Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 33: Fujiki Kota's growth

Unknowingly, three hours have passed. Thanks to the timely intervention of Amamiya Tsubaki, the difficulty of the training ground has been modified, and various wild gods that originally appeared randomly have become limited to medium-sized wild gods and small wild gods.

In addition to Xie Chen's performance that made Amemiya Tsubaki a surprise, Fujiki Kota's growth was also enough to surprise Amamiya Tsubaki.

It's not that Fujiki Kota has a high kill rate, Fujiki Kota is not as good at fighting as Xie Chen or Alyssa, so it is impossible to expect him to have a high kill rate.

However, Fujiki Kota, who has been in the rear, has the highest participation rate in the game. To put it bluntly, it is an assist. In the entire battle, Fujiki Kota participated in almost 80% of the kills. You must know the efficiency of killing the gods. Xie Chen or Alyssa are both high and outrageous.

However, in this kind of high-traffic team, Fujiki Kota can guarantee such a high participation rate, which is particularly terrible. From the perspective of the ability to find enemies, Fujiki Kota is definitely a first-class sniper.

And Tsubaki Amemiya can also see that Xie Chen specially cultivated his ability to fight alone. As a former sniper, Tsubaki Amemiya knew the importance of this ability, and with such special training as Xie Chen , Amemiya Tsubaki believes that after these six hours, Fujiki Kota will definitely benefit a lot.

It’s just that Tsubaki Amemiya didn’t expect that, as a combat master, Xie Chen had such a good sense of training. He was good at discovering the strengths and weaknesses of different arms. He would also be a very good instructor when he retires in the future. indefinite.

Xie Chen in the field has always been very low-key, never chasing anyone, just hunting down the wild gods around him. But Alyssa is different, she seems to be pursuing the average number, and she is very aggressive.

Xie Chen glanced at Alyssa in the distance and couldn't help but frown. According to her killing method, she would never last for six hours. She would be exhausted in six hours, at most four hours. Up.

Suddenly Xie Chen didn't understand what the fellow Alyssa thought, and then glanced at the scoreboard floating in the sky, Xie Chen had a brow.

I saw that the number of kills counted above was one hundred and seventy-eight, while Alyssa had only one hundred and fifty. Is it because of this?

However, according to Alyssa's strong personality, it might be because of this. Thinking of this, Xie Chen directly switched the magic machine in his hand into a cannon form.

Anyway, killing the virtual gods here can't return his magic power, so Xie Chen doesn't have to do anything like this. He simply switches to the cannon form, and then relies on dexterous steps to avoid the attacks of the gods tide.

That's right, Xie Chen is directly ineffective. From the beginning of the kill, Xie Chen has simply practiced his position. Seeing that her number of kills was about to catch up with Xie Chen, Alyssa was a little confused, turned her head to look for Xie Chen, but the audience couldn't see Xie Chen there.

Just looking at the distance, more and more Desolate Gods have gathered. Yes, the Desolate Gods in this training ground are deployed according to time. If you don’t kill them on time, it is very likely that the Desolate Gods will accumulate. Besides, Xie Chenhuan In this way, you are going to die.

It attracted the attention of the surrounding wild gods at once. In fact, Fujiki Hao discovered Xie Chen's situation a long time ago, but Xie Chen stopped him before he was ready to do it.

Although Fujiki Kota didn't understand the necessity of Xie Chen's doing this, he was still very obedient and didn't care about it, and almost all of the original firepower was concentrated on Alyssa's side. "What the **** is going on there?"

Seeing the denser circle of desolation in the distance, Alyssa didn't understand, she suddenly heard a warning from the radio hanging in her ears.

Then the explosion of a high-explosive bomb sounded in her ears, and Alyssa quickly turned her head back and gave Saibat a sword behind her backhand, smashing the Saibat directly.

"Miss Alisa, at seven o'clock!"

Kota Fujiki's voice came again on the radio, and Alyssa quickly turned her head, raised her hand, and shot a series of bullets at the white tail behind her.

Then carrying the magic machine and ran towards Xie Chen's side, Alyssa directly replaced the fire bullet in the magic machine with a sensory electronic bullet, and then swept at the dense magic machine group.

"No!" Fujiki Kota said it was obviously too late. Alyssa had already pulled the trigger quickly, the submachine gun spewed out tongues of fire quickly, and countless electric bullets came out.

"Lianhua is still inside..."

Fujiki Kota shook his head helplessly, while Xie Chen in the Desolate God Circle was actually paying attention to the surrounding movements. As he pulled more and more Desolate Gods over, Xie Chen's range of activities became less and less. .

When Fujiki Kota's voice came out of the radio, Xie Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he quickly reacted. There are too many gods here, so Alyssa must have used a chain reaction electric bomb. Ma was electrified once last time, so Xie Chen was relieved in the afternoon. If she was electrified once, she would have to go on a mission tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Xie Chen quickly jumped up, the magic machine in his hand was still in the shape of a gun, so he pulled the trigger again and again, stepped on the shoulder of an ape King Kong, and then suddenly turned over and flew to a very high altitude. .

Seeing Xie Chen who suddenly jumped out, Alyssa realized why Fujiki Kota had just opened her mouth to stop her, and saw that Xie Chen just flew out, and a large amount of similar voltage burst out in the Desolate Circle below as Pikachu put one hundred thousand volts.

Xie Chen frowned, then fired again and again.

One is to stabilize his figure in the air, slow down the speed of landing, and avoid falling into the electrostatic field below.

Secondly, he can also take the opportunity to earn a little bit of points and make up for damage, and there is also Fujiki Kota who has the same consciousness as him. This assist king will be regarded as full of firepower.

The firepower of the three areas poured out like a meteor, and it didn't take long for Xie Chen, Alyssa, and Fujiki Kota to clean up the desolate circle below.

After landing, the virtual gods have disappeared into data, and the simulation scene of the entire training ground is slowly restored. ..


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