Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 24: Attack!

Early the next morning, Xie Chen put on a specific battle uniform and came to the command room to gather. Xie Chen was not the first to come. When he came here, Zuojiuye and Captain Amomiya Gentiana had already been there. Ready to be here.

Not long after that, Alyssa and Fujiki Kota also walked in. The last person who came in was Soma. This looking very cold guy was the last person Xie Chen wanted to contact in the whole team.

Looking at the people who had arrived, Amamiya Gentiana stood up from the rocking chair in the command room, clapped his hands vigorously, and walked in front of them.

"Hey, everyone is here, let's go, today's task is still a bit troublesome." Amamiya sighed and opened the door of the command room directly, and then took the current six establishments of the first unit. Insiders came to the lobby on the first floor.

There, after Gentiana Amemiya and correspondent Hibari Taketa handed over the contents of the mission, they took Xie Chen and the others through the elevator to the parking lot located on the basement floor.

A heavy truck had been prepared for the people of the first unit there, and six people including Amemiya Gentian and Xie Chen quickly climbed onto the truck.

The truck was driven by Zuo Jiuye, and the newcomers Amemiya Gendan and Xie Chen sat behind the truck, and soon the truck left the base of the Far East Branch.

After exiting the armor wall, there was a mess on the outside, and there were still some dilapidated houses in some places, and in some places, only a barren area was left, and even the oldest fern and moss plants had grown on the weathered rock wall.

"Hota, is it your first time to participate in actual combat?"

On the truck, Gentian Amamiya suddenly turned around and asked Kota Fujiki.

Kota Fujiki was taken aback, and then quickly said, " problem, I have been practicing very hard."

Gentian Amemiya sighed, and then lowered his head and said, "Today, if you are in a group of two..." Gentian Amemiya suddenly raised his head, the smoke dangling from his mouth, and a long smoke drifted in the wind. gas.

"By the way, Alyssa used a gun with me, Sora Mulianhua, you used a sword with Zuo Jiuye, Kota and Soma. Well, that's it."

"Understood." Alyssa nodded blankly, and Xie Chen glanced at Zuo Jiuye who was driving. In fact, it doesn't matter how you group, but if the partner is Zuo Jiuye's kind of royal sister, of course it is better.

Among the three newcomers, it is estimated that the most embarrassing one is Fujiki Kota, because the target assigned to him is not someone else, it is Soma's embarrassing late stage cancer.

Kota Fujiki glanced at Soma, who was sitting next to him without a word from beginning to end, and then nodded depressed.


"Today's task is six ancient Polo, each group is responsible for two, must take back the core." Zuo Jiuye's finger on the task display next to the heavy truck, while repeating to the five people sitting behind The content of the task.

"Empty Mulianhua, don't forget to prey after you defeat it."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Xie Chen's face, Amamiya Gentian thought he didn't know how to obtain the core, so he explained.

"The fastest way to recover the core is to prey. Regarding the method of use, predation is a unique function of the sword form of the magic machine, so the task of recycling the core will be handed to you at that time.


Xie Chen suddenly felt stressed, and his physique that would quickly absorb the core as soon as he prey was broken. If at that time, every one of his predators had no core, then...this Nima would be too embarrassing.

Xie Chen didn’t dare to think further down, and hurriedly said to Kong Mulianhua: “Gentiana, or I will use a gun with you, or with Soma. How about it, let Alyssa’s plane? Field and..."


Before Xie Chen finished speaking, he heard a sudden brake and the heavy truck slammed the truck, and then saw Zuo Jiuye opening the door and getting out of the car.

"Ready to fight!"

Amamiya screamed, and then directly picked up his magic machine and jumped off the truck.

"Hey gentian!"

"The group stays the same. Newcomers, you have to believe in your own strength." After Amamiya's genius glanced at Xie Chen, he left a sentence and hurriedly walked to Area C with Alyssa.

"Damn, I really believe in my own strength too much." Xie Chen murmured a little bit, then looked at Soma who was sitting next to him again.

Soma didn't even look at Xie Chen, pulled Fujiki Kota and jumped out of the car and rushed to Area A. Only Zuo Jiuye standing below and Xie Chen sitting on the truck were left near the entire truck.

"No one seems to want you, little brother." Zuo Jiuye shrugged at Xie Chen with an innocent look. I have to say that Zuo Jiuye's chest is very predictable, especially when Xie Chen looks condescendingly now, it seems even more so. Ready to come out.

"..." With a sigh, Xie Chen moved his eyes away from the amorous feelings, then got up and jumped out of the truck.

"Let's go, we seem to be under Zone B alone. Peace of mind, Gu Polo is not very good, it is easy to solve." Zuo Jiuye patted Xie Chen's somewhat discouraged shoulder, and said with a grin.

"Yeah." Xie Chen nodded dejectedly, in a state of recognizing his fate, and being so close to Zuo Jiuye, suddenly Xie Chen became a little uncomfortable, blushing and staggering a little bit away from Zuo Jiuye, then spoke.

"Sister Zuojiuye, you go to a nearby building to find a shelter. I am responsible for luring the enemy and feinting."

Zuo Jiuye looked at Xie Chen with some surprise. She thought she was going to talk about tactics. She didn't expect that Xie Chen, who had just been devastated, would instantly become a capable combat commander.

"So little brother, is your home court today?" Zuo Jiuye asked with a smile covering his mouth.

"Huh?" Xie Chen was taken aback, and suddenly realized that he was a newcomer. When did he take his turn to command combat power, he quickly patted his forehead.

Then a pair of doglegs said to Zuo Jiuye: "My little brother is terrified, please listen to Sister Zuo Jiuye.

"Chuck." Zuo Jiuye couldn't help but laugh, covering his mouth, "No, you can command it, it's good. There is nothing wrong with your tactics, so I will leave it to you today."

After speaking, Zuo Jiuye rushed to the nearby floor to find a shelter with his own magical machine, while Xie Chen stood there, waiting for the appearance of Guboluo. ..


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