Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 47: refuge

"you know me?"

Hearing the words "Kanai" from Xie Chen's mouth covered with bandages, Kanai suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief.

Xie Chen was speechless. Just as he was about to say something, suddenly his feet softened and his whole body fell backward, and Kanai immediately dragged Xie Chen forward.

After exhaling helplessly, the nervous Xie Chen was soft, and Xie Chen was so heavy that Kana's weak woman couldn't hold him at all.

And don't Xie Chen take it with him, both of them suddenly fell down.

With a bang, he fell to the ground, and brought the vase on the bedside table beside him to the ground, and suddenly a clear and crisp sound of broken glass came out.

Kana, who fell on Xie Chen, suddenly raised his head, and his eyes met. Suddenly, Kana discovered why these eyes are so familiar, as if they have seen them somewhere? Where is it?

Just when Kana was thinking hard and was about to get the answer, there was a sudden knock on the door from outside the door. It was obvious that the person who had been outside with Kana just now heard the noise in the room and returned.

"What's wrong? Kana what's wrong with you?"

Kana was also surprised when the man in front of him who was holding a bandage on his face, only revealing the two eyes that were shining like obsidian stars, suddenly heard a hurried cry outside the door.

Xie Chen glared at the door quickly at Kanai, obviously to beckon her to respond quickly. Xie Chen suspected that if Kana didn't say anything, the guy outside could kick the door open.

After froze for three seconds, Kana reacted quickly, and hurriedly shouted at the door: "I'm fine Watanabe-kun, I just fell under the foot and fell, it's fine."

After Kana spoke, the sound of knocking desperately outside the door finally stopped, and in the room, both Xie Chen and Kana were silent, not even daring to breathe.

Finally, it didn't take long for a few footsteps to be heard in the corridor outside the room, and Xie Chen and Kanai breathed out in a relaxed manner.

"Then you..."

"Before asking me questions, please get up from me first. I fell off the cliff and didn't fall to death. Instead, I was crushed to death by you. Then I am deadly aggrieved?"

Xie Chen smiled bitterly and joked, but Kana finally got up from the ground with hindsight, blushing, patted his butt, and did not forget to pull Xie Chen up on the ground.

"Empty... Kongmu? Are you Kongmu?"

Kana finally remembered where these eyes had seen him before, when they were in the truck heading to the Far East branch.

Kanai is sure that this person is the empty Mulian Hua she had seen in that truck!

No, Kanai immediately thought that this person was definitely not the empty wooden lotus flower, because apart from the familiarity, nothing else in front of the man was like the empty wooden lotus flower at the time.

"I... did I meet you somewhere?"

Kana asked tentatively again, and Xie Chen was a little speechless at the moment, unable to answer. Silence, he can only remain silent.

Seeing Xie Chen who was silent in front of him, Kana's brows became a ball, and he stretched out and helped Xie Chen to the bed, "You have a good rest, I will come back later."


Xie Chen opened his mouth slightly, Kana was stunned for a moment, then quickly laughed and asked, "What's the matter?"

Originally, Xie Chen swallowed it back, then waved his hand and said, "What I want to ask is, when can I live."

"You can live as long as you want."

Kana was taken aback for a moment, then laughed. Smiling like a flower, even the setting sun outside the window was dumbfounded, and then he turned and left the room.

"Thank you, I will leave as soon as possible." Xie Chen murmured as he looked at Kanai's back.

"Is the refuge? It's really a good place, but here, how long can it last?"

All of a sudden, many messy thoughts poured into Xie Chen's mind. Xie Chen felt sleepy again. The injured people always need enough sleep to recover faster. If possible, Xie Chen really wanted to keep sleeping like this.

Probably at night, Xie Chen suddenly felt as if something was patted on his chest. He frowned. Xie Chen opened a pair of hazy eyes and looked up with some unclear meaning.

I saw it was Kana, and now the light was on in the room, Kana was leaning over and patted herself gently, Xie Chen sniffed, still the familiar fragrance of grass.

"what happened?"

"You finally woke up." Seeing Xie Chen woke up, Kana was also relieved, and then seeing how Xie Chen was about to get up, he quickly bent down to help Xie Chen cushion the pillow behind him.

Kana's hair swept across Xie Chen's face lightly. Xie Chen only felt a very ordinary shampoo scent swept across, faint, but very good smelling.

"It's so fragrant."

"Huh? What?" After helping Xie Chen up, Kanai asked unexpectedly after hearing the mutter in Xie Chen's mouth, and then thought of bringing in a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and quickly pointed it on the bedside table. Asked the porridge bowl.

"Is this porridge? Well, because meat is a scarce resource, I can only use canned food instead. Only these are the only ones left. I hope you like it."

"Yeah." Xie Chen nodded without explaining anything, then glanced at the porridge bowl and spoon on the bedside table. Xie Chen quickly got up, struggling to reach out to pick up the bowl.

"You lie down and I will come."

Seeing Xie Chen's struggling look, Kana quickly reached out and picked up the bowl on the bedside table, then shook out a spoonful of steaming porridge, thinking about it and blowing it in front of his lips.

"Open your mouth."

"..." Xie Chen was speechless, glanced at the ceiling, then couldn't help but said, "Miss, can you please remove the bandage on my face first, thank you."

Kana made a blush in an instant, then quickly got up and put the porridge bowl on his hand aside, apologized to Xie Chen again and again, and then went to remove the bandages for Xie Chen.

It didn't take long for the bandage on Xie Chen's face to be completely removed. To be honest, now Xie Chen's appearance is really uncontrollable. Kanai Jingguan has been very restrained, but still can't help his shoulders shaking. ..


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