Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 273: When the red rain

"It has become interesting."

Makoto said, "You can only laugh now."


The dragon-shaped pattern on the giant axe behind the corner of Madarame began to gradually turn red.

"This Soul Slasher will awaken with the battle."

At this time, in the open space on the other side, Ishida Yulong, Kuchiki Rukia and others surrounded Kujo Wangshi.

"it has started."

Kuchiki Rukia took the lead in drawing a sword and rushed towards Kujo Wangshi. After the blades collided, the light blue spiritual pressure on the blade of Kuchiki Rukia gradually dissipated.

After Kuchiki Rukia jumped away, Chadu Taihu also punched Kujo Wangshi with the giant's right arm. Kujo Wangshi turned around and used a blade to hold Chadu Taihu's giant's right arm.

The spiritual pressure on his right arm was generally absorbed and began to dissipate gradually, and Chadu Taihu jumped back.

At this time, Kujo Wangshi's blade had begun to emit a faint pink light.

Ishida Yulong put the soul-cutting thing on the spirit bow, hesitated for a moment, and shot out to Jiujio Wangshi.

At this time, on the nearby lawn.

The dragon pattern on the dragon-patterned ghost lamp axe on the corner of Madarame has all turned red. Lifting the giant axe on his back, the sharp blade connected with the chain begins to rotate with the turning of the corner of Madarame.

The next moment, Madaramo rushed out towards Gengmu Jianba.

On the other side, Kujowang's utility blade resisted the strong white spiritual pressure brought by the soul-cutting thing.

After the soul-cutting thing was shot by the spirit bow, the impact was extremely strong, and Kujo Wangshi began to slowly retreat.

As Reinpressure was about to touch her eyebrows, he couldn't help but think of what Madarame had said to her by the sink.

"I don't care whether you want to live by yourself or others. If you don't have the courage to let me go, what you can accept will become unacceptable."

"Who is it for me..." The voice echoed in my ears as if the blade was unsheathed, "Yes, this is my soul-slashing knife, Huihong Shiyu."

At the next moment, all the spiritual pressure of the soul-cutting thing seemed to have been absorbed, all poured into the nine Wangshi blades, and the battle soul knife in nine Wangshi's hands emitted a dazzling purple light.

"Wang Shi..." Ishida Yulong murmured while looking at the soul-cutting knife in Kujiu Wangshi's hand.

At this moment, a blast of Reiki sounded from the lawn in the distance.

Kujo Wangshi immediately turned around and rushed towards the source of the explosion.

But at this time, on the lawn on the other side.

After the collision of the spiritual pressure just now, a corner of Madarame had fallen to the ground with bruises.

"Is it over?" Ling Mou Gengmu Jianba said, carrying the Soul Slasher.

"But... damn."

Although it was an attack at the level of 卍jie, it only made a shallow wound on Gengmu Jianba's chest.

Lingwu even more provocatively said Mu Jianba: "I still enjoyed it a bit, but that's it."

Just when Gengmu Jianba raised the Soul Slashing Knife and was about to cut it down at the corner of Madarame, Kujo Wangshi suddenly ran over and shouted, "Stop."

"Huh?" Gengmu Jianba looked at her unexpectedly and said, "Why, did you come here to catch me specially."

"how can that be."

The emerald green light of Reipressure rose up like a whirlwind on Kujo Wangshi.

"Splash it, when it rains when it turns red."


Immediately afterwards, a pink light of Reiatsu burst out from the blade of Kujo Wangshi, and quickly slashed towards Gengmu Kenhachi.

Seeing Lingmu Gengmu Jianba's disappearance by the rays of light, Madaramo smiled lightly and said, "Isn't this amazing."

At this time, the sky over Kuzacho.

"Yeah." Xie Chen of Lingkui appeared in front of Hisagi Shubing and Kira Izuru, tilting his head and said: "It is also a kind of fate to meet here, come and play with me."

Hisagi Xiubing made a cut and murmured, "The character is fundamentally different from the original species, cut it off, the wind is dead."

"Raise your head, Shezhu."

The two liberated the Soul Slasher at the same time and rushed towards Lingou Xie Chen.

"What?" Linghou Xie Chen arbitrarily resisted Hisagi Xiubing, and said provocatively: "Did you use all your strength all at once?"

While continuously waving the sickle in his hand, Hisagi Xiubing said: "How can you save your strength when facing the captain level."

Lingou Xie Chen raised the corner of his mouth, and with a little force on his wrist, he directly repelled Hisagi Xiubing.

"That's right, otherwise it would be too boring."

At the same time, at the riverside of Kurazacho.

The Komamura Zuojin of the corpse also appeared in front of the shooting range Tezaemon and Matsumoto Ranju.

"The opponent is such a small person." Komamura Zuojin raised his head and said: "It's not enough."

Immediately afterwards, crimson spiritual pressure rose to the sky.

At this time, on the lawn of Kuzacho Park.

Ishida Yulong ran towards Kujo Wangshi.

"Are you all right, hopefully."

"It's okay."

After saying these words, Kujo Wang really seemed to have lost all his strength and fell back.

Ishida Yulong immediately caught her and said, "Where is it all right?"

"Annoying." Kujo Wangshi pushed away Ishida Uryu and stood up and said, "It's just a little dizzy."

Ishida Yulong sighed and said, "Really, but what is the structure of your Soul Slasher?"

"Absorb the opponent's strength, turn it into your own strength, and then launch an attack on the opponent. This is the strength of Shi Yu Huihong."

"It's really annoying ability." Ayasegawa Yumi squatted next to Madarame who fell on the ground and said: "It's really a headache to face an enemy like you, Die, thank you."

But at this moment, a golden light of spiritual pressure suddenly rose from the ground.

"It's amazing, woman." Lingou Gengmu Jianba reappeared, "It's funny, I'll be your opponent next."

Just now when Kujo Nozomi lifted the Soul Slasher, Ayasegawa Yumika directly stepped forward to block him and said, "The opportunity is rare, can you take a step first."


Ayasegawa Yumika said softly: "I'm here to avenge the corner, and the corner will ask you."

"Ah, wait..."..


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