerful weapon by the way.

Xie Chen suddenly felt a little regretful why he didn’t exchange the lake light that could not be destroyed, because the lake light’s special dragon-slaying properties and hard BUFF, if Xie Chen held that sword in his hand, it is estimated that the slaughter of Diaus was Very simple thing.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, so even if Xie Chen is helpless, it is impossible to go back and get the undestructive lake light at this moment.

"Is it a weapon in this world?" Xie Chen looked forward with some helplessness. If he talked about weapons, I guess he should go there to find them.

The Sakura Doctor Research Institute of the Far East Branch……..


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