Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 37: Fazhela gathering place

The truck in charge of transporting Xie Chen and the others rushed to the target location. Unfortunately, it was still raining today, and it was still a particularly severe heavy rain.

For the divine agents who have been strengthened by the oracle cells, let alone rain, even hail will not affect them, but the narrowing of vision and muddy roads caused by rain is indeed a big problem. , It's like saying that now, Xie Chen glanced at the surrounding environment.

This kind of ground conditions are hard to drive, let alone hunt and kill Vazhela, and Vazhela is still the kind of wild **** who can control electricity, which makes Xie Chen a little worried, but it is a pity that there are people with such worries. It seems to be Xie Chen alone.

After staying in the truck for too long, Xie Chen and the others got off at the destination. The destination was already a place closer to the sea, but I don’t know why the name here was kept relatively intact.

This discovery made Xie Chen a little bit different. He glanced at a church standing in the distance. Good fellow, it seems that every place where Diaus has a church, why is this a flag?

Xie Chen couldn't help but vomit, but after Sajiuye and Fujiki Kota completely found shelter, Xie Chen had to take out the magic machine and follow Alyssa forward, because there was one standing in front of them. A wild **** with fangs and sharp teeth.

"Hey, did you come or me for this thing?"

Xie Chen put the magic machine on his shoulders, and then asked Alisa next to him. As soon as the voice fell, Zuo Jiuye's voice came from the radio.


"I know, I know, we are a team."

Xie Chen curled his mouth with some hippie smiles, and after a glance at the Vazheluo in front, his expression became extremely serious.

"Alyssa, you are on the left and I am on the right. Cut off his feet first."

Alyssa did not speak but rushed out of her own accord. Xie Chen sniffed her nose, looking at the clever back of Alyssa who rushed out on the right, and said helplessly: "Let me just say it, there is no way to tell this guy. What teamwork!"

After speaking, Xie Chen had to carry his magic machine and rush to the left.

With two brushes, the two pillar-like feet of the Valzheluo instantly cracked into two holes. Xie Chen frowned, and then took a quick step forward. The magic in his hand was again One grid brought the entire Valzheluo forward.

This was the only way to completely restrict the attack of this Valzheluo, shaking the awning that somewhat blocked the view, Xie Chen was about to give Valzhel one the last blow, and suddenly heard a warning from the radio, Xie Chen thought. Don't want to jump away quickly.

It turned out that just behind Xie Chen, he didn't know when another Vazheluo appeared. This made Xie Chen a little helpless.

"Alyssa, suppress it with firepower!"

Xie Chen yelled, but the fellow Alyssa was actually attacking the fallen Valzelo, and she didn't know how to do it!

"Grass, this lady will kill her sooner or later!"

Seeing that Alyssa looked completely uncooperative, Xie Chen spit out speechlessly, and then quickly jumped away. The magic machine in his hand quickly twisted the operating lever and switched to the gun form.

Don't blame Xie Chen for being rough, let alone Xie Chen in this case, even the clay figurines have three points of anger. Alyssa's side happens to be the protruding part of the pelvis in the northern part of Vazhela. With one blow, an attack like Alyssa's, it is estimated that this Valzelo won't be able to take another ten strokes.

If she had just listened to Xie Chen's words and chose the left, this Valzheluo would definitely be hers but she didn't. If she listened to Xie Chen's words and switched to the spear form on time to suppress firepower, this Valzheluo would count. It was not killed by Alyssa, it was definitely killed by Xie Chen, there was nothing wrong with it.

But now, Xie Chen wanted to free up his hands to suppress the other Valzelo who came out from the other side, and Alyssa could not kill the fallen Valzelo for a long time.

There will only be one consequence. If nothing goes wrong, the Vazela will soon heal his wound and then stand up again.

At that time, the Fazheluo that Xie Chen and the others need to face has suddenly changed from one to two. You said that this guy who didn't obey the command caused Xie Chen's headache. If possible, Xie Chen really wanted to shoot. The gun broke this guy who had no brains on the battlefield.

There was no way, Xie Chen had to re-enter the war against Vazhela, and the occasional fire support from Sakuya and Kota Fujiki was very powerful, so although the scene was deadlocked, it was not an embarrassing situation.

"Sister Zuojiu Ye, change the bullet to Frost, try to reduce the speed of Vazheluo, and also limit the output of the electrostatic field on Vazheluo by the way."

"Frost Bomb?" Zuo Jiuye asked in a puzzled sentence, then glanced at the heavy rain next to him, and suddenly asked, "Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

"..." Cold...cold is better than death, Xie Chen is already unable to complain at this moment, is this Nima still a god-eater? Are you still here to hunt the desolate gods? Are you on vacation in Hawaii and care about the temperature?

"Hurry up, I can't help it anymore!" Xie Chen groaned, swept away the head of the Vazheluo with a sword, quickly switched to the cannon form, fired a sharp shot, and knocked the Vazheluo. Luo Zhen drove a distance.

Zuo Jiuye didn't hesitate now, and hurriedly pressed out a frost bomb, and the frost bomb that exploded instantly reduced the temperature around Xie Chen to zero.

The military industry of the Far East Branch is indeed the conscience of the industry. Xie Chen sighed without tears. The ice factory Sprite and other things are really weak. This Nima is the true ice power.

However, the temperature suddenly dropped to zero, which indeed reduced Vazheluo's mobility a lot, but Xie Chen, who was also in the middle of this icy mist, felt that his limbs were stiff at this moment.

Fortunately, the magic machine in his hand was still in the cannon form. Without a word, Xie Chen quickly escaped from the ice mist here with the recoil of the cannon form by pulling the trigger.

After escaping, Xie Chen turned around and took a look at the current situation. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the number of Vazheluo or the atmosphere of the surrounding environment.

Hurry up and get rid of that Vazheluo, Xie Chen sighed and walked with the divine machine image that hadn't stood up yet. ..


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