Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 45: Accidentally falling off a cliff

After leaving the building, Xie Chen quickly found the enemy nearby. This area is actually not complicated. The only good thing is that there are more white tails.

White Tail should be one of the few low-level gods that Xie Chen can deal with so far. Yes, the current Xie Chen is too weak, and almost any Desolate God cannot beat him.

Even in the small Desolate God, Xie Chen couldn't beat the cocoon virgin who was not very powerful. As for the other wild gods, they were not even more opponents.

Either find a magic machine as soon as possible, or restore the magic power as soon as possible, otherwise, Xie Chen will only end up with death.

After slaughtering more than ten white tails in this piece, Xie Chen finally recovered some of the nearly exhausted magic power in his body.


Since the beginning, heavy rain has started here. It may be due to the fact that this side is relatively close to the sea, so it is a bit unreasonable to play cards when it rains. Xie Chen has long been used to this harsh climate, so There is no surprise.

After getting rid of the last desolate **** around, Xie Chen reluctantly shook the raindrops on his hair, and then prepared to get up and look elsewhere.

Suddenly there was a strange movement from behind, Xie Chen suddenly turned around in surprise, but I don't know where it came from, but behind Xie Chen, a King Kong was rushed out!

If you put it in the past, a wild **** like Ape King Kong wouldn't be enough for Xie Chen's, but now it's different, and now Xie Chen is not his opponent at all.

"Really, Huluo Pingyang was tricked by the monkey." Xie Chen looked at the dramatic face of King Ape King Kong and couldn't help but smile.

Right now, he quickly ran away. A guy like King Ape was covered with hard armor. If he was left in normal times, Xie Chen would not be afraid of him at all, but now it is different. Now Xie Chen is unarmed, his empty-handed fist is even black. In the case that Yandu couldn't call it out.

Xie Chen didn't dare to deal with that guy casually, so he could only run away.

Aimless, Xie Chen is like a fly without a head. For the first time, Xie Chen has a sense of loneliness that is so great that there is nowhere to live. People only become lonely when they lack security.

Just like Xie Chen now.

In the heavy rain, Xie Chen kept running forward, even he didn't know how far he had ran. Suddenly Xie Chen stopped abruptly, because at this moment, there happened to be a Valzheluo eating in front of him.

This Nima ran and ran back to the gathering place of Fazheluo just now. Xie Chen's heart was broken, but at this moment it was not his turn to complain.

It has to find another place, and it has to be fast! If you slow down, when all those guys pay attention, then Xie Chen really doesn't even have the thought of crying.

Sayazi runs quickly, the farther the better!

Xie Chen has this idea at the moment, but no matter how fast a person runs, can the electricity be faster?

Obviously this was impossible. Xie Chen had the physique of the Balrog, not the Flash, so he had no choice but to be electrified by the static net unfolded by Valzheluo.

A strong high-voltage current instantly rushed to every corner of Xie Chen's body. Fortunately, he was not in the state of Balrog's transformation, otherwise he would definitely not be hurt more.

Kneeling on the ground, a King Ape rushed up next to him quickly. Xie Chen really couldn't do anything about it, but Xie Chen knew one thing, that is, if he didn't do something quickly, it would be dangerous!

Xie Chen frowned, holding on to the feeling of numbness on his body, and hoped that he could move, even if it was the wrong body.

But there was no way, Xie Chen didn't have any ability to do this, and he felt strenuous even to move a finger.

Xie Chen bit the tip of his tongue abruptly, relying on the pain to force himself to stimulate a bit of strength, and then slammed forward, relying on the last magic power in the body to use a instant step and jump out.

Seeing that Xie Chen was able to move, the huge Valzheluo next to him was also shocked. The huge body that had already turned and was about to move suddenly came back, and shot out a bowl of thunder and lightning from the huge pelvis near the neck.

"Damn it!"

Xie Chen gritted his teeth, and now he regrets that when he was dealing with Diaus, why he used the skills of the Lost Demon King, if he left a little magic power, he would never be so embarrassed now.

However, Xie Chen wouldn't say much about this kind of hindsight. After another Vazeluo's lightning bomb in the air, Xie Chen flew straight forward.

After falling to the ground, Xie Chen stood up abruptly without saying a word, letting the strong current from his body invade and swallow. At this moment, Xie Chen can still stand here, completely relying on a powerful mind.

That's right, Xie Chen gritted his teeth at the moment. He still has a choice now, that is, to forcibly turn on the state of Balrog transformation again and quickly kill the two guys in front of him.

Although Xie Chen himself can't stand the forced driving state, Xie Chen is unwilling to take this risk if there are other ways. It is like this in many cases. People are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves.

Xie Chen stomped on the ground with his right foot and raised his brows slightly, trying to forcefully mobilize the black inflammation that was still in his body, just when he was about to finish.

In the distance, the Ape King Kong who had just jumped into the air rushed over, as if going crazy, the speed at which Ape King Kong burst out suddenly shocked Xie Chen.

Before there was any reaction, Ape King Kong had already rushed in front of Xie Chen.

A punch directly hit Xie Chen's face door. Before he could react, Xie Chen was blown out by the Ape King Kong, and not far behind where Xie Chen was standing at the moment was a huge cliff.

"Oh shit……"

Xie Chen's Consummation and the Flame Demon Transformation did not come out in the end, but the strong negative effects that the forcible opening of the Flame Demon Transformation had on Xie Chen's body had already had an impact.

This was the ending that Xie Chen forced the most. The money was given, but the goods did not arrive...

"Damn, don't tell me this... it's over..." This was Xie Chen's last thought when he fell off the cliff.

As Xie Chen's body gradually lowered, Xie Chen's vision on the cliff gradually became blurred.


With a loud noise, Xie Chen directly hit the hard ground under the cliff.

The pool of blood gradually dispersed...


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