Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 31: On the training ground

One day off, Xie Chen almost spent his dormitory and training room, as for shopping invitations similar to Fujiki Kota.

That kind of thing Xie Chen didn't want to be pitted for the second time in his life, and since the return of Guboluo's mission yesterday, the guy Fujiki Kota seemed to become much less talkative.

This was indeed beyond Xie Chen's expectation. He originally thought that Kota Fujiki would always have a smile on his lips, but he did not expect that he would become so depressed after a field mission.

After thinking about it, it seems that the whole plan to hunt Gupolo didn't make him much effort. It seems that this is probably the problem of the guy Soma. With that cold-blooded to abnormal guy, it is no wonder Fujiki Kota laughs so often. The guy who drove became cold.

Sure enough, facial paralysis is contagious. After thinking about it, Xie Chen thinks that next time when assigning tasks, he should let Fujiki Kota try his best to team up with Amemiya Gentiana or Sakuya. Among the elderly, these two guys are not bad. In the past, as for Soma... that guy is not a human at all, and that guy is a humanoid god.

In the afternoon, Fujiki Kota also appeared in the training room, which surprised Xie Chen somewhat, because the person who came with him actually had Alyssa's super facial paralysis comparable to Soma.

It stands to reason that Alyssa should still be receiving that strange treatment right now. Xie Chen really didn't want to make too many comments on this magical agent who only relies on tranquilizers to face the gods.

Just as she pleases...

Seeing Xie Chen's training room light on, Fujiki Kota was obviously a little surprised, and he simply waited outside for Xie Chen, until he finished training and quickly greeted him.

"Oh, Lianhua, I didn't expect you to be so diligent."

Hehe, yeah yeah...

Xie Chen showed a helpless expression, then pointed to Alyssa and asked Fujiki Kota: "Why are you here with her?"

"Oh, Alyssa." Kota Fujiki glanced at Alyssa standing next to him and explained with a smile: "I just ran into her at the elevator entrance, and then we came up together."

Xie Chen nodded and didn't ask much, but Fujiki Kota spoke first: "Soramu-kun, are you still going to the training ground?"

"Yeah." Xie Chen nodded. He really wants to go to the training ground. He has always believed that the most invulnerable attack speed is the world's martial arts. And the fastest offensive method is conditioned reflex. If he can be familiar with the movements and habits of each kind of wild god, then he will surely make his cells fully memorize the best means to deal with each kind of wild god.

And a place like the training ground is simply a place tailored for this kind of tactics. With the training ground of the Far East branch, Xie Chen is confident that he can figure out the way to kill all the gods in the shortest time.

Of course, this method only has an effect on all the wild gods below the large wild gods. Once it reaches the high-level wild gods, such as Diaus, the super-large wild gods, it basically has no effect.

Firstly, because that kind of wild **** has super high intelligence, whether it is reaction or other things, it is far from ordinary wild gods can compare, and secondly, the training room of this extreme east branch does not include any super-large wild gods at all. , So even if Xie Chen had this idea, he couldn't put it into practice at all.

"Kun Kongki should we do a collaboration mission, I am a machine gunner after all, different from your new models." Fujiki Hirota thought for a while and asked Xie Chen tentatively.

"Okay." Xie Chen thought for a moment. After all, Fujiki Kota is an old machine. Maybe in terms of himself, Fujiki Kota is a little unconfident, so it is better to arrange special training for Fujiki Kota now, so that it will be implemented in the future. During the mission, I also have more protection on my side.

Xie Chen just agreed to Kota Fujiki's request, and Alyssa, who had been standing next to her, also followed suit.

"Empty Mulianhua, I want to fight heads-up, one-on-one, let's do it again."

"Huh?" Xie Chen was a little bit confused by the monk. Which one did Alyssa play? Why suddenly he was about to fight himself, Xie Chen directly refused without thinking.

"Impossible. Our task is to fight against the gods, not against people. It makes no sense for you and me to stand alone."

"Well, I request to join your simulation training."

"..." Xie Chen was speechless for a moment. Does this guy dare to express her intentions more clearly? However, Xie Chen really couldn't think of a way to refuse this request.

He glanced helplessly at Fujiki Kota, but he didn't expect that this guy was not on the road at all. He nodded and said: "Yes, the three of us are originally a team. It's great that Alyssa can join."

Good girl! Xie Chen rolled his eyes angrily. This guy obviously came to him. He really didn't know if Fujiki Kota was really stupid or a fake stupid, but there was obviously no way to do it. Xie Chen nodded.

"Let's go, let's go to the biggest training room together."

Alyssa spoke, and then turned straight to lead the way, while Xie Chen who was walking behind couldn't help knocking Fujiki Kota's head.

"I said Kota, what do you think, let that pervert join in."

"No." Fujiki Kota stuck out his tongue at Xie Chen, "I feel Kongki-kun, you are also a pervert."

"..." Although he knew that Fujiki Kota was complimenting himself, why couldn't Xie Chen feel a bit of joy? Can this Nimaquan person praise him for being so fresh and refined? It's really up...

"What are you doing for you?" Seeing Alyssa standing at the door of the training room, Xie Chen couldn't help frowning. A bad feeling suddenly came to his heart. Shouldn't this guy...

"Choose mission mode." Alyssa replied blankly. Xie Chen was speechless. Of course nonsense knew that this guy chose a mission, but does it take so long to choose a practice mission? What's a joke, you should be a serious attack mission!

"All right."

Xie Chen just wanted to say something, only to hear Alyssa suddenly say. ..


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